Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Structural Features of The Bozdağlar Massif to The South of Ilgın and Sarayönü (Konya)

Abstract: The Bozdağlar massif, (NW of Konya), tectonostratigraphically consists of from bottom to top, autochthonous U. Permian - Cretaceous Gökçeyurt group, Mesozoic Çayırbağı ophiolite, and Silurian - Mesozoic allochthonous Ladik metamorphites. U. Miocene -Quaternary rocks consititute neo - autochthonous cover. Both the autochthonous and allochthonous metamorphites, indicates at least three phases of deformation. The first phase produced recumbent folds under high Pi low T metamorphic conditions. The second and the third phases represent post - metamorphic episodes and developed Type 3 ve Type 1 refolded folds. The massif gained its polyphase deformational history and imbricated structures during the Late Cretaceous and following times respectively. The post - orogenic movements during M. - L. Miocene formedlacustrine basins due to block faultings accompanied with volcanism. At E. Pliocene time, rocks of the massif thrusted over the coverunits and finally gravity faultings occurred. All of these movements caused uplift that ranges from 600 to 850 m in the region.