Geochemistry, Mineral Chemistry and Crystallization Conditions of Late Cretaceous Alkaline Plutonic and Subvolcanic Rocks in Avanos (Nevşehir, Central Anatolia)
Abstract: Karahıdır plutonic and subvolcanic rocks exposed to the northwest of Avanos (Nevşehir) are included inthe Central Anatolian Granitoids. Subvolcanic rocks presenting porphyritic texture with coarse K-feldspar crystalswere emplaced in the region by cutting in the medium-coarse grained plutonic rocks. These rocks, which havesimilar mineral content, contain orthoclase, plagioclase, quartz, amphibole and biotite minerals. According to theresults of mineral chemistry, plagioclases are in andesine-albite-anorthoclase (Ab57-98), biotites are in Fe biotite(annite-sideophyllite), and amphibole are in Mg-Fe hornblende (magnesiohastingsite-ferroparhasite) compositions. Hornblende and biotite compositions represent a subalkalinealkaline magma character. The geothermobarometricresults of the minerals indicated that the Karahıdır pluton and subvolcanic rocks crystallized under the 0.41-1.91kbar pressure (P) and 692-804 °C temperature (T) conditions.Geochemically, Karahıdır pluton and subvolcanic rocks have quartz syenite and dacite porphyry, andesite porphyryand trachyandesite porphyry compositions. They are characterized by high total alkali (K2O+Na2O) content, Feindex value, large ion lithophile (LIL: Rb, Sr, Ba, K) and rare earth (REE) element content and low abundances ofCo, Ni and Sc and a low CaO/Al2O3 ratio and low Mg# value. The rocks exhibit shoshonitic, alkali-calcic to alkaline,metaluminous to peraluminous and ferroan in composition. In the chondrite normalized REE diagram, samplesexhibit enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) with a pattern (La/Ybn=16.3329.80) and negative-Eu [(Eu/Eu*)n=0.390.,66] anomaly. The rocks are relative to the primary mantle, enriched in some large ion lithophile (LIL;Rb, K and Th) and rare earth elements (REE), while depleted in field strength elements (such as HFSE; Nb, Zr, andTi). The Karahıdır pluton and subvolcanic rocks show typical post-collisional aluminum A-type granite featuresbearing subduction component. Plutonic and subvolcanic rocks derived from the lithospheric and asthenosphericmantle, which contains an important continental crust component