Petro Genetic Investigation of Volcanites in Around of Rahmanlar (Selendi-Manisa) Cu-Pb-Zn Deposit
Abstract: Autcropted vulcanites are scattered very wide area in western Anatolia One of these is Rahmanlar(Selendi-Manisa) Cu-Pb-Zn deposit. The volcanites in the near vicinity of Rahmanlar Cu-Pb-Zn deposit are far most important, with respect to genetic formation of mineralisation,m In the investigated area, volcanites autcropted in two different places are observed in lava flows and agglomerates, Alkaline Küçüksoğanlı volcanites are often formed from dacite and rhyodacite, CalcaUcaline Rahmanlar volcanites are formedas basalttic andecite trachyandecite and andésite. When the volcanites in investigated are considered by plate tectonics, it could be said that these are the products of Kucuksoğanlı volcanites continental shells which appeared firstly in Miosen. These volcanites were thought to occur bymelting of the thick Menderes massive as a result of deep-anatectonism and eruption through the discontinuity of grabensistems due to compression tectonizm occuring over West Anatolia. Rahmanlar vulcanites were formed by mainly basaltic and partly andesitic volcanisms by differentation of tectonic regime with the effect of thick sediment (basin formation) during the further discontinuity.