Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Determination of the Deep Structure of the Gabbroic Rocks within Sulakyurt Granitoid by the Boreholes

Abstract: Sulakyurt granitoid is exposed at the north, western edge of the Central Anatolia. Gabbroic bodies ranging upto 1-2 km2 are outcropped within the Sulakyurt granitoid. This study is aimed toput out the deep structure of the gabbroic rocks within the granitoid atthe depth by 22 boreholes within the area. The granitoids have sinosoidal contact with the gabbroic rocks. The gabbroic rocks aredioritic in composition at the contact with the granitoid. The boreholes data reveal that the gabbroic rocks are extended towards thedepth within the Sulakyurt granitoids. As a conclusion these gabbroic rocks are nonophiolitic which they intruded in the granitoidmagma chamber as a mafic products and they crystallized as a syn-plutonic body.