Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geotectonic Position and Metatnorphic History of the Menderes Massif

Abstract: The gneiss complex which consists of augen, granitic and banded gneisses and migmatites, occurs atthe lowest level of the metamorphic sequence in the menderes Massif. This unit is conforambly overlain by the metavolcanics (leptites) and these metavoleanics are covered by a schist series with an apparently conformable contact*The schist series mainly consist of kyanite-staurolite-garaet schist at the lower levels and garnet-mica schist at thei. upper levels. The schist series conformably overlain by the platformtype marbles-with emery lenses. Paleocene aged redcoloured, thinbanded marbles occur at the uppermost level of the metamorphic sequence in the Menderes Massif, Theposimetamorphic granodioritic and gabbroic plutons are the other units of the rock succession of the Massif,It is possible to observe all the succession of the metamorphic zones from the low-grade to high-grade mefamorpÄcconditions in the Menderes Massif. The presence of the widely-developed migmatites in same places and the variation ofthe metamorphic conditions from the diaspore/corundum isograd to sillimanite-orthoclase assemblage at the lowest level| of the sequence indicate that in the course of the metamoiphism, the temperature and pressure conditions have prevailedbetween 420-650°C and 5-6,5 Kb. respectively.The age of the gneisses was determined to be about 500 Ma using Rb/Sr radiometric technique. This evidence suggests that the first metamoiphism of Menderes Massif occured between Cambrian/Ordovician and the metagranodioriteswhich are assumed to be product of the first metamoiphism, were dated about 480 Ma, The metavolcanics (leptites)which are regarded to be surface*equivalents of the metagranodiorites, show a great similarity with the Pan-African arcivolcanics in terms of age, chemical composition and geological setting. The same aged*inigmatitic rocks (462 ± 48Ma) are also observed at the Cyclade Islands which are regarded to be Western extention of the Menderes Massif* According to these evidences, it may be suggested that, at least, these major units of the Menderes Massif are the parts of theEburaean Craton situated at the present position of the NE Africa,The sequence of the Massif continued until Paleocene, was subjected to the "Main-Metamorphism11 which has giventhe present position of the Menderes Massif related to ttie thrusting of the Lycian nappe comlex between Paleocene-LateEocene time. This metamorphism which was taken place under the medium Pressure/high temperature contions, givenrice the formation of the Borrowian-Type mineral assemblages.