Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Heat Transfer Analysis of Active Magma Chambers Feeding Hasan Dağı Volcano and Çiftlik-Bozköy (Central Anatolia) Hidden Caldera

Abstract: In Turkey, 78% of geothermal energy resources are located in Western Anatolia, 9% in Central Anatolia,7% in the Marmara Region, 5% in Eastern Anatolia, and 1% in other regions. The Cappadocia region standsout as an important area where many investments have been made in recent years to increase the potential of the geothermal sector. In recent years, drilling activities were carried out in and around Hasan Dağı volcano to find and utilise geothermal energy. The most important of these was carried out by the 3S Kale Energy company in theÇiftlik-Bozköy region, where temperature values of 295 °C at a depth of 3,814 meters and 341 °C from anotherdeeper drilling at a depth of 3,957 meters were obtained. Numerical modelling studies were carried out using datafrom these two individual drillings. According to the simulation results, the magma chamber (magma chamber roof),which acts as a heat source with a temperature of 600-700 °C at a depth of 7 km and/or 900-1,000 °C at a depth of8 km, must still be actively present in the upper crust to produce these temperature values. Magnetotelluric (MT) studies conducted in Hasan Dağı and vicinity suggest a potential magma chamber witha depth of 4-6 km and a width of approximately the same dimensions, especially in the profiles obtained towardsNigde plain. These MT studies and drilling data were evaluated together and temperature anomalies were obtainedfor possible drilling in and around Hasan Dağı. Accordingly, it is estimated that approximate temperature valuesof 120 °C at 3814 meters, 90 °C at 3,000 meters, 74 °C at 2,000 meters, and 41 °C at 1,000 meters will be obtained from geothermal drilling carried out in the flat areas located southwest of Hasan Dağı. The temperature ascends to 600°C at the equivalent depth beneath the magma chamber of Hasan Dağı.