Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Stratigraphy of Zile (Tokat) Region

Abstract: In this study, the sttatigraphical characters of Züe (Tokat) are clarified in detail. Hie base of the studied area which are named as Turhal metamorphifces is the tow grade metamorphose rocks as quarteite,micaschist, calcschist, epidot-schist» milonite-gneiss, metosandstone ve metaquartz-sandstone in Peimo-Triassic age, Permian limestone became marble blocks after metamorphism and located in Permo-Triassic matrix.The basement rocks are unconformably overlain by Carcurum Formation (Upper Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous) consistingif red- pink limestones.Carcurum Formation is unconformably covered by Hacılar Formation of Maesttichtian age. The paléontologie investigation of several samples taken from Savcı member consisting of clayey limestones and Kayganlı member consisting of sandylimestones of Hacılar Formation indicate that there planctonic forminifer biozones such as; Globotruncana havanensis,Gansserina gansseri and Abathomphalus mayaroensis,£- During Lutetian transgression, Çekerek Formation was unconformably located on Hacılar Formation, This formationcontains conglomerate, sandstone and clayey limestones. These rocks are overlain by the shallow marine faciès of gypsium,tuff and claystone of Pliocene Kemerkaş Formation showing angular unconformity. The youngest rocks are Quaternary gravels and pebels in the studied area,Laramian, Anatolian and Pkenian phases are important in the geological evolution of this area. The several NE-SW foldings and overthmsts which are parallel each other are seen in this tectonic region.