Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

1982 AĞUSTOS Cilt 25 Sayı 2
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Stratigraphy of the Miocene Clastic Sediments, the Bey Dağları and Susuz Dağ Massifs, Southwestern Turkey
Anthony B. Hayward
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Abstract: The thick Miocene clastic sedimentary sequence (up to 1000 m), which overlies the Bey Dağları andSusuz Dağ carbonate massifs in SW Turkey is defined here in terms of modern stratigraphical usage.The succession which in some areas spans Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) to Upper Miocene (Tortonian) comprises dominantly terrigenous clastic sediments derived from two allochthonous ophiolites, the Antalya Complex inthe east and the Lycian Nappes in the west.Three formations and several members are recognised within the Karakuş Tepe Group, which encompassesthe entire succession.The Salir Formation records the tectonic emplacement of the Antalya Complex on the sedimentary basinfrom the east. Lower Miocene sedimentary sequences, deposited on a submarine fan, become more distal westwardsaway from the Antalya Complex. The sequence is terminated in the Middle Miocene by a thick conglomerate unit(Bağbeleni Member) deposited on an alluvial fan.The Kemer Formation records the emplacement of the Lycian Nappes from the northwest. Lower Miocenesediments pass from alluvial fans in proximal areas, close to the Lycian Nappes, to small submarine fans in distalareas.The Kasaba Formation, deposited on a terrigenous alluvial fan, marks the final stage of emplacement of theLycian Nappes and infilling of the sedimentary basin during the Upper Miocene.The sequence taken as a whole records the emplacement of two allochthonous ophiolites onto a subsidingcarbonate platform. Subsidence was followed by a regressive marine sequence which culminated in terrigenousalluvial deposits.

  • conglomerate

  • Miocene

  • alluvial fans

  • Antalya

  • Brunn, J.H., Graciansky, P.C., de, Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Lefevre, A., Marcoux, J., Monod, O. ve Poisson. A., 1970, Structures Majeara, et correlations stratigraphiques dans les Taurides occidentales: Bull, Soc. geol.Fr. (7), 12, 515-551.

  • Brunn, J.H., Dumont, J.F., Graciansky, P.C. de, Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Marcoux, J., Monod, O. ve Poisson, A., 1971, Outline of the geology of the western Taurides; Campbell, A.S., ed., Geology and History of Turkey de: Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya. Tripoli.

  • Delaune - Mayere, M., Marcoux, J., Parrot, J.-F. ve Poisson, A., 1977, Model<§ devolution Mesozoique de hi pal<§omarge Tethysienne au niveau des nappes radiolaritiques et ophiolitiques de Taurus Lycien, d`Antalya et du Baer-Bassit; Biju-Duval, B. ve Mantodent, L., ed., Structural history of the Mediterranean basins de : Editions Tech Paris, 79 - 94.

  • Dumont, J.F., Gutnic, M., Marcoux, M., Monod, O. ve Poisson, A., 1972, Le Trias des Taurides occidentals (Turquie). Definition du bassin pamphylien; Un niuveau domaine a ophiolite a la marge externe de la chaine taurique: Z. dt. geol. Ges., 123, 385-409

  • Graciansky, P.C. de, 1972, Recherches geologiques dans le Taurus Lycien Occidental: These, Üniversite de Paris - Sud, 571 s.

  • Hayward, A.B. ve Robertson, A.H.F. (baskıda), Direction of ophiolite emplacement inferred from Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of an adjacent autochthon, the Bey Dağları, S.W. Turkey: Geol. Soc. America Bull.

  • Hedberg, H.D., (ed.) 1972, An International Guide to Stratigraphic Classification, Terminology and Usage : Lethaia, 5, 283 - 295.

  • Hsü, K.J., Ryan, W.B.F. ve Cita, M.B., 1974, Late Miocene dessication of the Mediterranean: Nature, 242, 240 - 244.

  • Juteau, T., Nicolas, A., Dubessy, J., Fruchard, J.C. ve Bauchez, J.L., 1977, Structural relationships in the Antalya ophiolite complex, Turkey; Possible model for an oceanic ridge: Geol. Soc. America Bull., 88, 1740 - 1748.

  • Önalan, M., 1979, Elmali-Kaş (Antalya) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi: Î.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Monongrafileri, Doktora tezi, İstanbul.

  • Pisoni, C, 1967, Contribution A L`Etude Geologique De La Region De Kaş (vilayet D`Antalya) : Bull. Min. Res. Explor. Inst. of Turkey, 69, s. 44-51.

  • Poisson, A., 1978, Kecherches gSologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie) : These de Docteur des Sciences, Üniversite de Paris - Sud, 795 s.

  • Robertson, A.H.F. ve Woodcock, N.H., 1980a, Tectonic setting of the Troodos massif in the east Mediterranean : Proc. Int. Ophiolite Symp. Cyprus 1979.

  • Robertson, A.H.F. ve Woodcock, N.H., 1980b, Strike - Slip related sedimentation in the Antalya Complex, S.W Turkey; Ballance P.F. and Reading H.G., eâ., Sedimentation in Oblique - slip Mobile Zones da: Spec. Publ. int. Ass. Sediment. 4, p. 127 -145.

  • Robertson, A.H.F. ve Woodcock, N.H. (baskıda), Alakır Çay Group, Antalya Complex, S.W. Turkey. A deformed Mesozoic carbonate margin: Sediment. Geol.

  • Şenel, M., 1980, Teke Torosları güneydoğusunun jeolojisi. Finike - Kumluca - Kemer (Antalya) : M.T.A. Raporu No, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Tolun, N., 1965, 1:25 000 Antalya P2 4 a2 ve P2 4 as paftalarının jeolojik incelenmesi: M.T.A. Raporu No. 3627, Ankara (yayınlanmamış)

  • Zaralıoğlu, M., 1967, Demre - Finike - Çatallar arasında kalan sahanın detay Jeolojik etüdü: M.T.A. Raporu No. 4027 (yayımlanmamış).

  • About Natural Radioactive Disequilibrium in Köprübaşı Uranium Deposits
    Hüseyin Yilmaz
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    Abstract: At Köprübaşı most of the uranium deposits occurring in tabular lenses in conglomerates and sandstones of the Neogene alluvial fan are oxidized. These deposits can be divided in jarosite - vaylandite - rich andilmenite - magnetite - rich types both of which occur near exposures of metamorphic basement rocks. The unoxi-•dized uranium deposits are called as pyrite - siderite - rich type. Uranium is disseminated in the matrix of conglomerates and sandstones.Uranium contents found by laboratory gamma - ray spectrometric measurements are mostly much higherthan those found by fluorimetric analysis. Radiometric uranium contents (eU) in most deposits are 30 to 40 % greater than those of chemical uranium (U). Thorium contents found in the same deposits range between 40 to 340ppm.Therefore, ore grades in the deposits obtained by the gross gammabore hole techniques are, in fact, the total of radiometric uranium (eU) and thorium contents. Under the light of these data, the reserves of the uraniumdeposits in the Köprübaşı area must be reconsidered.

  • conglomerate

  • sandstone

  • uranium

  • Thorium

  • Dodd, P.H., ve Eschliman, D.H., 1972, Borehole logging techniques for uranium and evaluation; Uranium Prospecting Handbook âa: Ins. Min. Metal., London, 244 - 276.

  • Ostryhansky, L., 1976, Radioactive disequilibrium investigations, Elliot Lake Area, Ontario: Geol. Surv. Canada, Pap. No : 75 - 38.

  • Pipiringos, G.N., Chisholm, W.A., ve Kepferle, R.C., 1965, Geology and uranium deposits in the Cave Hills Area, Harding County South Dakota: U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., No : 476 - A, 1 - 60.

  • Rosholt, J.N., 1959, Natural radioactive disequilibrium of the uranium series: U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 1084 - A, 1 - 29.

  • Stuckless, J.S., ve Ferreira, C.P., 1976. Labile uranium in granitic rocks : IAEA - SM - 208/17, 717 - 728.

  • Yılmaz, H., 1981, Genesis of Uranium deposits in Neogene sedimentary rocks overlying the Menderes Metamorphic massif, Turkey : Chem. Geol., 31,185-210.

  • Notes About the Subdivision and The Age of The Elmadağ Formation (Ankara/Turkey)
    Yavuz Okan
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    Abstract: The investigated area is located at the Elmadağ region (east of Ankara). The aim of this investigation is to establish the problematic age of the Elmadağ formation. This formation is composed offlysch - like sediments and limestone blocks of Carboniferous - Permian - Triassic age which were transportedby gravity - tectonics in the flysch - like sediments. Elmadağ formation shows a single - type flysch - like lithology (only clastic rocks), which, by means of sedimentologic features, can be subdivided in three members. Thesethree members are named from bottom to top as Arabıntaş member, Çakıllıdere member and Devecioğlu member,respectively. Elmadağ formation interfingers with Döşemedere formation which consists of basalt and spilitic basalt.The Irmak formation, an ophiolitic complex, overthrusts on the Elmadağ formation. According to our findings,the minimum age of the overthrusting of Irmak formation on the Elmadağ formation, can be given as UppermostCretaceous.The author, has identified the Werfenian - Hettangian age by the determination of biota and the microfaciesin the limestone pebbles of the fluxoturbiditic conglomerate bodies found within the Elmadağ formation. Accordingly, the age of Elmadağ formation should be Lower Jurassic (Lias) younger. 

  • flysch

  • basalt

  • fluxoturbiditic

  • Ankara

  • Akyürek, B., Bilginer, E., Çatal, E., Dağer, Z., Soysal, Y ve Sunu, O., 1979, Eldivan - Şabanözü (Çankırı) dolayında ofiyolit yerleşmesine ilişkin bulgular: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 9, 5 -11.

  • Arıkan, Y., 1975, Tuz Gölü havzasının jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst. Derg. 85, 17 - 37.

  • Bailey, E.B. ve McCallien, W.J., 1950, Ankara melânjı ve Anadolu şariyajı: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst. Derg., 40,12 -16.

  • Batman, B., 1978, Haymana kuzeyinin jeolojik evrimi ve yöredeki melânjın incelenmesi I: Stratigrafi birimleri : Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Yerbilimleri, 4/1 - 2, 95 -124.

  • Bingöl, E., 1971, Fiziksel (radyometrik) yaş tayini metodlarını sınıflama denemesi ve Rb - Sr ile K - A metodlarmın Kazdağ`da bir uygulaması: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 14/1,1 -16.

  • Bingöl, E., Akyürek, B. ve Korkmazer, B., 1973, Biga Yarımadasının jeolojisi ve Karakaya formasyonunun bazı özellikleri: Cumhuriyetin 50. yılı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Tebliğleri, 70 - 76.

  • Broquet, P., 1980, Melanges - olistostromes - olistolithes • wildflysch - klippes sedimentaires : 26. Cong. Geol. Int., 1980, Resume II, 443.

  • Carter, R.M., 1975, A discussion and classification of subaqueous mass - transport with particular application to grain - flow, slurry - flow and fluxoturbidites : Earth - Sci. Rev., 11,145 -177.

  • Çalgın, R.( Pehlivanoğlu, H., Ercan, T. ve Şengün, M., 1973, Ankara civarı jeolojisi: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst. Rapor No : 6487, yayımlanmamış.

  • Çapan, U. ve Buket, E., 1975, Aktepe - Gökdere bölgesinin jeolojisi ve ofiyolitik melânj: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 18/1,11 -16.

  • Dağer, Z., 1975, Toroslarda bulunan bazı Involutina türleri hakkında çalışma: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 18/2, 151 -156.

  • Erk, A.S., 1957, Ankara civarı petrol ihtimalleri: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst. Rapor No: 2608, yayımlanmamış.

  • Erk, A.S., 1975, Ankara yöresinin genç Paleozoik`i stratigrafisi : Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu, V. Bilim Kong. Tebliğleri, 1 - 29.

  • Erk, A.S., 1981, Ankara yöresinin Jura stratigrafisi: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu, Araştırma Projesi No: TBAG -120, 171 s., yayımlanmamış.

  • Erol, O., 1956, Ankara güneydoğusundaki Elmadağı ve çevresinin jeoloji ve jeomorfolojisi üzerinde bir araştırma : Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst., Ankara, Seri D, No : 9, 99 s.

  • Kristan, E., 1957, Ophtalmiidae und Tetrataxinae (Foraminifera) aus dem Rhaet Hohen wand in Niederösterreich : Jb. geol. Bundesanst., 100, 269-298.

  • Kuenen, H. ve Hubert, F.L., 1964, Bibliography of turbidity currents and turbidites; Bouma, A.H ve Brouwer, A., ed., Turbidites de: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 222 256.

  • Leischner, W., 1961, Zur Kenntnis der Mikrofauna und - flora der Salzburger Kalkalpen: N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont., Abh., 112/1,1-47.

  • Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü, 1968, Stratigrafi Sınıflama ve Adlama Kuralları: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst., Ankara, 28 s.

  • Norman, T., 1972 a, Ankara Yahşıhan bölgesinde Üst Kretase - Alt Tersiyer istifinin stratigrafisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 15/2,180 - 276.

  • Norman, T., 1973, Ankara melânjmın yapısı hakkında: Cumhuriyetin 50. yılı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Tebliğleri, 77 - 94.

  • Okan, Y., 1981, Elmadağ (Ankara) çevresi oluşuklarının stratigrafi sorunları (lito ve biyofasiyesleri) : Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi Jeoloji Bölümü, Doktora tezi, 189 s., yayımlanmamış.

  • Ott, E., 1967, Dasycladaceen (Kalkalgen) aus den nordaipinen Obertrias: Mitt. Baler. Staatssaml. Palaeont. hist. Geol., 7, 205 - 226.

  • Reineck, H.E. ve Singh, I.B., 1980, Depositional sedimentary environments : Springer - Verlag, Berlin, 549 s.

  • Seilacher, A., 1959, Tectonischer, sedimentologischer öder biologischer flysch: Geol. Rundsch., 56, 189 -199.

  • Ünalan, G., Yüksel, V., Tekeli, T., Gönenç, O., Seyirt, Z. ve Hüseyin, S., 1976, Haymana - Polatlı yöresinin (GB Ankara) Üst Kretase - Alt Tersiyer stratigrafisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 19/2,159 -176.

  • Van Eysinga, F.W.B, 1975, Geological time table: Third. Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • Galenite - Bearing Barite Occurrences Beetween Burhan Mahallesi - Yuları Köyü (Gazipaşa - Antalya, Turkey)
    Ahmet Ayhan
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    Abstract: In the study area, galena - bearing barite occurrences in rocks of Permian age, are sedimentary inorigin. Despite the occurrences were affected by regional metamorphism, strongly repeated tectonic movements andkarstification, they show enough evidences of sedimentary structures. Barites are either stratiform or vein - like.Barite veins in sedimentary deposits are related to transport during karstification and the effect of diagenesis together with syntectonic movements. According to data obtained in this study, the ore deposits do not have any direct connection with magmatic activities.The origin of ore - forming metal ions can be explained by NaCl - rich formationwater in sediments or by direct selective precipitation rather than by an exhalative - sedimentary mode of formation. 

  • Galenite

  • barite

  • diagenesis

  • Antalya

  • Amstutz, G.C., ve Park, W.C., 1967, Stylolites of diagenetic age and their role in the interpretation of the Southern Illinois Fluorspar Deposits: Min. Deposita, 2, 44-53.

  • Atalay, E., 1973, Toros dağlarında karstlaşma ve toprak teşekkülü üzerine bazı araştırmalar: Jeomorfoloji Dergisi, 5,135 -151.

  • Ayhan, A., 1979, Geologie und Mineralogie der Blei - Zink - Baryt - Lagerstaetten zwischen Burhan Mah. und Yuları bei Gazipaşa - Antalya : Doktora tezi, Heidelberg, 175 s.

  • Ayhan, A., (baskıda), Aydap ve Yuları (Gazipaşa - Antalya) kurşun - çinko yataklarının kökeni ve remobilizasyon sorunu : Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. Derg

  • Blümel, G.F., 1965, Die Blei - Zinklogerstaette von Ortakonuş - Anamur und ihr geologischer Rahmen : Doktora tezi, München, 60 s.

  • Bögli, V.A., 1978, Karsthydrographie und physische Spelaeogie : Springer Verlag, Berlin, 292 s.

  • Boni, M., 1979, Zur Palaeogeographie, Mineralogie und Lager - staettenkunde der Palaeokarsterze in Süd-West Sardinien (Iglesiente - Sulcis): Doktora tezi, Heidelberg, 260 s

  • Brinkmann, R., 1976, Geology of Turkey: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 158 s.

  • Ehrenberg, H., Pilger, A., ve Schroder, F., 1954, Das Schwefelkies - Zinkblende - Schwerspat - Lager von Meggen (Westfalen) : Beih. Geol. Jahrb., Hannover, 12, 352 s.

  • Frenzel, G., 1959, Idait und «blaubleibender Covellin»: N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 93,115 -132.

  • Ketin, E., 1977, Main orogenic events and paleogeographic evolution of Turkey : Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey, Foreign Edition, Ankara, 88,1 - 4.

  • Morrow, D.W., Krouse, H.R., Ghent, E.D., Taylor, G.C., ve Dawson, K.R., 1978, A hypothesis concerning the origin of barite in Devonian Carbonate rocks of Northeastern British Columbia: Can. J. Earth Sci., 15, 9,1391 -1406.

  • Müller, G., 1977, Sediment - Petrologie. Teil II, Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine: Schweizerbart`sche Verlagsbuch - handlung, Stuttgart, 784 s.

  • Petrascheck, W.E., 1967, Batı Toros kalkerlerindeki kurşunçinko yatakları: Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. 68, 38 - 48.

  • Peyronnet, Ph.de, 1971, Alanya Bölgesinin (Güney Toroslar) jeolojisi, metamorfik boksitin kökeni: Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. 76, 98 -122.

  • Puchelt, H., 1967, Zur Geochemie des Bariums in exogenen Zyklus : Sitzungsber. Heidelb. Akad. Wiss., Math. - Nat Kİ., Jg. 1967, 4 Abh., Heidelberg, 205 s.

  • Sadıklar, M.B., 1978, Schwerspat und Bleiglanz - Vorkommen und ihre geologisch - petrographische Lage im Gebiet der Dörfer Kıcık, Endişe Güney, und Seyfe (Zeytinada) bei Gazipaşa - Antalya/Türkei: Diploma tezi, Heidelberg, 113 s.

  • Scherp, A., ve Strübel, G., 1974, Zur Barium - Strontium Mineralisation : Min. Deposita, 9,155 -168.

  • Schulz, G., 1976, Typical and nontypical sedimentary ore fabrics; Wolf, K.H. ed., Handbook of Strata . bound and Stratiform ore deposits` de: Elsevier, Amsterdam, c. 3, 295 - 338.

  • Striebel, H., 1965, Die Bleierz - Baryt - Lagerstaette von Karalar - Gazipaşa/Türkei und ihr geologischer Rahmen : Doktora tezi, München, 48 s.

  • Tröger, W.E., 1969, Optische Bestimmung der gesteinsbildenden Minerale: Schweizerbart`sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 822 s.

  • VachĞ, R., 1966, Zur Geologie der Varisciden und ihrer Lager - staetten im Südanatolischen Taurus: Min. Deposita, 1, 30 - 42.

  • Characteristic Features and "Base Surge" Bed Forms of Kula Volcanics
    Tuncay Ercan Önder Öztunali
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    Abstract: Alkaline basaltic volcanism took place in three different phases during Quaternary in WesternAnatolia around Kula (Manisa). These volcanics were possibly derived from a hot spot over the mantle risingthrough a plume where graben type tectonics were active. «Base surge» bed forms have been observed around somemaar volcanoes of Kula. Base surge density flows produced by shallow, explosive steam eruptions are turbulent mixtures of steam and solid ejecta. Depositing currents originate within the craters and sweep outward at high velocities. Definition of «base surge» bed forms is given through brief descriptions of morphologic, geologic and petrologic features of Kula volcanics. 

  • Quaternary

  • base surge

  • turbulent

  • Kula volcanics

  • Borsi, S., Ferrara, G., İnnocenti, F. Mazzuoli, A., 1972 Geochronology and petrology of recent volcanics in the Eastern Aegean Sea: Bull, volcan. 36, 473-486.

  • Cox K.G., Bell, J.D. ve Pankhurst, R.J., 1979, The interpretation of igneous rocks: George Allen and Unwin ltd., London, 450 s.

  • Ercan, T., 1981, Kula yöresinin jeolojisi ve volkanitlerin petrolojisi: Doktora tezi, İstanbul Üniv. Yerbilimleri Fakültesi, 165 s., yayınlanmamış.

  • Erinç, S., 1970, Kula ve Adala arasında genç volkan röliyefi: İstanbul Üniv. Coğrafya Enstitüsü Derg., 9, 17, 7-31.

  • Fisher, R.V. ve Waters, A.C., 1970, Base surge bed forms in maar volcanoes: Am. Jour. Sci., 268, 157-180.

  • İrvine, T.N. ve Baragar, W.R.A., 1971, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks : Canad. Jour Earth Sci., 8, 523-548

  • Kuno, H., 1960, High-Alumina basalt: J. Petrology, 1, 121- 154.

  • Macdonald, G.A. ve Katsura, J., 1964, Chemical composition of Hawaiian lavas: J. Petrology, 5, 82-133.

  • Moore, J.G., Nakamura, K. ve Alcaraz, A., 1966, The 1945 eruption of Taal volcano: Science, 151, 955-950.

  • Moore, J.G., 1967, Base surge in recent volcanic eruptions: Bull, volcan., 30, 337-363

  • Roberts, W.A. ve Carlson, R.H., 1962, Ejecta studies, Project Sedan: Univ. Calif. Lawrence Radiation Lab. PNE-217-p, 62 S.

  • Tekkaya, İ. 1976, İnsanlara ait fosil ayak izleri: Yeryuvavarı ve İnsan, 1, 2, 8-10.

  • Washington, H.S., 1894, On the basalts of Kula: Am. Jour. Sci., 48, 114-123.

  • Washington, H.S., 1900, The composition of Kulaite: J. Geology, 8, 610-620

  • Yalçınlar, 1, 1969, Strüktürel Morfoloji, Cilt II; İstanbul Üniv. Yayınları, No : 878, 944 s.

  • Odontological Variations of the Hipparions from Gülpmar (Çanakkale)
    Tümel Tanju Kaya
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    Abstract: The teeth material of the Hipparions recovered from Gülpınar (Çanakkale) vertebrate fauna has beenstudied. The odontological and biometric specularities of the material indicate the presence of the species of Hipparion matthewi, Hipparion mediterraneum and Hipparion sp.. The relations between the odontological features andnutrition habitus suggest an intermediate environment between forest and steppe, or a savannah. A Turolian age issuggested on the basis of odontological evolution of Hipparions. 

  • Hipparion

  • odontological

  • Turolian

  • Çanakkale

  • Abel, O., 1926, Die Geschichte der Equiden auf dem Boden Nord - Amerikas: Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 74, 150 -164.

  • Arslan. F., 1980, Düzpmar (Manisa) Miyosen biyozonu hipparionlarmda odontolojik varyasyonlar: Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniv. Fen Fak. Doğa Tarihi Enstitüsü, 52 s.

  • Becker - Platen, J.D., Sickenberg, O. ve Tobien, H., 1975, Vertebraten - Lokalfaunen der Türkei und ihre Altersstellung: in, Sickenberg, O. Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiârs und Altquârtârs inder Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen - Stratigraphie (Kanazoikum und Braunkohlen der Türkei, 17), Geol. Jb., B 15, 47-100.

  • Becker - Platen, J.D., Benda, L. ve Steffens, P., 1977, Litho - und biostratigraphische Deutung radiometriseher Altersbestimmungen aus dem Jungtertiar der Türkei: Geol. Jb., B 25,139 -167.

  • Borsi, S., Ferrara, G., Innocenti, F. ve Mazzuoli, R., 1972, Geochronology and petrology of recent volcanics in the Eastern Aegen Sea: Bull. Volcanologique, XXXI - 3, 473 - 496.

  • Forsten, A.M., 1968, Revision of the Paleartic Hipparion : Acta Zool. Fennica, 119,134 s.

  • Gillet, S., Gramann, F., Steffens, P. ve Benda, L., 1973, Neue biostratigraphische Ergebnisse aus dem braskischen Neogen an Dardanellen und Marmara - Meer (Türkei) : Newsl. Stratigr. 7(1), 53 - 64.

  • Ginsburg, L., 1968, L`evolution du climat au cours du Miocene en France: Paris, 1 - 5.

  • Gromova, V., 1952, Le genre Hipparion: Trav. Inst. Paleont. Acad. Sci. URSS, 36, 473 s. Trad.: P. de Saint - . Aubin, Ann. Centre Et. Doc. Paleont.

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  • Hussain, S.T., 1971, Revision of Hipparion (Equidae, Mammalia) from the Siwalik Hills of Pakistan and India : Abh. bayer. Akad. Wiss. 147, 68 s.

  • Ozansoy, F., 1964, Fauni - zon birimleri ışığında Çanakkale çevresi Neojen stratigrafisi ve Neojen paleocoğrafyasında bölgede tabii rejimler problemi, Karasal - denizel - somatr ve karasal: Ankara Üniv. Dil Tarih Coğr. Fak. Antropoloji Derg., 1, 37 - 55.

  • Ozansoy, F., 1965, Etude des gisements continentaux et des mammiferes du C<§nozoique de Turquie: Mem. Soc. Geol. France, 44,1,1 - 92.

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  • Ozansoy, F., 1973, Les caracteristiques fauniques du Neogene des Dardanelles: Ankara Üniv. Dil Tarih Coğr. Fak. Antropoloji Derg., 6,171 -180.

  • Sondaar, P.Y., 1961, Les Hipparion de l`Aragon meridional: Estudios Geol., 17, 209 - 305.

  • Sondaar, P.Y., 1968.A peculiar Hipparion dentition from the Pliocene of Saloniki (Greeke) : Kon. Ned. Akad Wet., B71, 51 - 56.

  • Sondaar, P.Y., 1971, The Samos Hipparion I, II: Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet., B74, 417 - 441.

  • Sondaar, P.Y., 1974, The Hipparion of the Rhone Valley : Geobios, 7, 289 - 306.

  • Staesche, U. ve Sondaar, P.Y., 1979, Hipparion aus dem Vallesium und Turolium (Jungtertilâr) der Türkei: Geol. Jb. B 33, 35 - 79.

  • Steininger, F. F. ve Papp, A., 1979, Current biostratigraphic and radiometric correlations of late Miocene Central Paratethys stages (Sarmatian s. str., Pannonian s. str., and Pontian) and Mediterranean stages (Tortonian and Messinian) and the Messinian event in the Paratethys: Newsl. Stratigr., 8 (2), 100-110.

  • Tekkaya, I., 1973, Gülpmar`daki fosil Bovidae kalıntıları hakkında bir not: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült, 2, 77 - 87.

  • Tobien, H., 1938, Über das Gebiss des Hipparion matthewi Abel: N. Jb. Mineı. Geol. Palâont. B, 2, 279-306.

  • Tuna, V., 1980, Kemiklitepe (Uşak-Eşme) Pliyosen biyozonu hipparionlarmda odontolojik varyasyonlar: Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniv. Fen Fak., Doğa Tarihi Enstitüsü, 37 s.

  • Viret, J., 1958, Perissodactyla: Traite de Paleontologie, VI (2), 368-475.

  • Wehrli, H., 1941, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der «Hipparionen» von Samos: Pal., Zeitschr, Bd 22, 3/4, 321 - 386.

  • Methods of Data Analysis in Gravity and Magnetics and the Interpretation of Ankara - Polatlı Region
    Mustafa Ergün Coşkun Sari
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    Abstract: The mathematics governing most of the data processing operations on gravity and magnetic geophysical data is identical to that which describes the behaviour of electrical filter circuits. It is more convenientto sho™ physical values which varies with time or space, frequency or wavenumber domain to carry out operation: on them. Convolution operation is to obtain filtered output data from input data by folding backward and multiplication with filter operators. The filter operators for every kind of filters, analytical continuations and derivatives can be obtained after determining frequency responses from Fourier transforms. The important phenomenonfor all operations is to determine frequency responses in frequency or wave - number domain. The measured potential field includes effects from all bodies in the vicinity. The effects from different sources can be separated withdata analysis up to a point. Interpretation would be improved if they could be separated and examined one by one.The regional gravity and aeromagnetic (flight height is 700 metres) maps were analysed with the above mentioned techniques for the region between 32°-33° E and 39° - 40° 30` N coordinates around Ankara - Polatlı area.The main structural trends were found to be NE - SW. In the south of the region, the deeper structures were foundto be trending NW - SE. 

  • gravity

  • data processing

  • Convolution

  • Ankara

  • Dean, W.C., 1958, Frequency analysis for gravity and magnetic interpretation : Geophysics, 23, 97 -127.

  • Elkins, T.A., 1951, The second derivative method of gravity interpretation: Geophysics, 16, 29 - 50.

  • Erentöz, C ve Pamir, H.N., 1975, 1/500.000 ölçekli jeolojik harita ve izahnamesi (Ankara) : Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. Yayınlan, Ankara.

  • Fuller, B.D., 1967, Two dimensional frequency analysis and grid operators : Mining Geophysics, 658 - 708.

  • Henderson, E.G., 1960, A comprehensive system of automatic computation in magnetic and gravity interpretation : Geophysics, 25, 569 - 585.

  • Henderson, R,G. ve Zeitz, I., 1949, The upward continuation of anomalies in total magnetic intensity fields; Geophysics, 14, 517 - 534.

  • Oksay, M.E., 1980, Koulomzine yöntemiyle Ankara - Polatlı bölgesi havadan manyetik anomalilerinin yorumu; Ege Üniversitesi, Diploma tezi.

  • Peters, L.J., 1949, The direct approach to magnetic interpretation and its practical application: Geophysics, 14, 290 - 319

  • Rosenbaeh, O., 1953, A contribution to the computation of second derivative method: Geophysics, 31, 606 - 617

  • Yılmaz, A., 1980, Ankara - Polatlı bölgesi havadan manyetik haritasının veri - işlem yöntemleriyle incelenmesi : Ege Üniversitesi, Diploma tezi.

  • Penological and Structural Features of the Elazığ Volcanic Complex
    Mark R. Hempton Gültekin Savci
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    Abstract: The Campanian - Lower Maastrichtian Elazığ volcanic complex outcrops along the northern margin of the Bitlis suture in the Elazığ - Malatya region. A traverse from Sivrice to Elazığ reveals that it comprisesa large north dipping, internally imbricated thrust sheet composed of three units from base to top: 1. Gabbro, diabase, and basalt with siliceous intrusives metamorphosed to the lower greenschist facies, 2. Augite andesite volcanics and volcaniclastics with siliceous dikes metamorphosed to the prehnite - pumpellyite facies, 3. Unmetamorphosed andesite, hornblende andesite flows cut by mafic dikes, andesitic volcaniclastics, and pillow basalt cut bysiliceous dikes. The nature, distribution, and relative proportions of these lithologies suggest that the Elazığ volcanic complex represents a primitive ensimatic island arc.

  • greenschist

  • Gabbro

  • pillow basalt

  • Elazığ

  • Arpat, E. ve Şaroğlu, F., 1972, The East Anatolian fault system: thoughts on its development: Bull. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey, Ankara, 78, 33-39.

  • Bryan, W.B., Stjce, G.D., Ewart, A., 1972, Geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the volcanic islands of Tonga : Jour. Geophys. Res., 77,1565-1585.

  • Coombs, D.S., 1960, Lower grade mineral facies in New Zealand: Internat. geol. Congr. 21st Sess. Rep., Copenhagen, 13, 339-351.

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  • Donnelly, T.W. ve Rogers, J.J.M., 1980, Igneous series in island, arcs; the Northeastern Caribbean compared with worldwide island arc assemblages: Bull. Volcanol., 43/2, 347-382.

  • Hall, R., 1976, Ophjolite emplacement and the evolution of the Taurus suture zone, SE Turkey: Geol. Soc. America Bull., 87, 1078-1088.

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  • Jakes, P. ve Gill, J., 1970, Rare earth elements and the island arc tholeiitic series: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 9, 17-28.

  • Kuno, H., 1950, Petrology of Hakone volcano and the adjacent, areas, Japan: Geol. Coc. America Bull., 61, 957- 1020.

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  • Kuno, H., 1966b, Lateral variation of basalt magma across continental margins and island arcs; Poole, W.H., ed., Continental margins and island arcs da: Geol. Survey Paper, Canada, 66/15, 317-336

  • Miyashiro, A., 1973, Metamorphism and Metamorphic Belts; George Allen and Unwin, London, 492 s,

  • Miyashiro, A., 1974, Volcanic rock series in island arcs and active continental margins: Am. Jour. Sci., 274, 321- 355.

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  • M.T.A., 1962., Explanatory text of the geological map of Turkey, 1/500 000 Diyarbakir sheet: MTA Institute, Ankara, 69 s

  • Ota, R. ve Dincel, A., 1975, Volcanic rocks of Turkey: Bull. Geol. Survey of Japan, 26,19 (393)-45(419).

  • Perinçek, D., 1978, Researching petroleum possibilities and geological study of Çelikhan-Sincik-Koçali (Adiyaman city) region: Ph. D. thesis, TPAO. report 1250. (unpublished)

  • Perinçek, D., 1979a, Guidebook for excursion «B», Interrelations of the Arab and Anatolian plates: First Geol. Congr. on Middle east, Ankara, Turkey, 34 s.

  • Perinçek, D., 1979b, Palu, Karabegan, Elazığ, Sivrice, Malatya alanının jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları : TPAO raporu, 1361, 33 s. (yayınlanmamış)

  • Ricou, L.E., 1971, Le croissant ophiolitique Peri-Arabe, une ceinture de nappes mises en place au Cretace superieur: Rev. Geogr. Phys. Geol. Dyn., 13, 327-349.

  • Ricou, L.E., 1973, Relations entre tectonique et paleographie dans les Zagrides: C.R., Acad. Sci. Paris, 276, 893- 896.

  • Rigo de Righi, M. ve Cortesini, A., 1964, Gravity tectonics in foothills structure belt of southeast Turkey: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., 48/12, 1911-1937.

  • Rosencrantz, E., 1980, Geology of the northern half of North Arm mountain massif, Newfoundland: Ph. D. thesis, SUNY-Albany, 318 p.

  • Savcı, G., 1980, Doğu Anadolu volkanizmasmın neotektonik önemi: Yeryuvarı ve însan, 5/3-4, 46-49.

  • Sungurlu, O., 1974, VI. Bölge kuzey sahalarının jeolojisi • Okay, H. ve Dilekoz, E., ed., Türkiye ikinci petrol kongresi`nde : Ankara, 85 -107.

  • Şengör, A.M.C. ve Burke, K., 1978, Relative timing of rifting and volcanism on earth and its tectonic implications : Geophys. Res. Lett., 5/6, 419-421.

  • Şengör, A.M.C. ve Kidd, W.E.F., 1979, Post-Collisionai tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and comparison with Tibet: Tectonophysics, 55, 361-376.

  • Şengör, A.M.C, ve Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach: Tectonophysics, 75, 181-241.

  • Şengör, A.M.C, White, G.W., Dewey, J.F., 1979, Tectonic evolution of the Bitlis suture, SE Turkey: implications for the tectonics of the eastern Mediterranean • Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Mediterranean, 25/26-2a, 95- 97.

  • Yazgan, E., 1981, Doğu Toroslarda etkin bir paleo-kıta kenarı etüdü (Üst Kretase-Orta Eosen) Malatya-Elazığ, Doğu Anadolu: Yerbilimleri, 7, 83-104.

  • Geological and Hydrogeological Features of Erzin and Dörtyol Plains
    Vedat Doyuran
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    Abstract: Erzin and Dörtyol plains are surrounded by Upper Cretaceous Ophiolite series in the east and Kuzgun formation of.Miocene age in the north. The latter consists of sandstones and conglomerates with occasional marlintercalations. The Pliocene conglomerates also containing thin layers and lenses of marl (Haydar formation) constitute the basement of the plains. In the north and northwest of Erzin plain widespread outcrops of Delihalil formation, represented by olivine basalts of Quaternary age, is observed. Caliche, alluvial cone deposits, coastal dunedeposits, and alluviums represent other Quaternary occurrences.Within the plains, which reveal typical features of a graben valley, the groundwater occurs under unconfinedaquifer conditions. The hydraulically connected Haydar and Delihalil formations constitute the major aquifer. Thehydraulic conductivities of Haydar and Delihalil formations range between 10-30 m/day and 50-150 m/`day, respectively. The latter supports numerous productive wells having specific yields of 10-100 lt/Sec./m.

  • olivine

  • conglomerate

  • alluvium

  • Erzin

  • Aslaner, WL, 1973, İskenderun - Kırıkhan, bölgesindeki ofiyolitlerin Jeolojisi ve petrografisi : MTA Yayını, 150» 78 s.,

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  • B.M..İ., 1974» Ortalama ve ekstrem, kıymetler meteorolojisi, bülteni,: Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara, 679 s,.

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  • îlhan, EL,, 1976, Türkiye Jeolojisi: ODTÜ, Müh. Fak. Yayın No. 51,239 s.

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  • ûzelçi, F., 1975, Doğu- Akdeniz ve Anadolu Gravite anomalileri ve` tektonik gelişimle ilgisi :: MTA, Cumhuriyetin 50,. Yılı Yerbilimleri Kongresi, 340-351.

  • ScMetteeatte, J.P., 1971, Geology of the Misis Mountains; Campbell, A.S., ©fl. : , Geology and Hi.st.ory of Turkey d e : The Petroleum Exploration Society of

  • Schmidt, G.C., 1961, Stratigraphîc nomenclature of the Adana region: Petroleum District VII: Petr. Adm, PubL Bull, 6,49 - 62.

  • Ten Dam,, A,,, 1952, Sedimentation, fades and stratigraphy in the Neogene Basis: of İskenderun: Türkiye Jeol. Kur.Bült.,`2,49-64.

  • Türkmen, G, ; , Ertürk,, A.,, ve Turkman,, M., 1974,, Dörtyol - Erzin Ovaları hidrojeolojik etüd raporu : DSÎ., 42: sv

  • Selimiye - Beşparmak Yöresindeki (Muğla) Menderes Masifi Kayalarının Stratigrafisi: Tartışma
    Aydoğan Boray
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    Abstract: Öztürk ve Koçyiğit (19E2) de kanımızca bazı yanlış yorum Ye belirlemeler yapılmıştır. Söz konusu yayında yazarların birimlerin kökenleri, birbirleri ile ilişkileri konusunda ileri sürdükleri görüşler eldeki, verilerin yetersizliği nedeniyle halâ farklı yorum ve kabullere olanak tanımaktadır... Ancak birimlerin yaşları konusunda aşağıda belirtilendüzeltmelerin, yapılması ilerde yapılacak, çalışmaların doğru yönlenebilmesi bakımından gereklidir.

  • menderes massif

  • precambrian

  • Muğla

  • Boray, A., Akat, U., Akdeniz, N., Akçaören, Z., Çağlayan A., Günay, E.» Korkmazer, B., Öztürk, E, ve Sav, H,, 1975, Menderes masifinin güne;y kenarı boyunca ba zı önemli, sorunlar ve bunların muhtemel çözümleri: Cumhuriyetin. 50;, yılı, Yerbilimleri • Kongresi, 11-20.

  • Çağlayan,, M,A,,, ûztûrk, E.M., öztürk, Z., Sav, H. ¥e Akat, U., 198% Menderes Masifi güneyine ait bulgular ve yapısal yorum: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 10, 9 -17.

  • Dürr, s., 1975, Üiber Alter und geotektonîscne Stellung des Menderes - Kristallîns/SW - Anatolien und seine Aequivalente in. der Mittleren Aegaeis: Marburg/ Lalın, Habüitasyon Tezi

  • Kaaden, G, ve Metz., 1954, Datça-Muğla - Dalaman Çayı arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült, 5/12, 71 - 170.

  • önay, T.S., 1949, Über die Smirgelgesteine SW-Anatoliens: Schweitz. Mün, Petr. Mitt,,,, 29/2, 357-492.

  • Özgül, N;, 1976, Toorosların bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri : Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bûlt. 19/1 65 - 78.

  • Schuiling, R,B.., 1962, Türkiyenin güneybatısındaki Menderes migmatit kompleksinin, `petrolojisi, yaşı ve yapısı ha.kla.nda : MTA Dergisi, 58, 71 - 84

  • Wippern, J.,, 1964, Menderes- masifinin .Alpidik dağ teşekkülü, içindeki durumu: M.T.A. Dergisi, 62, 71 - 79

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