Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Recent Marine Ostracods (Crustacea) around Hovgaard, Horseshoe Islands (Antarctica Peninsula)

Abstract: On the route of the II Turkish Antarctic Expedition (TAE-II) in the NW of the continent of Antarctica,twelve grab sediment samples were been collected from seven different locations at depths of -20 , -60 m betweenKing George, Horseshoe islands in NW Antarctica. The collected samples consist of greenish gray silty clay, fine sandy silt, as well as brownish gray sandy silty clay units containing fine gravel grains.In the Hovgaard, Horseshoe islands, six genera, six species of ostracods were identified: Copytuscaligula Skogsberg, Austrotrachyleberis antarctica (Neale), Australicythere devexa (Müller), Cativella bensoniNeale, Cytheropteron acuticaudatum Hartmann, Loxoreticulatum fallax (Müller). The species are cryophilicendemic ostracods. When the fossil, current findings are compared, Austrotrachyleberis antarctica, whichhas been known since the Oligocene, migrated from Antarctica to South America, Cativella bensonimigrated from South America to Antarctica.