Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Talc Deposits of Kırantan (Ayrancı-Karaman) District, Turkey

Abstract: In the sudy area, the oldest outer oping formation belonging to Bolkardağ Unit is represented by Berendi formation (Jurassic Cretaceous). It is overlain technically by Kıraman ophiolitic melange which is emplaced during Companion. Mazı formation consisting of basal conglomarete, clay stone and clayey limestone levels upward, is of Middle Miocene age. The older units are overlain by Mazı formation with an angular unconformity. Divlek formation overlying the Mazı formation conformably consists of oolitic limestone and is of Upper Miocene age.Talc deposits are found within the Kıraman ophiolitic melange especially at Dildeğmez and Dolay area. Talc occurences probably, can be attributed to the fracture systems formed by Prc-Miocene shearing forces. Silica bearing metamorphic and/or acidichydrothermal waters filling the fracturesof serpantin ites had altered the serpantinites and formed the talc deposits. The formationage of talc deposits may be of Late Upper Miocene-Pliocene.Talc deposits were formed as lens-shape. But these deposits were also surrounded by low-quality stockwork types talc occur ances. In the area 75 000 tons of visible and 250 000 tons of probable talc reserve has been calculated. As a result, talc deposits studied in the area possess a quality which satisfy the requirements of color-baked ceramic industry.