Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Study on Involutina Species Found in Taurus Mountains

Abstract: The descriptions of Involutina species are gdven and their stratigraphical levels are discussed. Involutingspecies is found in Turkey (Taurus) in various ages, places and association as follows.

a) Upper Ladinian: Involutina gaschei praegaschei Zaninetti with association of Involutina eomesozoica (Oberhauser), Involutina sinuosa pragsoides (Oberhauser), Endothyra sp., Trocholina sp..

b) Carnian: Involutina sinuosa pragsoides (Oberhauser), Involutina eomesozoica (Oberhauser), with associationojf Endothyra sp., Trocholina sp. and Endothyranella sp.

c) Nonian: All the Involutina species (present in our text) with association of Trocholina permodiscoides Oberhauser and Milioliporsb sp..

d) Rhetian: Norian association of Involutina and their associates are present with Triasina sp.. We thougt it asTriasina biozone.

e) Liassic: Apearence of piliate Involutina species. Involutina Hassica (Jones).