Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Pre - Mesozoic Metamorphic Evolution of the Afyon Metasedimentary Group

Abstract: Regional metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin in Afyon zone are known as Afyon metamorphites which are subdivided in two groups: Lower and upper metamorphites. The metamorphites are unconformably overlain by Anatolian carbonate platform belonging to Middle Devonian to Late Permian.The lower Metamorphite consist of Doğanlar schists, Çakmak quartzite and Sandıklı porphiroid (felsic volcanite). These metamorphism and by three plastic deformation phases (F, F2. F3) for the superposed folding probably during the Cambrian - Early Ordovician.The occurrences of the upper metamorphite consisting of D elikta§ meta - congolemerates. Ballıca phylUte and Iscehisar Marbleare reason for the second metamorphism. The later polyphase deformation (F4, F5, F6, F7) correspond the late stages of the Caledonian orogeny (Late Silurian).Afyon metamorphiles and Anatolian carbonate platform are named as Afyon metasedimentary group. The metamorphic evolution of Afyon metasedimentary group are before Mesozoic and were unconformably covered by Triassic sediments.