Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea, in the Light of Marine Seismic Reflection Data

Abstract: The seismic data elucidated especially the Upper Miocene and Plio-Quatemary units in detail. However, the deep seismicinformation is not so clear because of acoustic masking of the evaporitic high velocity layers.In the both Antalya and Mersin Basins the evaporitic units, which are seen locally in the shape of diapiric features, are marked by theboundary of the non-evaporitic units where laterally change occurs.The seismic data suggest that the Antalya and Mersin Basins are controled technically by the vertical movements. Especially, thesubsidence has played a main role and, novadays, that is still active.Several opinions have been proposed by the authors, concerning the evolution of those basins. In general, the region doesn`t fit in withan ideal plate tectonic`s model, so the opinions remain controversial.