Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Mesoscopic Tectonic Characteristics and Geological Evolution of the Sultandağları Massif in the Southwest of Çay (Afyon-Turkey)

Abstract: The study area is located in the northwestern part of Sultandağları Massif comprising autochthonous, allocththonous and neoautochthonous units. Autochthonous units is composed of volcanosedimentary Gökoluk formation of Infracambrian age and Upper Jurassic Santas formation containing the carbonate rocks of shallow sea and overlying the former with an angular unconformity. Thedykes of Mesozoic Kocakızıl dolerite cut these formations. Tlie Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician Sultandede formation in conformity with Lower(?)-Middle Cambrian aged Çaltepe limestone, overlies tectonically the autochthonous units. These units are alsooverlain by the Mesozoic aged Hoyran ophiolite and Hacıalabaz limestone olistolithe. All of these sequences is covered by the Pliocene Yankkaya formation and the Quaternary alluvial deposits. The regional discordances point that Assyntic, Caledonian, Hercynian and Alpine orogenies were effective in the area. Gökoluk formation deformed by Assyntic movements and Lower Paleozoic agedsequence were effected from Hercynian and Caledonian orogenic movements. As a result of these movements, the units gained theoverlain deformative geometric forms, being undergone at least three phases of deformation (Fp F2, F3) and the metamorphism. While the third deformation phase (F3) forms the kink band, the renulation cleavages and zig-zag folds; it also deformed the lines developed in the second phase. As a result of the Alpine movements, rifting in Triassic and, nappes and thrust in Senonian were developped. Finally, the crossed block fracturings developed during the tensional and neotectonic period in Miocene were caused the Sultandağları to gain the present horst configuration of NW-SE and NNE-SSW.