Stratigraphy and Environmental Interpretation of the Tectonic and Neotectonic Units Around Dirmil, Burdur and Its Southern Side
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explain stratigraphy and depositional environment of the units aroundDirmil (Burdur) on the SW Anatolia. The units are divided in the two groups, the young sediments of Neogene andpost-Neogene age and older sediments of Upper Triassic-Eocene age. The older ones are technically situated at thepresent time, and dominated by neritic fades during the Upper Triassic-Lias time» hemi-pelagic facies during the Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous time, detritic facies after the Uppermost Cretacous time concerning depositional environment. Theyoung deposits are represented by continental deposits of lacustrine facies.