Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geochemistry of Silverbearing Manganese Ores of West - Euphrates Sector of Lead - Silver Deposit Keban (Elazığ)

Abstract: In this paper, Ba and related elements Pb, Sr, Mn and Fe contents of investigated ores samples are geocliemically studied. Thestrongly variable barile values in ore reach up to 28%. MnO and FeO are dominant in comparision with BaO and PbO. Field andmicroscopic investigations indicate that barite is the only Ba - bearing phase. Ba values distribution is log - normal and correlateswith S, Pb and Sr positive. The Ba correlation with Ca and Mg is negative. FeO correlate with BaO + MnO positively and can beused for prospection on new mineralizations.Coexistence of barite with Mn and Fe oxides I hydroxides, coarse crystalline barile, itsoccurrence in sulfide ores too, high Pb and low S, Cu and Zn values, the positive correlation between Mn and As and the log - normal distribution of elements support exhalative sedimentary origin thesis for the deposits. Mn - Ba and FelMn-Ba variations showthe similarity of Keban argentiferous MN ore deposit to the exhalative sedimentary deposits En Kafala (Ethiopia) and Stromboli(Greece).