Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Anatolian Diagonal: A Broad Left-Lateral Shear Zone Between the North Anatolian Fault Zone *and the Aegean / Cyprus Arcs

Abstract: Recent detailed examination of the internal deformation of the Turkish-IranianPlateau in the hinterland of Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone, which is related to the collision of theArabian-Eurasian plates, indicates multiple intersection points between the right- left-lateral strike-slip structures explained by an inevitably broad left-lateral strike-slip shear zone,the Anatolian Diagonal.The faults bounding, internally deforming the Anatolian Diagonal were closelyexamined by using high-resolution satellite images, focal mechanism solutions of theearthquakes, published seismic reflection data in the offshore areas. The AnatolianDiagonal is a NE-SW trending left-lateral shear zone having a 170 km width between theCentral Anatolian, the East Anatolian fault zones, an 850 km length between Erzincan, the Cyprus Arc. It has at least four intersection points with the right-lateral North AnatolianFault Zone, the Southeast Anatolian-Zagros Fault Zone. As the offshore continuation of theEcemiş-Deliler Fault of the Anatolian Diagonal, the Biruni Fault reaches the Cyprus Arc,Piri Reis (Mediterranean) Ridge Front west of Cyprus. This structure creates a restrainingstepover with the left-lateral Antalya-Kekova Fault Zone, causes NW-SE trending thrustsof the Florence Rise , Antalya Thrust in the Antalya Basin. There is another restrainingstepover between the Antalya-Kekova Fault Zone, the Pliny-Strabo Fault Zone, where thethrust-controlled northern margin of Rhodes basin developed.In this neotectonic framework, there is no need for the existence of the highly-debatedleft-lateral Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone as an onshore continuation of the Pliny, Strabo faults.In fact, the westerly motion of the Anatolian plate is accommodated by the left-lateral AnatolianDiagonal Shear Zone, Antalya-Kekova Fault Zone, Pliny-Strabo Fault Zone together withthe right-lateral North Anatolian Fault Zone.