Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Biostradigraphic Investigation of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene Units Around Çünür Village (North ofİsparta) Based on Planktic Foraminifera.

Abstract: This study, based on planktic foraminifera, reveals the detailed biostratigraphic subdivisions of theUpper Cretaceous-Eocene unit, outcropping in the Çünür Village and clossed area, 10 km North of İsparta City.Thirty-one planktic foraminifera species have been identified and six planktic foraminifera zones have been defined inthe sedimentary rock samples taken from the measured stratigraphic sections in the investigated area.In the Upper Cretaceous (Maestrihctian): Gansserina gansseri and Abathomphalus mayaroensis zones, in theLower Eocene (Ypresian): Morozovella formosa formosa, Morozovella aragonensis, Acarinina pentazarcmata zones, inthe Middle Eocene (Lutetian): Acarinina bullbrooki Zone.The planktic foraminifera zones have been correlated with the other studies for the same stratigraphic level the world.The study showed that the defined planktic foraminifera assembleges belong to the temperate region.