The Stratigraphy and Tectonics ofVAkdağ Metamorphics and Their Cover Rocks in the South of Yıldızeli (Sivas-NE Central Anatolia)
Abstract: In the south of Yıldızeli region mainly metamorphic and igneous rock of Akdağ massif and its cover rocks of Tertiary age are exposed.The varieties in metamorphic rocks reveal the existence of heterogenous metamorphism processes. This metamorphic suite has been intruded by some plutonic rocks in Pre-Eocene time. The regional metamorphism which isreached to a medium pressure/high temperature level, and the contact metamorphism caused by intrusion have beencompleted by the end of Late Cretaceous.The Akdağ metamorphic series are transgressively coverd by the units of Lutetian age in the south of Yıldızeli. Lutetian is unconformably overlain by the fluvial and limnic lithologies of Late Miocene time. As for the Pliocene rockunits which are exposed in throughout Kızılırmak valley at the south, are mainly represented by fluvial sediments andcover the older series unconformably. The Akdağ metamorphic rocks form a horst structure in the south of Yıldızeli and show normal faulted contacst to Lutetian and the younger units. The compressive deformational period had develeoped as a skin tectonics in the region after Lutetian time.