Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Tumanpınarı Fe-Mn Deposit, Dursunbey, Balıkesir

Abstract: The Tumanpınarı mineralization is a volcanic rock-hosted, veinlike hydrothermal Fe-Mn deposit located in 35 km west of Dursunbey, Balıkesir. The geology of the study area consists mainly of andesite that form apart of the west Anatolian calc-alkalinevolcanism of Miocene age. Early hydrothermal activity was responsible for four types ofhypogen alteration in decreasing intensity:silisification, hematization, argilic alteration, and carbonitization. The ore stage clearly postdates hydrothermal alteration, as indicated by the occurrence of ore minerals in vuggy cavities and fractures in silica bodies. Major ore minerals are pyrolusite, psilomelane, hematite, and magnetite. Manganite, poliannite, braunite, bixbyite, limonite, and geothite in different amounts accompanyto these minerals. Mineralogical, it was recognized three ore types as dominant pyrolusite ore, pyrolusite+psilomelane ore, andpsilomelane+hematite+barite+limonite ore with pyrolusite. The average contents of the deposit are 27.98 wt % Fe2O3 and 22.40wt % MnO. High As, Ba, Pb, Zn contents of the ore seem to be an important geochemical characteristic of the Tumanpınarı deposit