Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The MIS 9 Terrestrial Carbonate Records in Anatolia and their Palaeoclimatic Implications at Örtülü/Sarıkavak (Afyon), Karahallı (Uşak) and Bahçecik (Gümüşhane)

Abstract: The MIS 9, one of the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) that corresponds to an interglacial period, is considered as an analogue for the present warm period. However, data from terrestrial carbonate sediments for this periodare limited. In this study, records of terrestrial carbonates such as travertine and tufa, which crop out in different locations in Anatolia, were investigated of the MIS 9 interglacial period. For this purpose, the MIS 9 data of terrestrial  carbonates at two locations in SW-Anatolia, (Örtülü/Sarıkavak, Afyon) and (Karahallı, Uşak) were evaluated, and one location from NE-Anatolia (Bahçecik, Gümüşhane). In light of the sedimentological, isotopic and palynological data, the environmental and palaeoclimatic conditions of the MIS 9 interglacial period were revealed. The Örtülü travertines and Sarıkavak tufa, which continued to be precipitated during the MIS 9 period, were accumulated in a depression depositional system and a fluvial system dominated by medium-highly inclined topography, respectively. Karahallı travertines were deposited in a shallow lake margin environment where tectonism was active. Bahçecik travertines were deposited within depression and slope depositional systems. In the MIS 9 period, δ13C stable isotopes values of the Karahallı and Örtülü/Sarıkavak terrestrial carbonates were close to positive (-0.47 to 1.86‰), while δ18O stable isotope values were negative (-9.67 to -8.72‰). However, a significant difference is observed in the stable isotope values of the MIS 9 period in NE-Anatolia. While δ13C isotope values are more positive (4.5 to5.0 ‰), δ18O values are much more negative (–14.67 to –14.6‰). This difference in these carbon and oxygen isotope values is directly related to wetter/drier conditions. According to palynological records, a significant difference was recorded between MIS 9e and MIS 9a, with a changing humidity, relatively. In the light of all data obtained, it can be said that the MIS 9 in Anatolia was generally a milder period, although it showed climatic fluctuations with decreased rainfall within arid conditions.