Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

2009 AĞUSTOS Cilt 52 Sayı 2
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Factors Controlling Formation of Benthic Foraminifera, Ostracod, Mollusc Assemblages and Sediment Distribution of the Geochemistry in the Dardanelles Strait
İbrahim Engin Meriç Niyazi Avşar Atike Nazik Baki Yokeş Mustafa Ergin Mustafa Eryilmaz Fulya Yücesoy Eryilmaz Erkan Gökaşan Fikret Suner Hüseyin Tur Şenol Aydin Feyza Dinçer
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Abstract: 26 sediments samples from Dardanelles were studied. 12 of which were collected in summer 2007 and14 of them have been previously collected. The depths of the stations vary between 25.00-83.00 m. Avery rich foraminifer and ostracod assemblages were observed in 8 of the stations, two of which alsofound to include a rich mollusc fauna. Foraminifer assemblages were represented with 73 genera and118 species, where as 36 genera and 41 species of ostracods were recorded. Mollusc fauna wererepresented with 13 genera and 12 species of pelecypods and 11 genera and 16 species of gastropods.In the light of these findings the region can be considered to be influenced by the Aegean andMediterranean fauna. Three of the samples contained a very rich benthic foraminifer and ostracodassemblages and one sample contained foraminifer specimens with large tests which also includescolored specimens and gypsum crystals, suggesting the presence of marine springs rich in carbonate,sulfate and trace elements related to fault/faults. Sediments of the strait were found to be sand, siltysand, muddy sand, sandy silt, silt, mud and sandy mud. The aim of the study was to figure out thesimilarities and differences of the foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc faunas between the DardanellesStrait and the assemblages of Aegean, Mediterranean and Sea of Marmara, in order to understand theecological characteristics of the study area.  

  • benthic foraminifer

  • Dardanelles

  • Gypsum

  • Mollusc

  • Ostracod

  • Sediment Geochemistry

  • Surface sediments

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  • Meriç, E , Avşar, N , Nazik, A , Yokeş, B , Ergin, M , Eryılmaz, M , Yücesoy Eryılmaz, F , Gökaşan, E , Suner, F , Tur, H , Aydın, Ş , Dinçer, F . (2009). Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Güncel Bentik Foraminifer, Ostrakod, Mollusk Topluluğunu Denetleyen Faktörler ile Çökel Dağılımının Jeokimyası . Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni , 52 (2) , 155-216 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28366/301603

  • The Seismic Geomorphology of the Sığacık Gulf (İzmir) Earthquakes of October 17 to 20, 2005 and Their Relationships with the Stress Field of Their Western Anatolian Region.
    Hasan Sözbilir Ökmen Sümer Bora Uzel Emrah Yalçin Ersoy Fuat Erkül Uğur İnci Cahit Helvaci Çağlar Özkaymak
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    Abstract: İzmir city and its surroundings are located in the strike-slip dominated zone of weakness known as theİzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone. The latest activity of the zone was evidenced by the October-2005 Sığacıkearthquakes. In this study, we merge the seismic geomorphological features of the İzmir earthquakeswith the active faults and stress field of the region.Three main shocks (17 October 2005 at 05:45, Mw= 5.4; 17 October at 09:46, Mw =5.8 and 20October at 21:40, Mw =5.9) occurred in the Gulf of Sığacık synsedimentary structures to form. Thesestructures have been mapped and evaluated with respect to their seismo-geomorphological features.The syn-sedimentary deformational structures occur around Demircili village and Yumlu Farm tothe south of the Urla Basin. These structures developed in recent sediments which comprise beachgravels and sands that interfinger with the river deposits. The seismites are composed of NE- and E-Wtrending fractures and sand volcanoes due to liquefaction. NE-trending cracks are from tens ofcentimetres up to several metres long and display an en-echelon pattern that locally forms ananastomosing geometry. They trend N40-70oE in accordance with main fault segments. E-W-trendingcracks are oriented parallel to the coastline of the Sığacık Bay and have a dip-slip displacement up to amaximum of 8 cm. At Yumlu Farm, the shaking created a linear fissure that extends NNE in direction.To the north of the Urla Basin, we also observed a small-scale landslide that developed in the stepoverarea of the western margin of the basin.Although syn-sedimentary deformational structures can be attributed to a simple seismic shaking,they appear to display a close spatial and temporal relationship with the tectonic framework of theregion, shaped by NE/NW-trending strike-slip faults and E-W-trending oblique-slip normal faults ofQuaternary age. The main events and aftershocks of the İzmir earthquakes clustered on this faultpattern, indicating a negative flower structure that is real evidence of earthquake related tectonicframework. This flower structure is characterized by an arrray of upward-diverging strike-slipdominated zone that shaped the Quaternary Urla Basin.

  • Seismic geomorphology

  • Flower structure

  • Sığacık earthquakes

  • İzmir

  • western Anatolia

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  • Sözbilir, H , Sümer, Ö , Uzel, B , Ersoy, Y , Erkül, F , İnci, U , Halvacı, C , Özkaymak, Ç . (2009). 17-20 Ekim 2005-Sığacık Körfezi (İzmir) depremlerinin sismik jeomorfolojisi ve bölgedeki gerilme alanları ile ilişkisi, Batı Anadolu . Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni , 52 (2) , 217-238 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28366/301607

  • Geochemistry of Görgü Pb-Zn Mine-Waste, Malatya, Türkiye
    Leyla Kalender Güllü Kirat Cemal Bölücek Ahmet Sağiroğlu
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    Abstract: The study area is located at the Malatya L40-a4 section of the 1/25000 scale map 9 km southeast ofGörgü village in the Yeşilyurt township, in Malatya.The Görgü (Cafana) Pb-Zn mineralization forms in volcanic rocks (of unknown age) and inMalatya Metamorphic rocks (Permo-Carboniferous), and a great deal of mineralization take place inandesitic rocks as vein forming. The Pb-Zn mineralizations have been observed as sulphur minerals.Major minerals are galena, sphalerite, pyrite-marcasite, smithsonite (the dominant ore mineral), zincite,hydro-zincite, anglesite, cerussite and gangue minerals as represented in barite, dolomite, quartz andcalcite.In this study, 12 mine waste samples and 18 soil samples were collected from within minewaste piles and around ore deposits, and the concentrations and distribution of the metals weredetermined. Metal concentrations in the mine wastes and soil samples range as follows: Pb 315to>10000 ppm (mean 6259), Zn 526 to >10000 ppm (mean 6618), Ag 137 to 18333 ppb (mean 3711),Mn 54 to 3153 ppm (mean 829), Ba 56 to 1697 ppm (mean 546); Pb 28 to 446 ppm (mean 115); Zn 58to 9095 ppm (mean 660); Mn 477 to 1634 ppm (mean 993); Ba 120 to 1414 ppm (mean 276); Cd 0,38 to54 ppm (mean 4,3); Ag 25 to 2508 ppb (mean 120).Correlations of element concentrations between waste and soil show that Au, Mn, Sn, Cu, Sb, Rband Sr values in the soil are higher than waste, due to natural weathering processes.Spearman correlation coefficients were evaluated because the data were insufficient.A high metal concentration in the soils is probably the result of natural weathering processes. 

  • Görgü Pb-Zn mineralizations

  • geochemistry

  • mine waste

  • soil pollution

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  • Kalender, L , Kırat, G , Bölücek, C , Sağıroğlu, A. (2009). Görgü (Malatya-Türkiye) Pb-Zn Yatağının Eski İmalat Pasalarının Jeokimyası. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 52 (2) , 239-256. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28366/301610

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