Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

An Example on the Planktic Foraminifer Zonation of the Eastern Mediterranean Province : Tertiary Sequence of Mut Basin

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to reveal the Neogenestratigraphy dependent upon foraminifer and ostracode fauna.In the region, 29 planktic foraminifer species were determined in the Lower-Middle Miocene and the following biozones wereestablished in the Burdigalian-Serravallian interval :Globorotalia mayeriOrbulina suturalisPraeorbulina glomerosa curvaGlobigerinoides trilobusHaving compared these zones with the previous results obtained in the region Mediterranean. New Zeland. Nord Karabian, Antalya-Korkuteli, Antalya-Mut-Adana Basins, Silifke Region and Tropical Zone, the similar results were seen. It wasindicated that the sea level change deeper to shallow from time to time in the Burdigalian-Serravalian by considering envirenmental characteristics of foraminifer and ostracode fauna.