Abstract: The Neogene sequence around Kınık consists, from base to top, of a fluviatile basal conglomerate unit, the lacustrineKüçükderbent Formation and the volcanic rocks of the Sıdan Formation. The small mammals collected from the lignite horizon at thebottom of the Küçükderbent Formation suggest an Early Miocene age and correlation to the MN2 and/ or MN3 mammal zones.
Early Miocene
Kınık (Gördes)
Small mammals
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Abstract: Several mineralizations occurring along the Simav Graben were formed in associations ith two principal tectono- magma tic periods dominated in the geotectonical development of the Western Anatolia. The dextral strike-slip Simav Fault trending WNW-ESE wasformed by the compressive tectonic regime prevailed in the paleo-tectonic period. Vein-type Pb-Zn-Cu mineralizations which areobserved in the region were deposited within the fractures sub-parallel to the Simav Fault, possibly associated with mafic dykes ofthe plutons in this period. The neo-tecionic period started in the region as the compressive tectonic regime changed to extensionalregime in the very beginning of Pliocene. Simav Graben was formed due to the activation of the lateral component of the Simav Faultby N-S extension. Transfer faults trending N-Scut the main graben fault during the later stages of the graben development. Epithern%almineralizations occurred along the graben were formed along such transfer faults. N-S trending faults in the region also form deposition sites for the epithermal mineralizations overprinting the base-metal veins formed previously. The present-day sinter precipitation at Ilıcalar (Gediz) and hot-springs in the vicinity of Simav along the graben are the recent equivalents of this epithermal activity. The epithermal mineralizations are associated with the porphyry dykes in the late stage of the granitoids.
Western Anatolia
Simav Graben
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Abstract: This study includes the geology and reserve evaluation of Kalburçayın (Kangal, Sivas) lignite basin., Kalburçayınlignite basin,, which formed in Pliocene aged depositional environment, is composed of `two* coal seams each havingapproximately 10 meters of thickness.. Clay bearing tuffits having thickness of 3-5 meters takes place between these twocoal seams. Lignites that have calorific values of 1300-1500 kcal/kg are used in two units of a power plant; which placednear Kangal village.. In order to calculate the improved reserve amount of the study area, the variogram function wasdetermined and it was spherically modelled with the parameters of`Co= 6.0, C= 12..0 and a= 1100 m. With the help ofthis model, the error variance of thickness was calculated as 2.33.. By the use of geostatistical block kriging method;reserve amount of the upper lignite seam evaluated as 56 496 410 + 2 34Q, 244- tons and the result is suggested to usefor feasibility calculations of lignite seam.
Ore Deposit Evaluation
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Tuğrul Şükrü Yurtsever
Osman Bora Gürçay
İsmail Hakki Demirel
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Abstract: The depositional environments and source rock assessment of the Aladağ Unit formations in the Central Taurus region have beenstudied on surface samples collected from the five different sections which extend in the Sarıveliler and Aydıncık regions. In bothregions, the formations of the Aladağ Unit were deposited on the tidal-flats, restricted shelf areas and reefal environments whichbelong to a carbonate platform through Upper Devonian and Cretaceous. Geochemical data (TOC content, Tmax and HI values) andorganic petrography (Spore-Pollen Colour Index) values obtained from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and transmitted light microscopy. In theAydıncık region, although the Dikenlidere Formation (Carboniferous) has enough TOC content (over 0.5 %), Akdere (UpperDevonian) and Cevizli (Permian) formations have no source-rock potential. Only Cevizlt Formation in the Sariveliler region has somesource-rock levels displaying TOC values over 0.5 %. HI, Tmax and SCI values indicate that all source rock samples of the Aladağunit formations are over mature and their primarily organic matter type is Type III kerogen (coaly). However, depositional environment conditions providing the abundant algal productivitiy imply mainly the presence of the Type I (algal) organic matter
Aladağ Units
Central Taurus
depositional environment
source-rock potential
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İbrahim Engin Meriç
İlyas Erdal Kerey
Niyazi Avşar
Cemal Tunoğlu
Güler Taner
Sevinç Kapan Ürün
İsmail Unsal
Antonietta Rosso
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