Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geochemistry and Geostatistical Investigation of the Magnetites from Metamorphic Deposits of Avnik I Bingöl and Interpretation of Their Genesis

Abstract: This study investigates concentrations of Fe-group trace elements, their statistical distributions andrelation in order to obtain new data which are useful in integrating the genesis of the deposits.The geochemieal investigations show that the Sn 33, Fe 13, Pb 10, V and Mo 6, Cr and Ni 2 limes enriched inAation to their Clarke values, In contrast to those, elements Al 48, Cu 6, Mg 4, Tİ3 and Mn 2 times impoverished.Especially the enrichment of Cr and Ni supports intrusive-magmatic thesis on the ore genesis.All the investigated elements, expect Cr, Mo and V show lognormal distributions* These can be considered asimportant indications to a intrusive-magmatic origin»I The correlation and regration analysis show significant positive correlations beetwen Co-Zn, Pb-Zn, Cr-(Ni+V),Mo-Mo/Sn and Mg-Mg/Co. Those relations are to be seen only in magmatic diiferetiations. These results indicate thatthe apatite bearing-magnetite ore deposit of Avnik as intrusive-magmatic ore deposit.