Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Mammalian Fauna of Alçıtepe (Gelibolu Peninsula) Surroundings : Perissodactyla Foundings

Abstract: The vertebrate fossils of the Alçıtepe surroundings (Gelibolu Penninsula) include Anchitherium sp. from Nebisuyu,Hipparion primigenium Meyer, Chilotherium habereri (Schlosser) and Diceros pachygnathus (Wagner) from Sığındere, andHipparion mediterraneum Hensel from Değirmendere. The Değirmendere fauna has been recognized first in this study, on the basisof correlations with the Eurasian and African fauna, a late Middle Miocene age for the Nebisuyu fauna, an early Late Miocene age for theSığındere fauna and a middle Late Miocene age for the Değirmendere fauna can be established. The paleoecologic characteristics of the faunal assemblages are suggestive of a savannah environment for the Nebisuyu fauna, a forest-savannah for the Sığındere fauna and a steppefor the Değirmendere fauna.