Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Istranca Orogeny; Circum Black Sea Cimmerian Orogenic Belts and Massive Sulphide Deposits

Abstract: Istranca Massif consist of deep level granites and high grade gneises (Kırklareli Complex) of Precambrian and Hercynian age; various meta sedimentary rock of platform and pelagic types and meta-volcanic and plutonic rocks of basic affinity (IstrancaMetamorphic Belt) of Triassic-Jurassic age; and shallow level volcno-plutoni complex (Istranca Batholte) of late Cretaceous age.Kırklareli Complex thrusted northeastward over the Istranca Metamorphic Belt which extends in NW-SE direction. Istranca Batholite emplaced in a zone trending direction in the Istranca Metamorphic Belt.Istranca Cimmerian Orogenic Belt extends to the East Thracian-Circum Rhodope Cimmerian belt in the southeast, and to the KüreCimmerian belt in the east. Dobruca, Crimean, Southern Slope Cimmerian Orogenic belt form the northern cast o Black Sea today.Before the opening of the Black Sea basin, Circum Rhodope, Istranca and Küre regions in the south Dobruca, Crimea, SouthernSlope Cimmerian Orogenic belt are involved in a single Cimmerian basin. The Basin was opened as a consequence of the southeast wardmoving of Africa relative to the European platform due to the Atlantic opening. The orogenic belt was developed by the closing of theCimmerian basin during the pre late Jurassic time.Küre, Great Caucasian Southern Slope and Istranca Cimmerian orogenic belts involves massive sulfide deposits which were generated associated with bimodal (basalt-rhyolite) rift volcanism related with the opening of the Cimmerian basin.