Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Analysis of the Tectonic Problems of Western Anatolian with the Gravity Data

Abstract: Up to now the various evolution models have been put forward for the Western Anatolia from the interpretations of geological, sesismological and remote sensing data. Here, a new probable model was proposed from the results of the data analysis and theoretical model studies over the Bouguer gravity data where the older models were examined too.The faulting mechanisms for the Western Anatolia were obtained to be belong to the faults of having vertical and strike-slip componentes of a region of typical tensional tectonics as being determined from teh earthguake focal mechanism solutions. After the dataanalysis processe, the gravity data show a general increase in values from east to west where this is indicative of upper matle uplift towards the Aegean Sea and the crust is being 30 km thick on average unden the Aegean Sea while it reahes about 35-40 km determinedfrom the power spectrum evaluations have been thought to have connections with the magmatic intrusions and this proposal has beensupported with the magnetic data. The region which hs manya geophysical signatures belongs to the typical tensional continental areas,shows resemblances with the Basin and Range region of North America of having similar characteristics.When all the available data being interpreted together, a probable evolution model of the Western Anatolia would be assumed tobe progressed according to the N-S tensional tectonics. According to the above evolution model, the grabens of Gediz and B Mendereswere thought to be formed ak E-W trending continental rift systems