Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Age Determination of Obsidian Bearing Volcanic s in Eastern Anatolia Using the Fission Track Dating Method

Abstract: Obsidian samples from several volcanic fields located in eastern Anatolia (namely: Nemrut Dağı, Süphan Dağı, Meydan Dağı,Kars, Erzurum, Pasinler, Sarıkamış, Muş, Bingöl), have been dated by the fission track (FT) method. Geological maps showing thevolcanics studied in this work have also been compiled. These maps as well as the FT ages shown in this work (from 0.03 Ma up to6.9 Ma), represent a solid contribution towards the understanding of the obsidian bearing volcanics of eastern Anatolia. Young dates (< 1 Ma), in agreement with published measurements, were determined on the west and north coasts of Lake Van. Obsidians distributed along an ideal arc extending from NE (Kars) to SW (Bingöl) gave Upper Miocene-Pliocene ages. Two previous K-Ar agesonly were available for the latter outcrops; several of them were only very recently recognised.