Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geological and Mineralogical Investigation of The Gümüşler (Niğde) Sb±Hg±W Occurences and Implications on Their Gold Potential

Abstract: Two types of deposits can be differentiated in the Gümüşler area: 1) veins ofSb±llg±W and associated replacement type Ba-Sb mineralization, 2) disseminations and vein lets of IIg±Sb in brecciated zones. The vein deposits are localised along E-W trending and N-dipping faults mainly in marbles, and along marble-gneiss contacts. Replacement type Ba-Sb mineralization occurs in fracturesand along NE-dipping faults in marble and marble-gneiss contacts, and are structurally above the associated Sb±IIg±W veins.The Gümüşler deposits have a diverse mineralogy including scheelite, barite, stibnite, cinnabar, Sb-sulphosalts and gold. Goldis associated with cinnabar deposition stage, and is locally enriched in near surface zones with concentrations as high as 37.3 ppmat the Mehmetler Yurdu Sivrisi Tepe prospect, but is not economically viable. Silicification is the dominant wall rock alteration atthe mineralized locations of the Gümüşler area but dolomitisation, kaolinisation, sericitisation, cloritisation, tourmalinisation and epidotisation also occur at the periphery of the mineralization.There is a spatial relationship between the Rasih-lhsan deposit and the felsic dykes of Cenomanian age some of which are hydrothermally altered and cut by the Sb±llg±W veins. This indicates a post-Senomaman age for mineralization in the Gümüşler area. A similar relationship is also observed at the Mehmetler Yurdu Sivrisi Tepe prospect. In `this prospect, high gold concentrations are spatially associated with brecciated felsic dykes. This close relationship between mineralization and felsic dykes present inboth occurrences may indicate that mineralization in the Gümüşler area is genetically related to post-magmatic fluids associated with the granitic magmatism.