Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

2008 AĞUSTOS Cilt 51 Sayı 2
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Investigation of Soil Behaviour in the Gediz Graben by Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation
Nihal Akyol Oğuz Demir M. Ali Danişman Ulubey Çeken
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Abstract: Determination of source, path and site characteristics in the Western Anatolia Region, which is one ofthe most seismically and tectonically active continental regions in the world, is a very important issue inthe sense of scaling the seismic hazard of a possible large earthquake. For that reason, the soil behaviorof the sedimentary fills of the Gediz Graben in the region was investigated. At first, site amplificationsand natural resonance frequencies of the two sites (IZM/zmir and BRN/Bornova stations) in Izmir weredetermined using micro and moderate sized earthquake data from two accelerometers operated by theTurkish National Strong Motion Network. After that, the detailed geology, stratigraphy, seismicreflection, gravity, resistivity, hydrogeology, water supply and well-logging studies in the graben wereexamined in order to obtain vertical distributions of average velocity and regional (anelastic)attenuation values for the sedimentary fill of the Gediz Graben. The Estimated vertical velocity andanelastic attenuation distributions were used as input parameters for the Quarter-WavelengthApproximation in order to determine an average site amplification function. Utilizing theseamplification values, the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Spectral Acceleration (5% dampedspectral acceleration, SA) values of a hypothetical earthquake, with Mw=7.0 and hypocentral depth=10km, were simulated in order to see the interaction between structures and this event, at differentdistances on the sedimentary fill of the Gediz Graben. The results implied that an obtained maximumPGA value is 0.42 g and the maximum horizontal SA value is 1.2 g at 0.3 sec at the epicentral locationof the hypothetical earthquake. Dominant periods are 0.3 sec for hypocentral distances of 10-30 km and0.5 sec for the hypocentral distance of 100 km in the Gediz Graben. 

  • Strong Ground Motion

  • Stochastic simulation

  • Site amplification

  • Gediz Graben

  • Western Anatolia

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  • Bozkurt, E. ve Sözbilir, H., 2004. Tectonic Evolution of the Gediz Graben: Field Evidence for an Episodic, Two-Stage Extension in Western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 141, 63-79.

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  • Akyol, N , Demir, O , Danışman, M , Çeken, U . (2008). Stokastik Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi Simülasyonu ile Gediz Grabeninde Zemin Davranışlarının İncelenmesi / Investigation of Soil Behaviour in the Gediz Graben by Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation . Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni , 51 (2) , 63-76 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28370/301644

  • Historical Earthquakes of Ancient Perinthos (Marmara Erelisi) until the 15th Century
    T. Levent Erel Cengiz Zabci H. Serdar Akyüz Namik Çağatay
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    Abstract: Byzantion (stanbul), Perinthos (Marmara Erelisi), and Cyzikos (Belkıs) were the most important portsof the Marmara Sea in ancient times. While Byzantion was an estuary, Perinthos and Cyzikos weretombolo type ports. Although Byzantion has continued to develop since its foundation, Perinthos has lostits importance as a port in the Marmara Sea, and Cyzikos has been abandoned and turned in the Belkıs ruins. Another point shared by Perinthos and Cyzikos, which were turned in ports after theFlandrian transgression, is that they are very close to branches of the North Anatolian Fault. Perinthosis located on the northern shoreline of the Marmara Sea, 90 km west of the Bosphorus. The northernbranch of the North Anatolian Fault crosses just a few km to the south of the town. Earthquakes,tectonic uplift, tsunamis, offshore landslides and floods have had natural effects on the foundation anddevelopment of this ancient city. Although Perinthos is on a seismically active area, there areinsufficient historical records of faulting events with the exception of those which heavily damagedIstanbul. The oldest earthquake record is a December 427 BC event; the intensity of the Geliboluearthquake was VIII in 282 BC; but the effects of the 90 BC Saros and 93 BC Canakkale earthquakesare unknown for Perinthos. There are historical records of repairs on the City walls in the 2nd and 3rdcenturies.. The damage to these city walls might have happened after the 10 November 117 Kapıda Peninsula, 138 Çanakkale-Bandırma, 160 Çanakkale and 3 May 170 Marmara Sea earthquakes.Perinthos was still alive at the beginning of Byzantine era. The residents of the town asked the EmperorTheododius the Second for the restoration of aqueducts which were damaged by the 430 Istanbulearthquake (I=VIII). While there were no significant known effects of the 478 Çanakkale and 484Gelibolu events, damage from the 6 September 543, 553 Canakkale, 557 Silivri and 558 Istanbul oneswere fixed immediately. The name of the town changed to Herakleia in this period. Aqueducts and citywalls were repaired again in Justinian`s times (527-568). Other earthquakes that effected the townoccurred in 715, 740 (Marmara Sea and Thrace shores), 760 (Istanbul and Thrace), 860 (Marmara),989 (Marmara), 23 September 1063/1064 (Bandırma, Cyzikos, İznik, Mürefte, Istanbul), 1296 (Istanbul,Marmara), 1343 (Erei-Ganos), 14 October 1344 (Gelibolu, Thrace shores, Istanbul Marmara Island),1 March 1354 (Gelibolu, Marmara northern shores, Thrace), September-November 1437 (Istanbul andGelibolu).

  • Perinthos

  • Marmara Ereglisi

  • historical earthquake

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  • Öztürk, N.Ö., 2001. Marmara Ereğlisi Bat Nekropolü kurtarma kazs, II. Müze çalmalar ve kurtarma kazlar sempozyumu, 24-26 Nisan 2001 Denizli, TC. Kültür Bakanl Antlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüü Yay., 83-92, Ankara

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  • Evidence for a kinematically linked E-W trending Izmir Fault and NE-trending Seferihisar Fault: Kinematic and paleoseismogical studies carried out on active faults forming the Izmir Bay, Western Anatolia
    Hasan Sözbilir Bora Uzel Ökmen Sümer Uğur İnci Emrah Yalçin Ersoy Tufan Koçer Ramazan Demirtaş Çağlar Özkaymak
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    Abstract: İzmir Bay, one of the recent structures of Westen Anatolia, is a marine basin controlled by NE, NW, N-Sand E-W trending active faults. The southern sector of the bay is bounded by the Izmir Fault, lying between Konak and Güzelbahçe village. The zmir Fault in this section is made up of two mainsegments trending approximately in an E-W direction, and is mapped on a 1/25000 scale from Balçova to Güzelbahçe Village. According to field studies, the İzmir Fault is an oblique-slip normal fault dippingto the north. The northern sector of the bay between Bayraklı and Karşıyaka districts is bounded by the Karşıyaka Fault, which is antithetic to the zmir Fault. In this section, the Karşıyaka Fault ischaracterised by an oblique-slip normal fault dipping to the North.The Seferihisar Fault, which is approximately developed and normal to the Izmir Fault, and hasbeen mapped from Sığacık Bay to Güzelbahçe-Yelki district, forms the eastern margin of the Urla basin.The segment of the Seferihisar Fault that lies between Sığacık Bay and Yelki Village is in the form of aN20E trending right-lateral strike-slip fault. The 5 km length of the fault segment lying between Yelkiand Güzelbahçe trends in a N50E direction and, beginning from Güzelbahçe village, is transformed in the zmir Fault toward the northeast. Within the excavated trenches on the fault segments mapped on a1/1000 scale, it is established that the strike-slip fault (Seferihisar Fault) is transformed by bending in the normal fault (the zmir Fault).Kinematic analysis carried out at 9 stations suggest that the paleostress forming the faults hascontrolled under an approximately N-S extensional direction associated with an E-W contraction. The data support that the kinematically linked Izmir Fault, Seferihisar Fault and Karşıyaka Fault contributed to the opening of Izmir Bay as a response to the transtensional forces.

  • Active Fault

  • Seferihisar Fault

  • Izmir Fault

  • Karsiyaka Fault

  • Izmir Bay

  • Paleoseismology

  • Fault Kinematics

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