Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Two Different Type of Cu - Mineralizations of Zahuran (Maden - Elazığ)

Abstract: Zahuran and its vicinity are composed of two different units, (1) Middle Eosen Maden Complex which isthe oldest unit of the studied area, is composed of basalt, basaltic andesites, diabase, pillow lavas, sandstone - shale intercalations, red - gray mudstones, calcerous shale and various sized limestone blocks. (2) Lower Miosen Lice Formation is made up of alternating sandstone, shale and marls Lice Formation exposes through a tectonic window under theMaden Complex.The Mineralizations of Zahuran occur in two types; (a) Volcano - sedimantary mineralizations in pillow lavas,(b) Fault zone fillings what appears to be formed circulating hydrothermal solutions in the fault zone, These two typesof mineralizations show different charecteristies in respect two their relations with country rock, mineral assemblagesand wall-rocks alterations.The mineralizations in pillow lavas are roughly bedded and beds are parallel to pillow lava horizons, A wall -rock alteration which is closely related to the mineralization is absent, However a more conspicuos and general alteration is present. Ore minerals of this type are bornite, chalcopyrite and pyrite and in lesser amounts sphalerite, covellite -chalcocite,The fault fillings are concordant to the country rocks and have extensive alteration zones in wall - rock. Ore minerals of the fillings are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and in supergene zones native copper and chalcocite - covelliteare present. The fault filling type mineralizations seem to be formed of the mobilized cations form the pillow lava mineralizations.