Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Petrology and Genetical Interpretation of the Sarıcakaya (Eskişehir) Volcanis

Abstract: Volcanic rocks cropping out around Sarıcakaya (Eskişehir) in Middle Western Anatolia have beenpetrochemically analaysed and they have been correlated with the similar volcanics surrounding the region. Their originhave also discussed. Eocen volcanic are of andesitic type. They consist of at least two volcanic phases and they showcalc-alkaline characteristic. In other words, Eosene is represented by andesites with calcalkaline affinities. Petrochemicalcharacteristics of the Sarıcakaya volcanics indicate that they have been derived from the continental crust.Conglomerate-sandstone-claystonc-marl sequence of Paleocene age is covered by andesitic lavas during Eocenevolcanism.