Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

New Facts on The Genesis of The Akseki - Seydişehir Bauxite Deposits

Abstract: The most important bauxite deposits, that have actually been exploited in Turkey, are found in Western Taurus, inthe Akseki-Seydişehir region. These bauxites fill fossilized dolines and morpho-tectonic depressions (up to 40m, deep), but mayalso be found as stratiform deposits. The prebauxite karstification is very unevenly developed and no indication of continentalalteration is noticeable outside of these deposits. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the underlying, limestones and their comparison with the bauxitic materialshow, that they are totally independent. This fact confirms that the bauxites are alloehtonous; and emphasizes the impossibilityof the autochtonous "Terrarossa" theory. The discovery of small Gastropods within the bauxite and the presence of typical superimposed sedimentary sequences indicate that the bauxite was deposited in a shallow lagoon - lacustrine environ. The bauxi ticorelies directly over the limestones and gives no indication of insitu transformations of the clays to bauxite.On the other hand, several sedimentologieal and mineralogieal observations prove that the bauxite is of detrital originand was already transported as bauxitic material on a karstified pediplain. The aluminous material appears to havebeen transported as a fine mud in several steps during which the bauxitie evolution continued..The geochemieal study of these deposits indicates that the Akseki-Seydişehir bauxites have not been derived from ultra-basic -acitic rocks.In conclusion, the geological, mineralogieal and geochemieal study of the Cenomanian bauxites and the search of compatibleparent-rocks in the Western Taurus formations involve a genetic relationship with the Cambro-Ordovician basement((Seydişehir schists`),