Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Biostratigraphy of Pelagic Limestones of Aktaş (Kızılcahamam) Region

Abstract: The pelagic limestones locating in the studied area rich in Calpionellids. Three stratigiraphic culumnarsections were mesured to study biostratigraphy of calpionellids and to define the boundray of Jurassic-Cretaceous. Thethickness of the unit is about 500 m. According to sedimantologic and petrographic studies of thin sections, this limestones are generaly micrite, locally pelmicrite, sparite and pelsparite. At the bottom there is a dolomitic level and at thetop there is a breccic level which are both 15-20 m. in thickness. However the paleontologic studies are pointed outthat, the limestones are Tithonian-Albian age and content 6 calpionellid biozones which are Crassicolaria intermediazone (At the bottom of Upper Tithonian), Calpionella alpina zone (at the top of Upper Tithonian), Calpionella ellipticazone (Early Berriasian), Calpionellopsis simplex-Calpionellopsis oblonga zone (Late Berriasian), Calpionellites darderizone (Valanginian) and Tintinnopsella carpathica zone (at the top of Valanginian). All these zones are compared withstandard Calpinoellid zones and the other previous studies. On the other hand a table drawn showing the stratigraphicaldistribution of Calpionellid species. The boundray of jurassic-Cretaceous is on the 270 m. with appearence of Calpionella elliptica CADISCH.