Mineralogical-Petrographical and Geochemical Study of the Karamadan Plüton, Yahyalı-Kayseri, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Abstract: The Karamadazı pluton (Yahyalı-Kayseri) constitutes one of the scarcely exposed granitic outcrops in the middleparts of Tor ides in Turkey. It intrudes the Permo-Tr lassie marble belonging to Bolkardağ unit by forming somemagnetite-type skarn occurrences of which some are economically operated. Although there is no any geological andstratigraphical age evidences about the age of the Karamadazı pluton, just covered by Quaternary debris and alluvium, a Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary emplacement age can be proposed on the basis of regional geologicalcorrelation. The Karamadan pluton is formed by two different types of rocks of quartz dioritic/tonalitic andI e uco granitic in composition which led it to be called a typical bimodal pluton. The mineralogical assemblages of thequartz diontes/tonalites and leucogranites consist of plagioclase(albite + oligoclase) + calcic clinoamphibole +quartz ± biotite ±_ chlorite ± epidote ± apatite ± sphene, and quartz + K-feldspar + plagioclase ± biotite ( ± calcicclinoamphibole instead of biotite in some samples) ± chlorite ± apatite ± sphene, respectively. Mineralogical andgeochemical data, always represent the coexistency of two different magmatic associations composed of quartzdiorites/tonalites and leucogranites which are considered to be derived from different mafic and felsic magmasources, respectively. On the other hand, major and trace element geochemistry data also reveal that both of thequartz diorites/tonalites and leucogranites seem to be the highly differentiated derivatives of their discrete magmasources. The extremely depletion in K, and a considerable enrichment in Na is an important characteristic for thequartz diorite/tonalite type of rocks of bimodal Karamadazi pluton. As to the geodynamics, the calc-alkaline maficand felsic magma sources of the bimodal Karamadazi pluton can be proposed to have been derived from mantle andcrust, respectively, in a post-collisional situation. Some advanced geochemical studies such as REE,geothermobarometry based on mineral chemistry, absolute age dating and isotope geochemistry would beappreciated for better understanding of some processes involving assimilation, assimilation-fractional crystallization,replenishment-fractional crystallization and metasomatism during the evolution/solidification of magma source(s) inthe petrogenesis of bimodal Karamadazi pluton.