Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Unusual Schizogonic Reproduction in Simplorbites and Orbitoides Genera

Abstract: This paperdealswith asexual reproduction in the me galospheric forms of Simplorbites and Orbitoides genera. Re-evaluations of their various specimens from France and Turkey indicate an unusual asexual schizogonic reproduction. The Orbitoides specimens recently collected from Hekimhan (NWMalatya, Eastern Turkey) also supportthis type of reproduction. The exceptional reproduction on the genera can be given as follows: a) division of me galospheric embryos and formation of new embryos, b) dissolution of parental tests and movement of embryos towards periphery,, c) release of embryos; and d)formation of new periembriyonic chambers and young individuals. In this study, several lines of evidence have been presented in support of such a reproduction process.