Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Paleo Currents *and Submarine Landslides in the Lower Tertiary Sediments of Canlan - Çorum - Yozgat Basin

Abstract: Variouspaleo-current ,and submarine mass- movement directions have been measured in the Lower Tertiarysediments of the region between Çankırı, Çorum ,and Yozgat, all situated to the east of Ankara. An attempt has beenmade to classify the:observed submarine mass-movements on the basis of their slide, flow / current origin. The author.believes that such an approach will. beı usefulin. the: interpretation ofthe sedimentation ,and tectonic activity during theformation of such mass-movements. Measured paleo-current directions have been used for the preliminary interpretationof the paleo-geography of this region.At this stage of the investigations, it appears that this region has basically a complex structural frame. The basement of Çankırı basin, situated in the northern part of this region, has been fractured by ENE - WSW oriented faultswhich were active during Lower Tertiary sedimentation. This basin was connected to neighbouring basins by narrowchannels, NNE - SSW oriented in the west ,and WNW - ESE oriented in the east. The basin as well as these channelshave been filled by various i submarine mass-movement. andpaleo-current material, formed during frequent tectonicactivities.