Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Ostracoda Fauna of Upper Miocene-Pliocene Sequences at the North of Yenice (Tarsus)

Abstract: The purpose of this investigation is to introduce the ostracoda assemblages of the Kuzgun and Handere formation (Late MiocenePliocene) at the North of Yenice (Tarsus) within Adana Basin. An enviromental interpretation will be proposed with the use of these data. The Kuzgun formation observed broadly in the study area was placed with the units ofpebly sandstone, sandstone, siltstone andclay stone. The result of the paleontological study, 25 genera and 42 species of ostracoda were identified. The Kuzgun formation containing genera such as Aurila, Loxoconcha, Xestoleberis, Cytheridea, Cyamocytheridea, Cushmanidea, Carinocytherideis and Keijella showed that this fauna formation had deposited in the shallow marine environment. In the study area, the Handere formationwas represented by evaporitic units, conglomera, sandstone, stone, siltstone and claystone. No fauna which could give any information about age and environment could be found in the river deposits observed in the evaporitic units and the laterally of this in thefloor levels of the formation. These units were assumed to be paralic environmental product in the characteristic of transition-terrestrial. On the other hand, a Globoratalia suteare Catalono ve Sprovieri belonging to the planktic foraminifera was identified amongthe thin grained units located in the shore environment latarelly of the same units. After evaluation, it was understood that this fossiland the lithologic and the stratigraphic properties of the this units were Messinian old. Over this level, the units of conglomera, sandstone, siltstone and claystone of Handere formation-were presented. Sphaerodinellopsis seminulina (Schwager) ve S. dehiscens(Parker ve Jones) belonging to the planktic foraminifera determined among the thin grained units showed that the environment hadpassed to mar inal conditions at the Early Pliocene time.