Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

1992 AĞUSTOS Cilt 35 Sayı 2
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Postomphalocyclus Merici (Foraminifera). A New Genus and Species from the Upper Maastrichtian of Central Anatolia
Nurdan İnan Turan
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Abstract: A new genus, of Maastrichtian» Postomphalocyclus, is decribed from the Central Anatolia (Malatya, Sivas, Niksar). This new genus is thought to be established as an evolution of Omphalocyclus according to itslateral chamber which is located impartial of the shell 

  • Postomphalocyclus

  • Foraminifera

  • Evolution of Omphalocyclus

  • Central Anatolia

  • Bozkaya, Ö., 1991, Hekimhan güneyi (KB Malatya) Üst Kretase-Tersiyer yaşlı sedimanter istifin mineralojik-petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelenmesi: C.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens., Yüksek Linas Tezi, 227 s,, Sivas

  • Bronn, H.G., 1853, Lethae Geognosüca, vierte Periode. Kreide-Gebirge. Aufl, Stuttgart, Deutschland. E. Schweizerbart, Bd, 2,1M15 (1851-52), p.95,

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  • İnan, N., 1988b, Cuneolina ketini (Foraminifcrc) n.sp. du Maastiichtien d`Anatolie Gentele (Turquie); Revue dePaléobioiogie, 7/2,327-333,

  • İnan, N. ve înan, S., 1990, Gürievik kireçtaşlarmın (Sivas) özellikleri ve önerilen yeni isim: Tecer Formasyonu: Türîdye Jeoloji Bülteni, 33/1,51-56,

  • İnan, N,, Kurt, î. ve Demirbaş, M,, 1992, Kretase-Paleosen geçişinde yeni paleoitolojik bulgular: İğdir kireçtaşı (Koyulhisar-Sivas): 45. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri, 28.

  • İnan, N. ve Temiz, H. , 1992, Niksar (Tokat) yöresinde Kretase/Tersiyer geçişinin litoslratigrafik ve biyosffatigrafik özellikleri: Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 35/1, 39-47.

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  • Küpper, K., 1954, Notes on Upper Cretaceous Larger R> raminifera* İL Genera of the subfamily Örbîtoidinae with remarks on the microspheric generation of Orbitoides and Omphalocyclus: Cushman Found, Foram, Res., Contr., 5/4,179-184,

  • Lamarck, JJB, 1816, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. Verdiere, Paris, France, tome % p. 197,

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  • Meriç, E., 1964, Qrbitoididaelerin çoğalması hakkında: MTA Enstitüsü Dergisi, 63, 22-28.

  • Meriç, E,f 1967a, An aspect of ömphaiocyclus macropoms (Lamarck): Micropaleontology, 13/6,369-380

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  • Meriç, E., 1980» Pseudomphalocyclus blumenthali, a new genus and species from the Upper Maastrichtian of southern Turkey: Micropaleontology, 26/1,84-89

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  • Neumann, M», 1958, Révision des Orbitoidés de Crétacé et de TEocéne en Aquitaine occidentale: Soc. GéoL France, Mém., 83,1-174.

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  • Sirel, E. Dağer, Z, ve Sözeri, B., 1986, Some biostratigraphic and paleogeographic observations on the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Haymana Polatlı region (Central Turkey): Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences Vol. 8, Global Bio-Events, 385-396.

  • Temiz, H„ 1989, Niksar (Tokat) güneydoğusunda Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonunün Jeolojik ve tektonik özellikleri: C.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens., Yüksek Lisans Tezi.

  • Vredenburg, E.W., 1908, The Cretaceous Orbitoides of India: GeoL Survey, Ree., 36,171-213.

  • Stratigraphy and Environmental Interpretation of the Tectonic and Neotectonic Units Around Dirmil, Burdur and Its Southern Side
    Şükrü Ersoy
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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explain stratigraphy and depositional environment of the units aroundDirmil (Burdur) on the SW Anatolia. The units are divided in the two groups, the young sediments of Neogene andpost-Neogene age and older sediments of Upper Triassic-Eocene age. The older ones are technically situated at thepresent time, and dominated by neritic fades during the Upper Triassic-Lias time» hemi-pelagic facies during the Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous time, detritic facies after the Uppermost Cretacous time concerning depositional environment. Theyoung deposits are represented by continental deposits of lacustrine facies.

  • neritic facies

  • pelagic facies

  • neootocton

  • Burdur

  • Bernoulli, D„ Graciansky, P. eh. de ve Monod, P (1974), The extension of the Lycian nappes (SW Turkey) in to the southeastern Aegean is Lands. Eclogae Geogl. Helv. 67,39-90.

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  • Bremmer, H. (1971), Geology of the Coastel regions of SW Turkey: Geology and History of Turkey: Angus S. Campbell, The Petr. Exp, Soc* of Libya Tripoli. 257-73.

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  • Erakman, B., Alkan, H. (1986), Kalkan-Elmah-YeşilovaAcıpayam-Fethiye arasının jeoloji ve pe» ol olanaklan. TPAO Raporu (yayınlanmamış),

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  • Ersoy, Ş. (1989), Fethiye (Muğla)-Gölhisar (Burdur) arasında Güneydağı ile Kelebekli Dağ ve dolaylarının jeolojisi. Doktora Tezi (Yayınlanmamış). İÜ. Fen Bilimi Ens., 246 s.

  • Graciansky, P. ch. de, (1968), Teke Yarımadası (Likya) To roslarının üst üste gelmiş ünitelerinin stratigrafisi ve Dinaro-Toroslar`daki yeri. MTA Enst, Derg., 71, 73-93,

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  • Önalan, M. (1979), Elmalı-Kaş (Antalya) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi. Doktora Tezi, İÜFF Mono|p*afiIeri29,

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  • Özkaya t (1990), Origin of the allochthons in the Lycien belt, Southwest Turkey, Tectonophysics, 177, .. 367-379.

  • Phiilippson, A, (1915), Reisen und Forschurgen im Westlichen Kleinaisen S; Karlen Sudlichdes maander und das Westhichen Lykien Erg. Heft, 183, zu petermanns mitteilungeft, Gotha, 135 s.

  • Poisson, A, (1977), Recherches Géologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie). These dock d`etat, Université Paris, Xl-Örsay, 795.

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  • Poisson, A, (1985), The extension of the Ionian trough in to southwestern Turkey, In: Dixon, J.E, and Robertson, A.HJF. (eds,)* The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean no. 17, Blackwell Seien. Pub. Oxford, 241-249.

  • Richard, F, (1967), Découverte d`un horizon a Microcode um dans la série carbonate Crétacé-Tertiaire de Göçek (province de Muğla, Turquie) CR*Acad, ScL, Paris, 264,1133-36.

  • Ricou, L,E„ Argyriadis, L ve Marcoux, J, (1975), L`Axe calcaire du Taurus un dignement de fenêtres araboafricains sous des nappes radiolaritiques, ophioli üques et métamorphiques; Bull. Soc. GeoL Fr. Ser. 7,17,1024-1044

  • Ricou, LJEL ve Marcoux, J. (1980), Organisation générale et roe structural des radiolarites et ophiolîtes du système alpino-méditerranean, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 22, 1-14,

  • Selçuk, HL, Örçen, S*, Bilgin, Z.R., Şenel, M. ve Durukan, E. (1985), Keller (Burdur-Dirmil) Tektonik Penceresi. Türkiye Jeo, Kurult (Tebliğ Özetleri), 9.

  • Şenel, M., Arbas, A., Bilgi, C, Bilgin, Z.R., Dinçel, M,A„ Durukan, E., Erkan, M., Karaman, T., Kaymakçi, H,, Örçen, Sn Selçuk ve Şen, M,A, (1986), Gömbe Akdağı`nın stratigrafisi ve yapısal özellikleri. Kaş-Antalya. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, (Bildiri Özetler), 5 L

  • Şengör, AM.C. ve Yılmaz, Y, (1981), Teüıyan evolution of Turkey. A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75,181-241.

  • Üşümezsoy, Ş. (1987), Kuzeybatı Anadolu Yığışımı Orojeni: Paleotetisln bati kenet kuşağı. Türkiye JeoL KurultBüİL, 30,53-62.

  • Evaluation of Drill-Log Data from Kütahya Turanocağı and Örtaocak Magnesite Regions by Geostatistical Methods
    Gürkan Yersel Can Ayday
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    Abstract: Geochemieal paremeters of the drilling-logs from two magnetic mines of Kumaş have been evaluatedstatistically. Each magnesite mine was analized on statistical base within and between each other by using geochemiealparameters. The parameters which were used in this study MgO, SiOi, CaQ, F62Q3 and AI2O3, Computer programswere used in this geostaüsüçal study due to excessive number of data. Mean standard deviation coefficient of variation ofthe variables from these two mines were found and correlation of variables were determined by correlation coefficientCyclicity of the variables within each drilling and similarity of the same sequence between drillings has been analyzedby autocorrelation and cross-correlation respectively. F-test and t-test analysis has been used for determining whetherthese geochemieal parameters from each magnesite fields belong to the same population,

  • magnesite

  • autocorrelation analyze

  • cross-correlation analyze

  • F-test and t-test analysis

  • Davis, J.C, 1973, Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.» 550 s.

  • Demirhans M,, 1974, Kütahya-llıca Ortaocak ve Turanocağı Kuzeybatı Magnezit Sahaları Etüd Raporu, MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Rp. No 7533 (Yayımlanmamış), 26 s. Ankara

  • Erdem, M., 1987, Sondaj Karotİanmn Bilgisayar Yöntemi ile Korelasyonu, A.Ü.Müh.Mim, Fakültesi, Maden Müh. Bölümü* Bitirme Ödemi (Yayımlanmamış), 24 s. Eskişehir,

  • Okay, A., 1981» Kuzeybatı Anadolu`daki Ofiyoliüerin jeolojisi ve Mavişist Metamorfizması (TavşanlıKütahya), TJK Bülteni, Cüt 24, Sayı 1, 85-94, An» kara

  • Öncel, Z. ve Denizci, Rs 1982, Eskişehir Bölgesi Lületaşı ve Magnezit Etüdleri Raporu, MTA Genel Müdürlüğü Rp, No, 1567, 3. Cilt (Yayımlanmamış), Ankara,

  • Petrascheeh, W.E. ve Pohl, W., 1982» Lagerstattenlehre, Suttgart, 341 s.

  • Stratigraphy of Zile (Tokat) Region
    Mehmet Akyazi Mahmut Tunç
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    Abstract: In this study, the sttatigraphical characters of Züe (Tokat) are clarified in detail. Hie base of the studied area which are named as Turhal metamorphifces is the tow grade metamorphose rocks as quarteite,micaschist, calcschist, epidot-schist» milonite-gneiss, metosandstone ve metaquartz-sandstone in Peimo-Triassic age, Permian limestone became marble blocks after metamorphism and located in Permo-Triassic matrix.The basement rocks are unconformably overlain by Carcurum Formation (Upper Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous) consistingif red- pink limestones.Carcurum Formation is unconformably covered by Hacılar Formation of Maesttichtian age. The paléontologie investigation of several samples taken from Savcı member consisting of clayey limestones and Kayganlı member consisting of sandylimestones of Hacılar Formation indicate that there planctonic forminifer biozones such as; Globotruncana havanensis,Gansserina gansseri and Abathomphalus mayaroensis,£- During Lutetian transgression, Çekerek Formation was unconformably located on Hacılar Formation, This formationcontains conglomerate, sandstone and clayey limestones. These rocks are overlain by the shallow marine faciès of gypsium,tuff and claystone of Pliocene Kemerkaş Formation showing angular unconformity. The youngest rocks are Quaternary gravels and pebels in the studied area,Laramian, Anatolian and Pkenian phases are important in the geological evolution of this area. The several NE-SW foldings and overthmsts which are parallel each other are seen in this tectonic region. 

  • micaschist

  • milonite-gneiss

  • marble

  • Tokat

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  • Bolü, M, H., 1959, Planctonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Triniddad: Bull, Amer. Pal., 36,257-277.

  • Boili, M. H., 1966, Zonation of Cretaceous to Pliocene marine sediments ebased on Planctonic Foraminifera: Assoc. Venezolana GeoL Mineria Petrol, 9,3-32.

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  • El-Naggar, Z/ÏL, 1966, Stratigraphy an Planctonic Foraminifera of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary succession in the Esna-Idfu region Nile Valley Egypt: British Mus. Bull Geology suppL 2,263p.

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  • Gökçe, A., 1983, Turhal Antimon Yataklarının Maden Jeolojisi: H, Ü. doktora tezi.

  • Koçyiğit, A., 1979, Tekneli bölgesinin (Tokat güneyi) tektonik özelliği: T.A.B.G., Proje no: 262, s. 63.

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  • Tunç, M., 1980, Çayırı (Beypazarı) ile Seben (Bolu arasında kalan ve Aiaa, *ay boyunca olan bölgeni^ straügıafisi: A.Ü. hen Fak., doktora tezi (yayınlanmamış)

  • Tunç, M.. 19 ` Seben (^ ..ora) yöresindeki Üst Kretase ,, mm li>ü^tratigrafi incelemesi: C.Ü Müh. Fak. . BİL Derg,, 1, s. 19-30.

  • Yılmaz A., 1980, Tokat ile Sivas arasındaki bölede ofiyolitlerin kökeni, iç yapısı ve diğer bilimlerle ilişkisi A.Ü, Fen Fakültesi Jeolojisi Kürsüsü, doktora tezi, s 136 (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Felis of Catus (Carnivora - Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Şerefkoy (Muğla-Yatağan)
    Feral Arslan
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    Abstract: Left lower jaw of Felis cf. catus Linnaeaus is found in Şerefköy (Muğla-Yatağan) mammalian fauna.Detailed descriptions of the material are made and compared with other Felis species.

  • Felis species

  • fossil

  • Muğla

  • Arambourg, C ve Piveteau, J., 1929, Les vertébrés du Pontien de Salonique: Ann, de Paleontol, 18,120- 129.

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  • Atalay, Z,, 1980, Muğla-Yatağan ve yakın dolayı karasal Neojen`inin stratigrafi araştırması: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. BüİL,C23,93-99.

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  • Ünay, E„ 1977» Çatakbağyaka Üst Miyosen Steneofiberleri (Rodenüa, Mammalia): Türkiye Jeol, Kur. Bült.} 20,69-72, Ankara.

  • Ünay, E., 1978, Sarıçay (Türkiye) Anchitheriumlu faunasında Pliospalax primitivus n. sp. (Rodenti* Mammalia) ve Anomalomys gaudryi Gaillard: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 21,121-128, Ankara.

  • Petro Genetic Investigation of Volcanites in Around of Rahmanlar (Selendi-Manisa) Cu-Pb-Zn Deposit
    İlyas Özkan Nuhoğlu
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    Abstract: Autcropted vulcanites are scattered very wide area in western Anatolia One of these is Rahmanlar(Selendi-Manisa) Cu-Pb-Zn deposit. The volcanites in the near vicinity of Rahmanlar Cu-Pb-Zn deposit are far most important, with respect to genetic formation of mineralisation,m In the investigated area, volcanites autcropted in two different places are observed in lava flows and agglomerates, Alkaline Küçüksoğanlı volcanites are often formed from dacite and rhyodacite, CalcaUcaline Rahmanlar volcanites are formedas basalttic andecite trachyandecite and andésite. When the volcanites in investigated are considered by plate tectonics, it could be said that these are the products of Kucuksoğanlı volcanites continental shells which appeared firstly in Miosen. These volcanites were thought to occur bymelting of the thick Menderes massive as a result of deep-anatectonism and eruption through the discontinuity of grabensistems due to compression tectonizm occuring over West Anatolia. Rahmanlar vulcanites were formed by mainly basaltic and partly andesitic volcanisms by differentation of tectonic regime with the effect of thick sediment (basin formation) during the further discontinuity.

  • basalt

  • dacite

  • rhyodacite

  • Manisa

  • Akdeniz, N. ve Konak R, 1911, Simav-Emet-Tavşanlı« Dursunbey-Demirei yörelerinin jeolojisi MTA Rap. No, 6547,

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  • Candan, O., 1989, Petrology, and mineralogy of the region located between Demirci-Boriu towns, DEÜ, FBE/ Jeo-89, Ar-0.57, Doktora tezi, Bomova^zmir,

  • Cox, K.G., Bell, J,D,, ve Pankhurt RJ,, 1979, The interpretation of igneus rocks, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London 540P.

  • Dewey, J.F., ve Şengör, AMC, 1979, Aegan and suiroiinding regions; Complex multi plate and continuum tectonics in a convengent Zone» GeoL Soc. Bull, m, 84-92.

  • Dora O.ք ve Savaşçın, M.Y., 1981, AMbey-Ivfeden Adası (Ayvahk) bölgesi magneüzması,- Tübit^ VII. Bilim Kong. 11^35.

  • Dora, Ö.Ö., 1981, Menderes masifinde petroloji ve feldpat incelemeleri. RÜ. Yerbilimleri Derg. V. 7,54-63.

  • Ercan, T,, Dinçel, A,, Metin S,, Türkecan A# , ve Günay E., 1978, Uşak yöresindeki Neojen havzalannm jeolojisi, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bül. 21,97406.

  • Ercan, T,, Dinçel, A,, ve Günay E., 1979, Uşak volkanitlerinin petıolojisi ve plaka tektoniği açısından Ege Bölgesindeki yeri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bült, V,, 22,185498,

  • Ercan, T,, 1982, GöMes volkanitleri, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bült. V, 26,41-48,

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  • Ercan T,, Savaşçın M.Y., ve Günay, E., 1982 b, GedizSimav-Emet yöresindeki volkanitlerin petrolojisi, MTA Dergi No. 99.

  • Ercan, T.f ve Öztunalı, ä, 1983, The Agean Region petrology and original implication of the Cenosoic volcanites around Demirci-Selendi (Manisa) area. H. Ü. Yerbilimleri, 10,1-15.

  • Ercan, T„ Türkecan, AM Dinçel, A,, ve Erdoğan, G., 1983, Kula-Selendi (Manisa) dolaylarının jbolqjisi, Jeoloji Müh. Derg. 17,3-29.

  • Ercan, T., Günay, E., Akyürek, B.f Türkecan, A,, Çevikbaş, A., ve diğerleri, 1984, Ayvalık yöresinin jeolojisi ve magmatik kayaçlarm petrolojisi, Jeo. Müh, Derg, 20,47-60,

  • Ercan, T,, Satir, M., Kreuzer, H,, Türkecan, AM Günay, E», Çevikbaş, A., Ateş, M., ve Can, B., 1985, Batı Anadolu Senezoyik volkaniüerine ait yeni kimyasal izotopik ve radyometrik verilerin yorumu, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu BüiL, 28/2,121-136.

  • Foster, RJ # İ 1975, Physical Geology, Charlase Merilli Publishing Company, Clumbuş, Chio, 421 s,

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  • Irvine, TH., Baragar, W1.ÂM 1971, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can, Jour, Earth. Sei, 8,523-M8,

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  • Wu Liren, Yuan Chao, S., Xlangsen, Z.t Migzhe, Z., Dahe, X,, Zunhua, L., Sikun, R, Kegin, X,, ve H# ichu, R., 1983, Progress in researches on volcanok^ gy and chemistry of the Earth`s interior in China. XVIII. General Assembly of Hamburg,

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  • Pertek-Demürek (Tunceli) Skarn Type Magnetite and Associated Copper Mineralizations
    Ahmet Sağiroğlu
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    Abstract: The mineralisations of Pertek-Demürek are; skarn type Fe and vein type Cu, The skarn type Femineralizations occur along the guartz diorite-Keban Marbles contacts and usually together with skarn formations, Thequartz diorite emplacement took place after the Yüksekova Complex`s thrust over to the Keban Metamoıphics cuttingboth of the formations. The skarn formations developed as exo and endoskarns. The ore mineral of these zones isdominantly magnetite. Pyrite is less abundant and chalcopyrite is scarce*The Cu mineralizations occur as net-like chacopyrite films within the silicified fracture zone fiilings. These fracturezones are 1 to 1.5 m thick and are found in the Yüksekova Complex. The hydrothermal solutions what given birth tothe Cu mineralizations should have originated from the quartz diorite or from surrounding rocks during the emplacementof the diorite. The primary mineral assemblage of the Cu mineralizations is as pyrite+ehalcopyrite. Limonite, bornite,idaite, metallic Cu and eovellite-chaleoeite are secondary minerals and are found in the oxidized parts. 

  • chalcopyrite

  • The quartz diorite emplacement

  • skarn type magnetite

  • bornite

  • Altınlı, E., 1963,1:500 000 ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası» Erzurum, MTA Ankara, 138 s

  • Asutay, HJ., 1985S Baskil çevresinin jeolojik ve petrografik incelenmesi, A,(X Doktora tezi (yayınlanmamış). 156 s.

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  • Bingöl, A.E, 1984, Geology of the Elazığ area in the Eastern Taurus region, Geology of the Taurus Belt, Ed: Tekeli, O. ve Göncüoğlu, M.C.f def MTA Ankara, 209-216.

  • Naz H., 1979» Elazığ-Palu dolayının jeolojisi, TPAO raporu no: 1360, (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Ribbe» P.H., 1974, (ed.), Sulfide mineralogy, Min.Soc. Am» short course notes, c* 1, Lithocrafters, Michigan, 198 s.

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  • Şaşmaz, A,, 1987, Billurik Dere (Elazığ) cevherleşmelerinin özellikleri ve kökeni, FÜ Fen Bil. Enst* Yüksek lisans tezi, (yayınlanmamış).

  • Tuna, E., 1979, Elazığ-Palu-Pertek dolayının jeoloji ince« lemesi, TPAO raporu No: 1362 (yayınlanmamış).

  • Yazgan, E.» 1984, Geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Taurus region Geology of the Taurus Belt, ed: Tekeli, O. ve Göncüoğlu, M.C.`de, MTA, Ankara.

  • Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ulukışla-Çamardı (Niğde) Magmatites
    Halil Baş Necdet Poyraz Dieter Jung
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    Abstract: Ulukışla-Çamardı magmatics overing a alarge area around Uiukışla-Çamardı are bounded by the Niğdemassif on the north, the Ecemiş corridor on the east, Bolkarlar on the south, and the Tuzgölü basin on the w§st.North-dipping a subduction zone and resulting magmatie arc developed above an oceanic crust during the Upper Cretaceous in the region, Magmatics are made up of intrusive, subvoleanie, and volcanic rocks. Morphology of volcanicsappears as lava flow, pillow lawa, flow breccia, dike and tuff-mfftes, F^om place to place volcanics alternats with sedimentary rocks.Magmatic rocks consist of diorite-gabbro, monzonite, basalt-andesite» laüte basalMatite andésite, laute, and trachyte. Chemical composition of the rocks indicate that they resulted from magmatic arc and partly influenced by themantle. 

  • dike

  • monzonite

  • trachyte

  • Niğde

  • Asutay, H,L, 1987, Baskil (Elazığ)çevresinin jelojisi ve Baskil magmatitlerinin petrolojisi: MTA Derg, 107,49^72

  • Atabey, E., 1988, 1:100,000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikle Türkiye jeoloji haritaları serisi, Kozan J19 paftası: MTA Genel Mdl, yayını, 12 s

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  • Çevikbaş, A. ve Öztunalı, Ö. s 1992, Ulukışla Çamardı (Niğde) havzasının jeolojisi: 45. Türkiye Jeol. Kurultayı BüdM Özet» 58-59

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  • Garcia, M., 1978, Criteria of the ancient volcanic arcs: Earth Sei. Rev. 14,147-165.

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  • Haskin, L.A., 1984, Petrogenetic modelling-use of rare earth elements; Henderson, P.f Ed., Rare earth geochemistry de: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 115-152.

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  • İşler, F., 1988, Çiftehan (Niğde) voücanitierînin minerolojik, petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelemesi: Türkiye Jeol. Kurl. Bült., 31,29-36.

  • Jakes ve White, AJ-.Rvl972> Mojor and trace element abundance in volcanic rocks of orogenic areas: Bull. GeoL Soc. America, 83,29-39,

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  • Momson, G.M., 1980, Characteristics and tectonic setting of the shoshonite rock assocation: Lithos, 13,97- 108

  • Mullen, E.D., 1983, MnQ/TiQ C a minor element discriminant for basaltic rocks of oceanic environment and its implications for petrogenesis: Earth planet. Sei, Lett, 62? 53-62

  • Oktay, F.Y., 1982, Ulukışla ve çevresinin stratigrafisi ve jeolojik evrimi: Türkiye JeoL Kur, Büit, 25, 15- 24

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  • Pearce» J,A., 1975, Basalt geochemistry used to investir gate post tectonic environment on C)^rus: Tectonophysics, 25,41-67.

  • Pearce, J.A.» ve Cann, J.R., 1973, Tectonic setting of basic rocks determined using trace element analyses: Earth and Planet Sei, Lett, 19,290-300.

  • Peccerillo, A. ve Taylor, S.R., 1975, Geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks from Pontic Chein, Northern Turkey: Bull. Volcano!; 39,557-569.

  • Prinz, M. 1967, Geochemistry of basaltic rocks, race elements, Hess, H.H. ve Poldervaart, A., ed,, Trace elements, Basalts da: Poldervaart Treatise on rocks of basaltic composition, Vol. 1, New York, 320- 345.

  • Streckeisen, A., 1967, Classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks: NJb. Mineral Abh., 107,144-220

  • Şengör, A.M.C ve Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey; A plate tectonic approach: Tectonophysics, 75,181-241

  • Taylor, S.R., 1969, Trace element chemistry of andésites and associated calc-alkaline rocks: In Procceddings of the andésite conference, State of Oregon, Dept of Geo. and Min., ındL Bull, 65,43-63

  • Taylor, S.R, ve White, A.J.R., 1969, Trace elent abuadances in andésites: Bull Volcano!,, 29,172-194.

  • Vallance, T.G., 1974, Spilitic degradation of a tholeiitic basalt: J. Petrol. 15,79-96

  • Wedepohl, K.H., 1975, The contribution of chemical data to assumption about the origin of magmas from the mande: Fortschritt. Minerai., 52 (2), 141472

  • Winchester, J.A, ve Floyd, P.A., 1977* Geochemical discrimination of different mapna series mû their diffe* rentiation products using immobile elements: Chemical GeoL, 20,325-343

  • Yazgan, E,, 1983, Geodynamic evolution of the Eastern Taurus region: Geology of the Taurus belt Internat Symposium, Ankara, 199-208.

  • Yetiş, C, 1978, Çamardı (Niğde ili) yakın ve uzak dolayının jeoloji incelemesi ve Ecemiş yanlım kuşağının Madenboğazı-Kamışlı arasındaki Özellikleri. Doktora tezi: İstanbul Ün*, 164 s. (yayınlanmamış)

  • Yetiş, C, 1983» New observations, on the age of the Ecemiş fault: Geology of the Taurus belt» Internat. Symposium, Ankara, 159-164

  • Bathymetry and Bottom Sediments of Lake Eymir, South of Ankara
    Tevfik Kemal Türeli Teoman Nuriddin Norman
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    Abstract: Bathymetry and the bottom sediments of Lake Eymir, remnant of and old meandering river situated 15kilometres south of Ankara, have been studied. The lake bottom is pan shaped and neary flat The deepest part occurs atthe middle, where 5.5 m of depth has been recorded; there is a gradual shallowing towards both ends. Bottom muds arevertically structureless down to a depth of 20 cm, possibly due to bioturbation activity. The sediments are filling thelake as suspension loads particularly from both ends. At these shallow SW and NE ends silt is dominant. At the lowerends of alluvial fans where they reach lake banks, sandy gravel, sand and sandy silt also occur as nanrow zones. The sediments in the broad central depression of the lake have a very fine silt and clay grain size. Sorting is "poor" to "verypoor", skewness and kurtosis values show local variations within the lake. Mineralogy stongly reflects the characteristics of the hinterland teiranes. Organic content of the bottom surface sediments increases towards the center of the lake.

  • Bathymetry

  • Bottom Sediments

  • silt

  • Ankara

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  • Thomas, D.L., 1972, Distribution composition and characteristics of the surfieial sediments of Lake Ontorio: Jour. Sed. Petr., 42,66-84

  • Türeli, T.K., 1985, Bathymetry and Bottom Sediments of Lake Eymir, South of Ankara: ODTÜ yüksek Msans tezi: 65 s,

  • Twenhofel, W.M., 1953, The sediments of Lakes Florence and Lucy, Central Florida: Jour, Sed, Petr,, 23, 272-279,

  • Geochemical Investigation of the Zinc-Lead Deposits in the Bolkardağı (Ulukışla/Niğde-Turkey) District
    Sedat Temur
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    Abstract: The Zn-Pb deposits occuring in Upper Permian-Triassic lower marbles and Bolkardağı marbles are strata-bound and epigenetic in character. Pyrite, sphalerite and galena are te main minerals within the hydrothermal sulfideore veins which are Upper Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene in age.I The high average Sb and Ag concentration and high Zn/Pb ratio of the crude sulfide ores point to a hydrothermal origin and high formation temperature. High average Co, Ni, Ti, Cu and As concentration, high Co/Ni ratio and Co-NiMn relations of pyrite samples, high average Mns Cü and Fe concentration of sphalerite and low average Sb concentration of galena also support this conclusion.There is high correlation between Fe-Si, Ti-Fe, Cr-Fe, Si-Ca* Cr-Si, Cd-Zn, Ag-Pb and Sb-Cu element pairs of^sulfide ores and Co-Nit Co-Ti, Co-Ass Ni-Ti, Ni-As and Ti-As element pairs of concentrated pyrite samples.

  • zinc-lead deposits

  • sphalerite

  • Pyrite

  • galena

  • Acar, E, ve Akınca, O., 1975, Harşit-Köprübaşı (Tirebolu) Cu-Pb-Zn Madenfnde Zn-Cd oransal bağlantısının istatistik yöntemlerle saptanması; Türkiye JeoL Kur, Bült,, 18, 1, 85-86

  • Al-Bassam, K.S., Hak, J, ve WatMnson, D.H., 1982, Con« tributîon to the origin of the Serguza lead-zinc-pyrite deposits, Northern Irak; Mineralium Deposita» 17, 133^149

  • Aslaner, M,, 1977, Türkiye bakır-çinko-kurşun yataklannın jeolojisi ve bölgesel smıflamasıyla plaka tektoniği yönünden Mclelenmesi; K.T.Ü. YayınL, No. 85, 70s.

  • Ayhan, A,, 1983, Aladağ yöresi karbonatlı Pb-Zn yataklarının kökeni: Türkiye Jeol. Kur# BttlL. 26, 2, 103-116,

  • Ayhan, A., Küpeli, Ş, ve Amstutz, G*C, 1992, Atatepe (Feke-Adana) yataklarının bitişiğindeki pirit oluşumlan; MTA Derg#î 113, (baskıda).

  • Baş, H, ve Temur, S,, 1992, Çiftehan-Koçak^Elmalı (Ulukışla-Niğde) yöresi demir, bant ve bakır oluşumlan; Türkiye Bil. ve Tek. Araş. Kur, projesi, Proje no: TBAG^007,100s.

  • Blumenthal, M.M.- 1956, Yüksek Bolkardağ`ın kuzey bölgelerinin ve uzantılarının jeolojisi; Maden Tet. Ar, EnsL Yay,, Seri D, No 7,179 s.

  • Cornalius, S, ve Hurlbut, J.R,, 1982, Mnemloji; (Çev, K, İnan ve E, Tanyolu), Doyuran Matbaası, İstanbul, 2, 315 s.

  • Çalapküİu, F., 1978, Bolkardağ bölgesinin jeolojik evrimi; Türkiye JeoL Kur. 32 Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı Bildiri Özetleri, 7-8.

  • Çalapkulu, F., 1978 a, Bolkardağı Pb^Zn-Ag-Au Maden yatakları; Türkiye Jeol. Kur. 32. Kurultayı Bildiri Özetleri, 58-59

  • Çalapkulu, F., 1980, Horoz Granodiyoriti`nin jeolojik incelemesi; Türkiye JeoL Kur, Bült., 23,1? 59-68.

  • Çalapkulu, F., 1981, Les observation sur la tectonique des plaques dans la Region de Bolkardağ (Turquie); Sixth colloquium on Geology of the Aegean Region, Pin Reis International Contribution Series, PubL No: 2, Second ed. (Ed: E, Izdar ve R Nakoman). 81-97.

  • Çevrim, M„ Echle, W. ve Friedrich, G„ 1986, Aladağlar`da paleokarslaşmaya bağlı Zn-Pb mineralizasyonu; Türkiye Jeol. Kur, Bult,, 29,1,27-42

  • Demirtaşlı, E., Bilgin, Z,, Erenler, R, Işıklar, S., Sanlı, D#î Selim, M, ve Turhan, NM 1973, BoMr Dağlan`mn jeolojisi; Cumhuriyetin 50, yılı Yerb. Kong., Maden Tet ve Ara. Enst Der.5 12,42-67,

  • Gül, N. ve Erler, A,5 1983, Masif sülfîd yataklarmdıüd piritlerin karakteristik iz element içerikleri; Türkiye Jeol Kur. BOİL, 26,2,145-152.

  • Gümüş, A., 1964, Important lead-zinc deposits of Turkey; Sympsium on mining geology and the base metals, UNESCO, Ankam, 155465.

  • Hak, J. ve Novak, F„ 1970, Zoning and vertical extent <& the ore mineralization in the Kutna Hora ore district Problems of hydrotermal ore deposition; The origin, evolution and control of ore-forming fluids (Ed.: Z. Pauba ve M. Stemprok), E, Scnweizerbart`sche Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 164-167.

  • Hoagland, A.D., 1976, Appalachian zinc-lead deposits; Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposit* (Ed.: K. H. Wolf), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 6,495-534.

  • İşgüden, O„ 1970, Bolkardağ Maden sahası tektonik etüdü; Etibank Raporu, Rap. No 463,125 s.

  • Kuşçu, M., 1983, Göktepe-Ermenek (Konya) yöresinin jeolojisi ve Pb-Zn yataktan; Selçuk Ünlv, Fen BÜ. Enst. Doktora Tezi, Konya, 181 s.

  • Lambert, I. B., 1976, The MeArthur zinolead-silver deposits, Features, metallogenesis and comparisons with some other stratiform ores; Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits (Ed.: K,H, Wolf), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 6,535-585

  • Mercer, W,, 1976, Minor elements in metal deposits in sedimantary rocks, A review of the recent literature; Hand» book of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits (Ed.: K.R Wolf), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 4,396-425.

  • Önal, M, Tuzcu, N. ve Helvacı, C, 1991, Geological setting, mineralogy and origin of the Cafana (Malatya) ZB Pb sulfide and carbonate deposit, eastern AnatoHa, Tur« key; International Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions (Ed: MY. Savaşçın and A.H. Erond), V-l, 52- 59.

  • Raiswell, R, ve Plant, J., 1980, The incorporation of trace elements into pyrite during diagenesis of black shafak Yortehire, England; Econ. GeoL, 75,684-699,

  • Temur, S,, 1986, Horzum (Kozan-Adana) yöresi piritli ZnPb yataklarının jeolojik, petrografik ve jenetik incele« mesi; Selçuk Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst, Doktora Tezi, 253 s

  • Temur, S., 1989, Bolkardağı (Ulukışla-Niğde) yöresi ZnPb yataklarının incelenmesi; Selçuk Üniv. Araş. FoÄ Projesi, No: 659,120 s,

  • Temur, S,, 1991, Bolkardağı (Ulukışla-Niğde) yöresi Zn» Pb yataklarının jenetik özellikleri; Çukurova Üniv. Müh.-Mim, Fak. Jeo. Mühen. Böl, Ahmet Acar Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Bildiriler, 191498

  • Temur, S,, 1991a, Bolkardağı (Ulukışla-Niğde) yöresi ZnPb yataklarının mineralojik incelemesi: Maden Tet. Ara. Derg., 112,74-81

  • Udupaşa, G., 1984, Iron sulfides in sediniantary rocks, Some occurences in Romania; Syngenesis and epigenesis in the formation of mineral deposits (Ed»# A# Wauschkuhn, C, Kluth ve R.A, Zimmerman!^ Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 28-35.

  • Wedepohl, K.H, vc Brehler, B., 1969, Zinc; Handbook of geochemistry (ed.: K.H. Wcdcpohl), Spfinger» Verlang, Berlin, 30,108 s

  • Wedepohl, K.E, Sahi, K, ve Doe, B.R., 1970, Lead; Handbook of geochemistry (Ed: K.H. Wedepohl), SpringerVertag,Berlin,82, Ills.

  • Geochemistry and Geostatistical Investigation of the Magnetites from Metamorphic Deposits of Avnik I Bingöl and Interpretation of Their Genesis
    Hüseyin Çelebi
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    Abstract: This study investigates concentrations of Fe-group trace elements, their statistical distributions andrelation in order to obtain new data which are useful in integrating the genesis of the deposits.The geochemieal investigations show that the Sn 33, Fe 13, Pb 10, V and Mo 6, Cr and Ni 2 limes enriched inAation to their Clarke values, In contrast to those, elements Al 48, Cu 6, Mg 4, Tİ3 and Mn 2 times impoverished.Especially the enrichment of Cr and Ni supports intrusive-magmatic thesis on the ore genesis.All the investigated elements, expect Cr, Mo and V show lognormal distributions* These can be considered asimportant indications to a intrusive-magmatic origin»I The correlation and regration analysis show significant positive correlations beetwen Co-Zn, Pb-Zn, Cr-(Ni+V),Mo-Mo/Sn and Mg-Mg/Co. Those relations are to be seen only in magmatic diiferetiations. These results indicate thatthe apatite bearing-magnetite ore deposit of Avnik as intrusive-magmatic ore deposit. 

  • magnetite

  • magmatic intrusive formation

  • Geochemistry

  • Bingöl

  • Ahrens, L,H., 1954a, The lognormal distribution of the elements (1), Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 5,49-73

  • Ahrens, L.HL, 1954b, The lognormal distribution of the elements (2), Geochim. et Cosmochim, Acta 6, 121-131

  • Ahrens, L*H, 1966, Element distribution in spesific igneous rocks-VIII, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 30,109-122.

  • Çelebi, H., 1986, Die Genese der Magnetit-Apatit-Lagerstaette Avnik, Prov, Bingöl/Ost-Türkei und ihre wirts- ^ chaftsgeologische Bewertung, 214 s» yayınlanmamış doktora tezi? Berlin Tetaıik Üniversitesi,

  • Çelebi, H, 1989, Ansätze zur rohstoffwirtschaftlichen Bewertung der Magnetit-Apatit-Lagerstätte Avnik/ÖstTürkei.Erz-metaU 42 (2), 78-85.

  • Çelebi, HL, 1992, Geochemie des metamorphen Fluorapatits von Avnik, Ost-Türkei. Chemie der Erde 52,115429.

  • Clarke,EW,ve Washington, HLS„1924, The composiüon of the earth`s crust Mason, B* ve Moore, CB,, 1985, Gnmdzüge der Geochemie`de: Enke Verl., Stut^art, 340 s

  • David, M,, 1977, Geostatisücal ore reserve estimation. Elsevier ScientJPubLCamp.3d.2, Amsterdam, 364 s

  • DPT (Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı yayınliynn), 1988, Demir Çelik Hammaddeleri, DPT yayın no,: 2126, Ankara, 250 s.

  • Erdoğan, B„ I9825 Bitlis MasiJïnde Avnik (Bingöl) yöresinin jeolojisi ve yapısal özellikleri. Yayınlanmamış doçentlik tezi, 106s„ Dokuzeylüİ Üniv,, İzmir.

  • Erdoğan, B. ve Dora, O, (X 1983, Bitlis Masifi apatitli demir yataklarının jeolojisi ve oluşumu, TJK Bülteni, C. 26, 133-144.

  • Erdoğan, B,, Dora, O. Ö., ve Helvacı, C, 1981, Avnik (Bingöl) yöresi apatitli demir yataklarının jeolojisi ve oluşumu. Yayınlanmamış rapor, Dokuzeylül Univ., İzmir, 80 s,,

  • Frietsch, R,, 1978, On the magmatic origin of the iron ore of Kirana type. Econ. Geol. 73,478-485.

  • Frutos, J. J. ve Oyurzun, M. J., 1975, Tectonic and geochemical evidence concerning the genesis of El Laco magnetite lava flow deposits, Chile. Econ. Geol. 70, 988-990.

  • Goldschmidt, V, M„ 1937, The principles of distribution of chemical elements in minerals and rocks. Rosier, H, J, ve Lange, H., 1976. Geochemische Tabellen`de: Enke Verl., Stuttgart, 674 s.

  • Hegemann, E ve Albrecht, F„ 1954, Zur Geochemie oxydischer Eisenerze. Chemie der Erde 7,81-103,

  • Helvacı, C, 1983 Bitlis Masifi Avnik (Bingöl) Bölgesi metamorfik kayalarının petrojenezi, TJK Bülten, C, 26, 117-132.

  • Helvacı, C, 1984a, Bitlis Masifi Avnik (Bingöl) yöresi apatitli demir yataklarının oluşumu, Jeol, Müh, 19,33-51

  • Helvacı, C, 1984b. Apatit-rich iron ore deposits of the Avnik (Bingöl) region, southeastern Turkey. Econ. Geol. 79,354-371.

  • Helvacı, C. ve Griffin, W, L,, 1983a, Rb-Sr geochnonology of the BiUis Massif. Avnik (Bingöl) area, S,E, Turkef. GeoL Soc* London Spec. PubL 13,225-265

  • Helvacı, C. ve Griffin. W. U, 1983b. Metamorphie feldspatization of metavoleanics and granitoids, Avnik Area, Turkey. Cotr. Miner. Petrol. 83,309-319

  • Mason, B., ve Moore, C B., 1985, Grundzüge der Geochemie. Ferdinand Enke Veri, Stuttgart, 340 s.

  • Ringwood, A. E., 1955, The principles governing trace element distribution during magmatic crystallization Geochim, et Cosmochim. Acta 7 part I: The influence of electronegativity, 189-202.

  • Rodionov, D. A., 1964, Distribution functions of the element and mineral content of igneous rocks. Schroll, HI, 1976, Analytische Geochemie ll`de: Enke Verl., Stuttgart, 374 s.

  • Rosier, H, J, ve Lange, H., 1976, Geoehemisehe Tabellen, Enke Veri,, Stuttgart, 675 s.

  • Scharbert, H, G„ 1984, Einführung in die Petroiogie und Çjğochemie der Magmatite I. Franz Deuticke Verl., Wien, 312 s

  • SchrolL, E,, 1976, Analytische Geosehemie II. Enke Verl., Stuttgart, 374 s,

  • Smirnov, S, I„ 1963, Statistical distribution of the concentrations of elements in natural waters. Schroll, E., 19%, Analytische Geochemie ITdeiEnke Verl,?Stuttgart,374 s

  • Taylor, S.R., 1964, Aundance of chemical elements in the continental crust: a new table. Mason, B, ve Moore, C B., 1985. Grundzüge der Geochemie`ae: Enke VerL, Stuttgart, 340 s.

  • Wedepohl, K, H., 1956, Untersuchungen zur Geochemie#s Bleis. Geochïm. et Cosmochim. Acta 10,69-148.

  • Whittaker, E. ve Muntus, R, s 1970, Ionic radii for use in geochemistry. Rosier, H, J, ve Lange, H., 1976, Geochemische Tabellen`de: Enke Verl5 Stuttgart, 675 s

  • Young, E. Y., Myers, A. T., Munson, E., L., 1969, Mineralogy and geochemistry of fluorapatite from Cerro de Mercado, Durango/Mexico. US Geol Survey Prof, P 650-D, 84-93.

  • Calpionellid Biozonation in Bayburt and Kop Mountains (NW Erzurum) Area (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous)
    Aşkin Burşuk
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    Abstract: In this work, biozones have been established and compared with "Standard Calpionellid Zones" based on theinvestigation of Calpionellidae in Upper Tithonian and Valanginian period locating between the Eastern Bayburt and the KopMountains.The results of the examined samples obtained from the measured stratigraphie sections of the surveyed area during thestudies for my Ph.D. and Associate Professorship as Mow,Four Range Zones consisting of Crassieollaria, Calpionelia, Calpionellopsis and Calpionellites; fiveAcme Zones consisting of Crassicollaria intermedia (A), Calpionella alpina (B), Calpionella elliptica(C), Calpionellopsis simpiex-Calpionellopsis oblonga (D) and Calpionellites darderi (E); and ten subzones consisting of A^-^-A^ B|-B2? D^^^^Dj and Ej« ^ have been established and described.In the establishment of Calpionellid Biozones, while stating species association in Biozones, because of the importanceof evolution of Ulis group changeable morphologic features of species have also been taken in  care.A map of world showing the studies on different localities of tehlys until today has been drawn* In this particular work,Caipioneilites darderi (E) Acme Zone has been investigated by being divided in Ej-E^ subzones for the first time anda table comparing some localities in Tethys and Biozones in the study area has been prepared.It has been realized through the paleogeographic distribution of Calpionellids -being a group of planktic fossil- in Tethysthat this group lives in the warm water of bathyal zone.

  • Standard Calpionellid Zones

  • planktic fossil

  • Biozone

  • Bayburt

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  • Utilization of Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Gold Exploration: A Case Study for the Evaluation of Geochemical Data from the Region of Ordu-Unye-Fatsa-Aybastı
    Necati Tüysüz
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    Abstract: Analytical results of 165 rock chip samples collected from predetermined alteration areas in the regionbetween Ördu-Ünye-Fatsa-Aybastı were evaluated for any possible sort of mineralization, The region appears verypromising for epithermal gold deposits. 11 elements were analyzed. The main purpose of this study is to filter outinfluences related to extraneous factors other than mineralization such as lithology. Therefore, two multivariatetechniques, linear regression and principal component analysis were employed. Data before filtering revealed only asingle anomalous area around Fatsa-Tepeköy for gold with no association of other elements. However, filtering resultedin delineation of other anomalous areas. In addition, filtered data may imply three different episodes for gold deposition:1 - gold together with base metals at relatively high temperatures, 2 - gold with epithermal mineralization, 3 - gold onlywith silica as late stage quartz veins. Hence, multivariate techniques proved to be very successful in removing thebackground signal caused by different lithological units in the sampling area.

  • gold

  • regression

  • silica

  • epithermal

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