Late Early Miocene and Quaternary small mammals in the surroundings of Söke (Aydm): Preliminary results
Abstract: The Late Cenozoic sediments in the surroundings of Söke are assigned to the Late Early Miocene and Quaternary on thebasis of small mammals from the Söke, Dededağ and Savulca formations. The Söke fauna from the Söke Formation and theDededağ fauna from the Dededağ Formation are correlated with the Orleanian (Late Early Miocene) and theMN4 mammalzone. The Kemalpaşa Mahallesi-I and the Kemalpaşa Mahallesi-II faunules from the Savulca Formation suggest EarlyBiharian (Early Pleistocene) and Toringian (Middle-Late Pleistocene) ages, respectively. The Burçaktepe fauna indicates aLate Early Biharian-Recent age. In the Söke fauna, a new species-A Ibertona aegeensis-is described.