Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

2002 ŞUBAT Cilt 45 Sayı 1
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Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Miocene Bituminous Units, North of Beypazarı (Ankara)
Orhan Özçelik
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Abstract: Miocene units at the north Beypazarı (Ankara) are represented by conglomerate, agglomerate, sandstone,siltstone, clay stone, coal, bituminous shale, limestone and tuffs. Exposures of bituminous horizons just above coal areobsewed in extensive areas in the region. Total organic carbon content obtained from different outcrops of thisbituminous horizon varies from % 0.37 to % 7.07 organic matter, mainly dominated by algal origin, is of type 1 and 2kerogen. Vitrinite reflection measurements vary between % 0.27 - % 0.56 and Tmax values obtained from Rock -Eval pyrolysis are in the range of 407 - 437°C. These data point out that organic matter is immature. Biomarkercharacteristics also verify this results. The Ts/Tm ratio is 1.5 and show immaturity of organic matter. According tothe Pr/n-Cjy and Ph/n-Cjs, Miocene units were generated in reducing environments and their source is shale. 

  • Northern Beypazarı

  • Organic Geochemical

  • Miocene

  • Bituminous

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  • Trace Element, Ni, PGE and Au Geochemistry of Sivas - Kızıldağ Ophiolites (Central Anatolia)
    Yahya Çiftçi
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    Abstract: The Kızıldağ (Sivas) Ophiolites, belonging to the Refahiye Ophiolitic Melange, generaly consist of wherlite oftransition zone, gabbros of mafic cumulate sequence and pyroxene gabbros, hornblende gabbros, microgabrointrutions, meta basalts and spilitic basalts. The ophiolitic complex is cut by Neogene magmatics, represented byaplite veins, granite, quartz monzonite and diorite as well as volcanic products such as andesite and basalt.Ni enrichment, up to 4630 ppm took place within the ophiolite bodies. Ore microscopy studies have revealed thatthe source of Ni is linneit, bravogite, gersdorfite, millerite, heazlewoodite and pentlandit e minerals. This studyreveals that Ni, occurring at levels of 0.2 to 0.3 % in primary ultramafic rocks, shows enrichments up to 0.46 %. It isbelived here that with more detailed studies, economical nickel deposits may be found. The ultramafic rocks in the investigation area show variable contents of Pt group elements comparition withprimitive mantle values. Os and Ru show enrichment, Ir, Rh and Pt show depletion, Pd shows both effects but withfew changes. Au, which is treated geochemicaly with Pt group elements, shows enrichment relatieve to primitivemantle values with few amounts. Comparision of Kizildag Ophiolites with N-Type MORE, the normalized values ofREE`s show generaly depletion except U and Ta. The Cl Chondrite normalized values of REE`s show differentpattern; Th, U, Ta, La and Ce show enrichment up to 10 times but Sr, Nd, Zr, Sm, Tb, Y, Yb, Rb and Ba showdepletion with different amounts.

  • Sivas-Kizildag Ophiolites

  • Nr-PGE-Au Geochemistry

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  • Wood, D.A., Tarney, J., Varet, J., Saunders, A.D., Bougault, H., Joron, J.L., Treuil, M. and Cann, J.R., 1979b. Geochemistry of basalts drilled in the North Atlantic by IPOD Leg. 49: implications for mantle heterogenity, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 42, 77-97

  • Yılmaz, A., 1983. Tokat (Dumanlıdağ) ile Sivas (Çeltekdağı) dolaylarının temel jeoloji özellikleri ve ofiyolitli karışığın konumu, T.J.K. Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara.

  • Yılmaz, A., 1985. Yukarı Kelkit Çayı ile Munzur Dağları arasının temel jeoloji özellikleri ve yapısal evrimi, T.J.K. Bülteni C:28, 79-92, Ankara.

  • Yılmaz, Y., 1984. Türkiye`nin jeolojik tarihinde magmatik etkinlik ve tektonik evrimle ilişkisi, Ketin Simpozyumu, 63-82, Ankara.

  • Zhelobow, P.P., 1979. Alpine-type hyperbasite rocks as a probable source of gold; International Geologycal Rev.,V:23,Nr.3.

  • Mineralogical-Petrographical and Geochemical Study of the Karamadan Plüton, Yahyalı-Kayseri, Central Anatolia, Turkey
    Durmuş Boztuğ Ali Çevikbaş Cavit Demirkol Sibel Tatar Erkül Mustafa Akyildiz Nazmi Otlu
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    Abstract: The Karamadazı pluton (Yahyalı-Kayseri) constitutes one of the scarcely exposed granitic outcrops in the middleparts of Tor ides in Turkey. It intrudes the Permo-Tr lassie marble belonging to Bolkardağ unit by forming somemagnetite-type skarn occurrences of which some are economically operated. Although there is no any geological andstratigraphical age evidences about the age of the Karamadazı pluton, just covered by Quaternary debris and alluvium, a Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary emplacement age can be proposed on the basis of regional geologicalcorrelation. The Karamadan pluton is formed by two different types of rocks of quartz dioritic/tonalitic andI e uco granitic in composition which led it to be called a typical bimodal pluton. The mineralogical assemblages of thequartz diontes/tonalites and leucogranites consist of plagioclase(albite + oligoclase) + calcic clinoamphibole +quartz ± biotite ±_ chlorite ± epidote ± apatite ± sphene, and quartz + K-feldspar + plagioclase ± biotite ( ± calcicclinoamphibole instead of biotite in some samples) ± chlorite ± apatite ± sphene, respectively. Mineralogical andgeochemical data, always represent the coexistency of two different magmatic associations composed of quartzdiorites/tonalites and leucogranites which are considered to be derived from different mafic and felsic magmasources, respectively. On the other hand, major and trace element geochemistry data also reveal that both of thequartz diorites/tonalites and leucogranites seem to be the highly differentiated derivatives of their discrete magmasources. The extremely depletion in K, and a considerable enrichment in Na is an important characteristic for thequartz diorite/tonalite type of rocks of bimodal Karamadazi pluton. As to the geodynamics, the calc-alkaline maficand felsic magma sources of the bimodal Karamadazi pluton can be proposed to have been derived from mantle andcrust, respectively, in a post-collisional situation. Some advanced geochemical studies such as REE,geothermobarometry based on mineral chemistry, absolute age dating and isotope geochemistry would beappreciated for better understanding of some processes involving assimilation, assimilation-fractional crystallization,replenishment-fractional crystallization and metasomatism during the evolution/solidification of magma source(s) inthe petrogenesis of bimodal Karamadazi pluton.

  • Karamadazi

  • mineralogy

  • petrography

  • geochemistry

  • Batchelor, B. and Bowden, P., 1985. Petrogenetic interpretation of granitoid rock series using multicationic parameters. Chemical Geology, 48,43-55.

  • Çevikbaş, A. ve Öztunalı, Ö., 1992. UlukışlaÇamardı (Niğde) Maestrihtiyen sonrası çökel havzasının jeolojisi. M.T.A. dergisi 114, 155-172.

  • Çevikbaş, A., Boztuğ, D., Demirkol, C, Yılmaz, S., Akyıldız, M., Açlan, M., Demir, Ö. ve Taş, R., 1995. Horoz plütonunun (UlukışlaNiğde) oluşumunda dengelenmiş hibrid sistemin mineralojik ve jeokimyasal kanıtları. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni, 10, 62-77`.

  • Çevikbaş, A., Boztuğ, D., Demirkol, C, Yılmaz, S. ve Akyıldız, M., 1997. Bolkardağlar, Aladağlar ve Niğde masifinde kabuk kalınlaşması ve Ulukışla-Çamardı baseninde riftleşme ile ilgili plütonların karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi, Orta Toroslar, Türkiye. Çukurova Üniversitesinde Jeoloji Mühendisliği Eğitiminin 20. Yılı Sempozyumu, Adana, 30 Nisan - 3 Mayıs 1997, Bildiri Özleri, s. 37- 38.

  • Debon F., and Le Fort, P., 1982. A chemicalmineralogical classification of common plutonic rocks and associations. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg: Earth sciences, 73, 135-149.

  • Erkan, Y>, 1994. Kayaç Oluşturan Önemli Minerallerin Mikroskopta İncelenmeleri TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisliği Odası Yayınları, Ankara, 405 s.

  • Erkan, Y., 1995. Magmatik Petrografi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Ders Notlan, Beytepe, Ankara, 169 s.

  • Govindaraju, K., 1989. 1989 Compilation of working values and sample description for 272 geostandards. Geostandards Newsletter, 13, 1-113.

  • Hibband, M. J. 1995. Petrography to Petrogenesis. Prentice Hall, 587 p.

  • Irvine, T. N. and Baragar, W. R. A., 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of common volcanic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523-548.

  • Mason, B. and Moore, C. B., 1982. Principles of Geochemistry. John Wiley and Sons, Hong Kong, 344 p.

  • MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C, 1991. Atlas of Rock Forming Minerals in Thin Section. John Wiley and Sons, Hong Kong, 98 p.

  • Mehnert, K. R. and Büsch, W., 1981. The Ba content of K-feldspar megacrysts in granites: A criterion for their formation. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogisches Abhandlugen, 140,221-252.

  • Michael, P. 1., 1981. Barium zonation in orthoclase: implications for crystallization and differentiation of granite. Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 62, 438.

  • Oygür, V., Yurt, M. Z., Yurt, F. ve Sarı, L, 1982. Kay seri-Yahyalı-Karamadazı ve Kovalı yö resi demir madenleri jeoloji raporu. M.T.A. Arşiv No: 6609/1,2,3,4.

  • Özgül, N., 1976. Torosların bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 31, 23-28.

  • Pearce, J. A., Harris, B. W. and Tindle, A. G., 1984. Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. Journal of Petrology, 25, 956-983.

  • Poli, G., Tommassini, S. and Haliday, A. N., 1996. Trace element and isotopic exchange during acid-basic % magma interaction processes. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg: Earth Sciences, 87, 225-232.

  • Rickwood, P. C, 1989. Boundary lines within petrologic diagrams which use oxides of major and minor elements. Lithos, 22, 247- 263.

  • Rollinson, H. R., 1993. Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation. Longman Scientific and Technical, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 352 p.

  • Shand, S. J., 1947. Eruptive Rocks, Their Genesis, Composition, Classification, and Their Relation to Ore Deposits, With A Chapter on Meteorites. Thomas Murby, London, 3rd. Ed. 488 p.

  • Streickeisen, A., 1976. To each plutonic rock its proper name. Earth Sciences Reviews, 12, 1- 33.

  • Sun, S.S., 1982. Chemical composition and origin of the earth`s primitive mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46, 179-192.

  • Taylor, S.R. and McLennan, S.M., 1985. The Continental Crust: Its Composition and Evolution. Blackwell, Oxford.

  • Wilson, M., 1989. Igneous Petrogenesis, Unwin Hyman, London, 456 p.

  • Sedimentary Analysis of the Miocene Dikme Basin (NE Aladağ Mnt.)
    Faruk Ocakoğlu
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    Abstract: Sedimentary analysis of a well-preserved Miocene area at altitutes as high as 1900 m in the eastern Taurides (NEAladağ mountains) was carried out in this study. A try correlation with the Adana basin that currently situated 40 kmin the south was also aimed.In the light of gravel composition, sedimentary textures and structures, and paleocurrent data, the sedimentsstudied were interpreted to have been deposited in the Dikme basin with a characteristic infill architecture. Althoughit has a prominent unique graben shape of 15 km long with a northeast trend, several intrabasinal fault-controlled relief occured as well The basin was filled from its NW and E margins by debris flow and sheet flow dominatedalluvial fan complexes that gradually pass mud-bearing central gravelly alluvial river system.Within this fluvialsystem, a local coarse pyroclastic level in the north (around Karaköy) and a Langian aged thin marine interval in thevery south (around Taştekne) occurs:The palaeogeographic evaluations rooted from sedimentary environmental interpretations suggest thatsedimentary patterns of the Adana and Dikme basins complete each other forming a larger Adana basin thence, andthis larger basin extends northwards towards the eastern Central Anatolian Volcanic realm.

  • Adana basin

  • alluvial fan complex

  • Dikme basin

  • Miocene

  • eastern Taurides

  • Dhont, D., Chorowicz, J. ve Yürür, T., 1999. The Bolkar Mountains (Central Taurides, Turkey): a Neogene ext&nsional thermal uplift? Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 42, 2, 69-87.

  • Görür, N., 1977. Sedimentology of the Karaisali limestone and associated elastics (Miocene) of the Northwest flank of the Adana basin, Turkey. PhD thesis, University of London, 244 pp. (yayımlanmamış).

  • Görür, N., 1979. Karaisalı kireçtaşı`nın (Miyosen) sedimantolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 22, 123-128.

  • Görür, N., 1982. Adana havzasının petrol potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesinde yeni bir görüş. Türkiye 6. Petrol Kongresi, p. 73-80.

  • Görür N., 1985. Depositional history of Miocene sediments of the NW flank of the Adana basin. In: E. îzdar and E. Nakoman (editors). 6 th colleq. Geology of the Aegean Basins. Piri Reis Int. Contr. Ser. PubL, 2, 185-208.

  • Görür,4 N., 1992. A technically controlled alluvial fan which developed into a marine fan-delta at a complex triple junction: Miocene Gildirli Formation of the Adana Basin, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology, 81, 243-252.

  • Gürbüz K. ve Kelling, G., 1991. Evolution of Miocene submarine fans, northern Adana basin, Turkey. EUG VI Strasbourg, 24-8 March, Terra Abstracts, p. 342.

  • Gürbüz K. ve Kelling, G., 1993. Provenance *of Miocene submarine fans in the northern Adana basin: a test of discriminant function analysis. Geological Journal. 28, 277-294.

  • İlker, S., 1975. Adana baseni kuzeybatısının jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. TPAO Arama arşiv no: 973 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara, 63 p.

  • Kelling, G., Gökçen, S.L., Floyd, P.A. ve Gökçen, N., 1987. Neogene tectonics and plate convergence in the eastern Mediterranean: new data from southern Turkey. Geology, 15, 425-429.

  • Metin, S., 1986. Doğu Toroslar`da Bakırdağı ve dolayının jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müdürlüğü Derleme No: 7888, 95 p. (yayımlanmamış).

  • Miall, A.D., 1977, A review of the braided-stream environment, Earth Science Reviews, 13, 1- 62.

  • M.T.A., 1989. Geological Map of Turkey of 1/2.000.000 scale (Ed. E. Bingöl).

  • Naz, H., Çuhadar, Ö. ve Yeniay, G., 1991. Middle Miocene deep-sea fan deposits of the Adana basin, south-central Turkey. In O.Sungurlu Symposium, November 1991, Proceedings, pp. 190-212. Ankara/Turkey.

  • Ocakoğlu, F., 2001. Analysis of a relict Miocene basin high in the Taurus mountains (NE Aladag): new insights regarding the palaeogeography of the Adana basin, SE Turkey. Fourth International Turkish Geology Symposium, Abstracts, pp.??

  • Özgül, N., 1983. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Central Taurides. In Geology of the Taurus Belt, International Symposium, 26-29 September. Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğlu, M.C. (Eds.), p 77-90.

  • Rust, B.R., 1972. Structure and process in a braided river. Sedimentology, 18, 221-245.

  • Schmidt, G.C., 1961. Stratigraphic nomenclature for the Adana region petroleum district VII. Petroleum Administration Bulletin, 6, 47-63.

  • Tekeli O. Aksay, A., Ergün, B. M. ve Işık, A., Yetiş, C. and Taner, Ü., 1987. Adana baseni 1983. Geology of the Aladağ Mountains. In Geology of the Taurus Belt, International Symposium, 26-29 September. Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğlu, M.C. (Eds.), 143-158.

  • Ternek, Z., 1957. Adana baseni Alt Miyosen (Burdigaliyen) formasyonları ve diğer formasyonlarla ilişkisi ve petrol olanakları. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute Bulletin, 49, 60-80.

  • Ulakoğlu,. S., 1983-1984, Aladaglarda Yahyali (Kayseri) bölgesinin jeolojisi, istanbul Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 4/1-2, 1-44.

  • Ünlügenç, U.C., 1997. Adana baseni Tersiyer stratigrafisi üzerine yeni gözlemler. Çukurova Üniversitesinde Jeoloji Mühendisliği Eğitiminin 20. yılı Simpozyumu. 30 Nisan-3 Mayıs. Bildiri Özleri, 281-282.

  • Ünlügenç, U.C., Williams, G.D. ve Kelling, G., 1992. Extensional tectonism in the Early Miocene Adana basin deposits, sıuthern Türkiye. Turkish Geology Workshop, 9-10 April, Keele Univ., England, p 76-77.

  • Williams, G.D., Unlugenc, U.C., Kelling, G. ve Demirkol, C., 1995. Tectonic controls on stratigraphic evolution of the Adana Basin, Turkey. Journal of Geological Society, London, 152, p 873-882.

  • Yalçın, N. ve Görür, N., 1983. Sedimentological evolution of the Adana basin. In: Geology of the Taurus Belt, International Sym. On the Geology of the Taurus Belt. O. Tekeli ve C. Göncüoğlu (Ed.), s 165-172.

  • Yetiş, C, 1988. Reorganization` of the Tertiary stratigraphy in the Adana basin, southern Turkey. News. Stratigr., 20, 1, 43-58.

  • Yetiş C., and Taner, Ü., 1987. Adana baseni Burdigaliyen-Tortoniyen istifinin sedimantolojik gelişimi. 7. Petroleum Congress, Proceedings, pp 322-331.

  • Evidences of Extensional Tectonics at the Southern Boundary of the Galatean Volcanic Province, NW Central Anatolia
    M. Tekin Yürür Abidin Temel Onur Köse
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    Abstract: Crustal extension directions trending NNE-SSW and NW-SE to NNW-SSE are documented at the southeasternboundary of the Galatean Volcanic Province (GVP), located at the NW central Anatolia, and at the north of theAegean Region, in Turkey. Extension affects a continental volcano-sedimentary sequence deposited between theEarly Miocene to Pliocene (?) time. Field observations suggest syntectonic volcanism and sedimentation, andextension may begin in the Early-Middle Miocene time. Similar Miocene crustal extension directions are known fromthe Aegean Region. Both zones have also comparable Miocene magmatic evolutions, characterized by production ofLower-Middle Miocene calc-alkalic and Upper Miocene alkalic magmas.The GVP is presently bounded at the north by the North Anatolian fault (NAF), the most important active fracturezone of the Anatolian block. The stress fields associated with the GVP extensions and the NAF movements clearlyare different. This implies that the GVP extensional regime must have ended prior to the NAF initiation at the EarlyPliocene.Based on the structural and magmatic similarities, we propose that the Aegean and GVP zones were parts of thesame block, during possibly much of the Miocene, until the Early Pliocene NAF inception. 

  • Aegean Zone

  • Galatean Volcanic Province

  • Anatolia

  • North Anatolian fault

  • Crustal stretching

  • Angelier, J., Dumont, J.-F., Karamanderesi, H., Poisson, A., Şimşek, Ş. and Uysal, S., 1981. Analysis of fault mechanisms and expansion of southwestern Anatolia since the late Miocene. Tectonophysics, v. 75:T1:T9.

  • Barka, A. and Kadinsky-Cade, 1988. Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity. Tectonics 7: 663-684.

  • Eyidoğan, H., Utku, Z., Güçlü, U. and Değirmenci, E., 1991. Türkiye Büyük Depremleri MakroSismik Rehberi (1900-1988). istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Maden Fakültesi, Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü, 199 p.

  • Gökten, E., Özaksoy, V. and Karakuş, K., 1996. Tertiary Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution of the Ayaş-Güdül-Çeltikçi Region, Turkey. International Geology Review, Vol. 38: 926- 934.

  • Görür, N., Tüysüz, O. and Şengör, C., 1998. Tectonic evolution öf the Central Anatolian Basins, International Geology Review, vol. 40, p. 831-850.

  • Hetzel, R., Ring, U., Akal, C. and Troesch, M., 1995. Miocene NNE-directed extensional unroofing in the Menderes Massif, southwestern Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, London. Vol. 152, pp. 639-654.

  • Inci, U., 1991. Miocene alluvial fan-alkali playa lignite-trona bearing deposits from an inverted basin in Anatolia: sedimentology and tectonic controls on deposition. Sed. Geol., v. 71, p. 72-97.

  • Jackson, J.A. and McKenzie, D.P., 1988. The relationship between plate motions and seismic moment tensors, and the rates of active deformation in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Geophys. J., 93: 45-73.

  • Keller, J., Jung, D, Eckhardt, F.J., and Kreuzer, H., 1992. Radiometric ages and chemical characterization of the Galatean andesite massif, Pontus, Turkey. Acta Vulcanologica, v. 2: 267-276.

  • Koçyiğit, A., 1998. A geotraverse through the so called

  • Koçyiğit, A., Türkmenoğlu, A., Beyhan, A., Kaymakçı, N and Akyol, E., 1995. PostCollisional Tectonics of Eskişehir-AnkaraÇankırı segment of izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone: Ankara Orogenic Phase. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 6/1,69-86.

  • Seyitogiu, G., Scott, B.C. and Rundle, C.C., 1992. Timing of Cenozoic extensional tectonics in West Turkey. Journal of Geological Society of London, 149,533-538.

  • Seyitoğlu, G. and Scott, B.C., 1996. The cause of N-S extensional tectonics in western Turkey: tectonic escape vs back-arc spreading vs orogenic collapse. Journal of Geodynamics, 22, 145-153.

  • Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N., Karakuş, K., Fodor, L., Araz, H., Karadenizli, L., 1997. Does Continuous Compressive Tectonic Regime Exist During Late Palaeogene to Late Neogene in NW Central Anatolia, Turkey? Preliminary Observations, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 77-83.

  • Şaroğlu, F., 1988. Age and Offset of the North Anatolian Fault. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1-3: 65-79

  • Tankut, A., Wilson, M. and Yihunie, T., 1998. Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Tertiary volcanism in the Güvem area, Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 85 (1998) 285-301.

  • Toprak, V., Savaşçın, Y., Güleç, N. and Tankut, A., 1996. Structure of the Galatean Volcanic Province, Turkey. International Geology Review, vol. 38, 1996, p. 747-758.

  • Wilson, M., Tankut, N. and Güleç, N., 1997. Tertiary volcanism of the Galatia Province, NW Central Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos, 42, 105-121.

  • Yağmurlu, F., Helvacı, C, inci, U. and Önal, M., 1988. Tectonic Characteristics and Structural Evolution of the Beypazarı and Nallıhan Neogene Basins, Central Anatolia. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1-3: 127-143.

  • Yılmaz, Y., 1990. Comparison of young volcanic associations of western and eastern Anatolia formed under a compressional regime: a review. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 44, 69-87.

  • Yılmaz, Y., Genç, C, Gürer, F., Bozcu, M., Yılmaz, K., Karacık, Z., Altunkaynak, Ş. and Elmas, A., 2000. When did the western Anatolian grabens begin to develop? In: Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and Surrounding Area. Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J.A. and Piper, J.D.A., (eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, 353-384 (2000).

  • A New Pontîan Genus and Subgenus Discovery of Candonidae (Ostracoda) from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey
    Cemal Tunoğlu
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    Abstract: In this paper, one new genus {Anatolia) and subgenus (Trabzonella) of Candonidae family are suggested andrepresented from the Araklı section (Trabzon). Both genus and subgenus and their species {Anatolia pontica,Trabzonella turcica) have been found in the thin unconsolidated sandstone horizon which has yellow and abunduntshelly fragments with rich and abundance ostracoda as^Bations. They are Pontian aged and characteristics ofoligohaline environment.

  • Ostracoda

  • Candonidae

  • Pontian

  • New genus and subgenus

  • Paratethys

  • Turkey

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  • Effect of Fine-Grain Size On Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of the Northeaster Aegean Sea, Çanakkale (Dardanalles) Strait and Marmara Sea Transition
    Fulya Yücesoy Eryilmaz Mustafa Eryilmaz
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    Abstract: Total 125 surface sediment samples were taken from NE Aegean Sea (82 samples), Çanakkale (Dardanelles)Strait (23 samples), Junction of the Marmara Sea with the Dardanelles Strait (DSMJ) (20 samples). Grain size andheavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Co, Cr) the samples were determined by standard methods.N E Aegean Sea, Çanakkale (Dardanelles) Strait, DSMJ surface samples mean mud percentage were found 34.3%,74.1%, 79.9% by mass. The highest mean metal value was calculated in the DSMJ sediment. In the Çanakkale(Dardanelles) Strait sediments some heavy metals concentrations reach same data with DSMJ. Outside Pb all heavymetals show positive correlation with mud in the DSMJ. Heavy metals-mud correlation show positive correlation inthe Dardanelles Strait. But, other parameters for example antropogenic and land-particulate effect to deposition of heavv metal in the DS sediment. In the NE Aegean Sea sediment Ni, Cr, Zn, show high correlation cofficient with mudaccording to Pb, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu. General distribution of Pb, Mn, Co, and Fe decent on different parameters besidesmud size. Cu, Cr, Zn, Ni have high correlation with mud in the studying areas.

  • Heavy metal

  • Çanakkale (Dardanelles) Strait

  • Junction of the Marmara Sea with the Dardanelles Strait

  • fine size sediment

  • Northeast Aegean Sea

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  • Factor Anily sis Method in Geochemical Characterization Study: Çelebi Granitoide and Karamadazı Granite
    İlkay Kuşçu Gonca Gençalioğlu Kuşçu Cem Saraç Lawrence D. Meinert
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    Abstract: The principal component analysis, one of the methods in factor analyses was used to evaluate thegeochemical composition of Karamadazi and Çelebi granitoids. Based on this method, the factorscontrolling the geochemical characteristics of the Karamadazi Granite are TiO2+MnO+Zr/SiO2 andCaO+Na2O+Sr/Rb+Ba+K2O ratios, and for the Çelebi Granitoids the (Fe0(T)+Ca0+Mg0+Y)/(K20+Rb)and (Na2O+Ba+Al2Oj)/(SiO2) ratios. These two granitoids are clearly distinguished from the sterile/nonproductive Central Anatolian Granitoids (CAG) on Harker diagrams based on these controlling factors,(parameters). CAG plutons such as Yozgat batholith, Terlemez quartzmonzonite, Kerkenez granite,Ekecikdağ quartzmonzonite ve Ağaçören intrusive suite are different from the productive ÇelebiGranitoids in their higher silica content and generally higher total alkali values. This study suggests thatfertile (iron producing) plutons are less differentiated and have very little contribution from continentalcrust compared to the sterile (non-productive) plutons. Higher apatite and zircon abundances in the ÇelebiGranitoid suggest that the Çelebi Granitoid have more I-type characteristics compared to non-productiveplutons of CAG. The Karamadazi Granite is the most striking example for the granitoids in CAG plutonsabove having the least contribution from the continental crust, evidenced by the lowest mean Rb, Ba, Th,the highest mean Sc, V, and mean Zr, Y, Ni contents. Based on the factor analysis, it is proposed that theKaramadazi Granite display geochemical characteristics similar to the Terlemez and Ağaçören granitoidsof CAG.

  • Factor Analysis

  • Çelebi Granitoide

  • Karamadazi Granite

  • Geochemical characterization

  • Bayhan, H., 1984. Kesikköprü skarn kuşağının (Bala/Ankara) mineralojisi ve kökeni. Yerbilimleri, 11,45-53.

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  • Newberry, R.J., 1987. Use of intrusive and calcsilicate compositional data to distinguish contrasting skarn types in the Darwin polymetallic skarn district, California, U.S.A. Mineralium Deposita, 22, 207-215.

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  • Türeli, T.K, Göncüoğlu, M.C., ve Akıman, O., 1993. Ekecikdağ Granitoyidi`nin petrolojisi ve kökeni (Orta Anadolu Kristalen Kütlesi batısı), MTA Dergisi, 115, 15-28.

  • Yalınız, M.K., Aydın, N.S., Göncüoğlu, M.C., ve Parlak, O., 1999. Terlemez quartz monzonite of Central Anatolia (Aksaray-Sarıkaraman): age, petrogenesis and geotectonic implications for ophiolite emplacement. Geological Journal, 34, 233-242.

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  • Tectono-Sedimentary Records and Controlling Factors of the Mesozoic Sedimentary Basin in the Gümüşhane-Bayburt Region
    Cemil Yilmaz
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    Abstarct: Hercynian basement of Eastern Pontide orogenic belt, NE-Turkey, is made up of the metamorphics andcrosscutting granitoids outcropping mainly in the Bayburt and Gümüşhane areas. Mesozoic basins are examplified bytwo rifting phases, sepereted by a calm tectonic period. First rifting phase occured in Early Liassic, resulting in thebreak-up of the Hercynian basement. Sedimentary rocks of period show sudden fades- and thickness variations. Firstrifting phase ended in the Early Dogger, is succeeded by carbonate platform formation from the Dogger to LowerCretaceous in Gümüşhane, in Dogger-Malm in Bayburt area. Cesseation of the calm tectonic period is recognised bya syn-sedimentary discontinuity. This event is called as second rifting phase, which starten during the middleCretaceous in the vicinity of Gümüşhane, and late Malm in Bayburt. Similar facies sedimentary prisms are developedin both areas, notwithstanding in different periods.

  • Basin Analysis

  • Eastern Pontides

  • Platform Carbonates

  • Mesozoic

  • Rift Related Sediments

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  • Interpretation of Tokaris Area Adıyaman-Mardin Group Members` Adıyaman-Kahta Rezervuar Properties in Elan Plus Software
    Nurettin Sonel Nihal Eker Ali Sari Suat Bağci
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    Abstract: This study has been carried out in 20 km. east of Kahta-Adıyaman in the southern Anatolia region. The log dataof some wells in Tokaris field are investigated in order to achive the petrophysical properties under the software ofElan Plus (Schlumberger) using the Elan Plus software the well log data were interpreted to find reservoir levels. Asa result, the effective porosity, total porosity, shale volume, formation water saturation, movable and residual oilvolumes are found in the selected zone. Reservoir rock in the field is Karaboğaz formation and Mardin group carbonates. Production in theinvestigated field were done from Mardin group craked dolomites and limestones. The most important parameter thateffect reservuar quality and production is the permeability, Karaboğaz formation in Tokaris field shows 5-6 %porosity limestones. The field is usually not productive. Karababa-C which is the first 10-13 meters from the groundhas avarege porosity of 5.2-8.4 % limestones. It has a permeability of 0.01 md. which is very low. In the wells, theproduction can only be done by acidizing in these zones. Lower level of Karababa-C is made of dense limestones.Karababa-B is dense limestones and Karababa-A is shaly limestone. D erde re formation is made of limestones whichhas 1.4-5 % porosity from the first 15-28 meters. In some part we can find 10 % porosity. However, production canbe done only by acidizing. High permeability dolomites under limestones has 5.1-9 % porosity values. Because ofmany crack in the N-9 well porosity calculated as 16 %. The main production zone is in the Derde re formationdolomites.

  • Log

  • Elan Plus Software

  • Reservoir

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