Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Mineralogical-Petrographic, Geochemical and Petrogenetic Properties of Plutonic Rocks Located on the Eastern Edge of Yozgat Batholith, Türkiye

Abstract: The study area consists of Palaeozoic-aged Kırşehir Block Metasedimentaries, which are represented by Kalkanlıdağ Metamorphite and the Bozçaldağ Formation. The Upper Cretaceous-aged Artova Ophiolitic Melange overlies these basement units tectonically. The Yozgat Batholith cuts these metasedimentaries and the Artova Ophiolitic Melange with a hot contact. However, in the study area, the Artova Ophiolitic Mix is observed tectonicallyon the units belonging to the Yozgat Batholith. The members of Yozgat Batholith in the study area are Karga Quartz Monzonite Porphyry, Karaveli Quartz Monzonite, Kodallı K-feldspar Megacrystalline Quartz Monzonite and Alci Monzogranite. Upper Cretaceous - Palaeocene aged Kötüdağ Volcanite overlies these units. The sedimentary coverrocks in the study area are the Lower – Middle Eocene-aged Baraklı Formation; Upper Miocene – Pliocene-agedKızılırmak Formation and Quaternary-aged Alluvium. Plutonic units belonging to Yozgat Batholith are subalkaline (calcalkaline), generally I-type, metallumino granitoids formed from a hybrid magma which is the product of homogeneous (magma mixing) and sometimes heterogeneous (magma migration) mingling of coeval mafic and felsic magmas. Although these plutonic units were formed in close time intervals, when analyzing the field relations, the formation pattern in the alteration diagramsand the age analysis data (40Ar - 39Ar) geochronological age range 81.48 ± 0.82 Ma – 89.35 ± 0.92 Ma obtained fromhornblende and biotite minerals, it is seen that they were formed in the order of Karga Quartz Monzonite Porphyry, Karaveli Quartz Monzonite, Kodallı K-feldspar Megacrystalline Quartz Monzonite, and Alcı Monzogranite.The plutonic units are within plate granitoids (WPG); which were settled in the region during collisional andpost-collisional uplift (Coniacian – Campanian).