Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

1994 ŞUBAT Cilt 37 Sayı 1
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Volcanism and Geotectonic Evolution in Eastern Pontides, Yomra (Trabzon) - Keşap (Giresun) - Kelkit (Gümüşhane) Area, NE Türkiye
Salim Genç İsmail Hakki Güven
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Abstract: In the study area, where Devonian, Permo-Carboniferous, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks crop out, volcanics produced through polyphase volcanism are the most abundant lithological units. The Devonian includes Pulur metamorphics that havelocally been intruded by Gümüşhane granite, whilst the Permo-Carboniferous overlying the Pulur metamorphics with an angularunconformity comprises coalbearing sediments. In the light of field data and major element analyses, the volcanics represented bybasalt, andesite, trachyte, dacite and rhyolite of the Liassic (Jurassic), Upper Cretaceous, Eocene and Miocene age groups, havebeen the main subject of this paper. Studies have revealed that most of these samples are calc-alkaline and alkaline, whilst only afew of them were specified as tholeiitic in composition. Except for several Liassic ones comprising entirely simatic, all samples ofthese volcanics, as the derivatives of magmas subjected to fractional crystallization, are rich in sialic material. The studies have alsoshown that the great majority of the volcanics in the region are "orogenic region volcanics" in character, whilst the rest are the products of rifting occurred in different times. 

  • Volcanism

  • geotectonic evolution

  • granite

  • NE Turkey

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  • Gedik, A., Ercan, T., Korkmaz, S. ve Karataş, S., 1992, RizeFındıklı-Çamlıhemşin arasında (Doğu Karadeniz) yer alan magmatik kayaçlann petrolojisi ve Doğu Pontidlerdeki bölgesel yayılımı: Türkiye Jeol. Bült., 35/1, 15-38.

  • Gedikoğlu, A., 1978, Harşit granit karmaşığı ve çevre kayaçları (Giresun-Doğankent): Doçentlik tezi, KTÜ, 186 s.

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  • Habiboğlu, Y., 1989, Doğu Pontid güney zonundaki (BayburtDemirözü) metamorfıt-ofiyolit birliğinin (Pulur masifi) jeotektonik anlamı: Master tezi, KTÜ, 104 s.

  • Irvine, T.N. ve Baragar, W.R.A., 1971, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanics rocks: Can. Jour. Earth Sci., 8, 523-548.

  • Kerr, P.F., 1959, Optical mineralogy: McGraw-Hill, 442 s

  • Keskin, Y., 1983, Bayburt ilçesi-Akşar köyü ve güneybatısının jeolojik incelemesi: Master tezi, KTÜ.

  • Korkmaz, S. ve Gedik, A., 1988, Rize-Fındıklı-Çamlıhemşin arasında kalan bölgenin jeolojisi ve petrol oluşumları: Jeol. Müh., 32/33, 5-15.

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  • MacDonald, G.A. ve Katsura, J., 1964, Chemical composition of Hawaiian lavas: Jour. Petrol., 5, 82/133.

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  • Rittmann, A., 1953, Magmatic character and tectonic position of the Indonesian volcanics:Bull. Vole, 14, 45-58.

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  • Şengör, A.M.C., Yılmaz, Y. ve Ketin, 1., 1980, Remnants of a pre-Late Jurassic ocean in Northern Turkey. Fragments of a Permian-Triassic Paleo-Tethys:Geol. Soc. America. Bull., 91, 599-609.

  • Şengör, A.M.C. ve Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate-tectonic approach: Tectonophysics, 75,185-241.

  • Tanyolu, E., 1988, Pulur masifi (Bayburt) doğu kesimin jeolojisi. MTA Der., 108,1-17.

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  • Taylor, S.R., Arculus, R., Perfit, M.R. ve Johnson, R.W., 1981, Island arc basalts. In basaltic volcanism on the terrestrial planets (Basaltic Volcanism Study Project): Pergoman Press, New York, 193-213.

  • Tokel, S., 1972, Stratigraphical and volcanic history of Gümüşhane region, NE Turkey: Doktora Tezi, Londra Üniv

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  • Zanettin, B., 1984, Proposed new chemical classification of volcanic rocks: Episodes, 7/4, 19-20.

  • İnler Yaylası (Şebinkarahisar-Giresun) Pb-Zn Deposits
    Ahmet Şaşmaz Ahmet Sağiroğlu
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    Abstract: İnler Yaylası Pb-zn deposits are situated in an area 20 km NW of Şebinkarahisar (Giresun). The deposits are confined to a large fault zone in Upper Cretaceous volcanics. The mineralized veins strike NE-SW and E-W. Three main mineralized zones are present distinguished. These are Azak-Yarar mine, Aşçı mine and Karadeniz mine. The dominant minerals of the veins are sulphide minerals in the lower levels and these grade upwards in oxide, carbonate and sulphate minerals. The main mineral assemblage of the İnler Yaylası mineralizations are; sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, fahlore group minerals, enargite, linneite, pyrhotite, alcocitite-covellite, klaprotite, tetradymite-telluro-bismuthinite, Bi-fahlore groups minerals, altaite, gold, magnetite and hematite. The gangue minerals are quartz, calcite, clay minerals, chlorite, hematite andbaryite.The mineralizations are accompanited with intense alteration zones. Associations of carbonates silica minerals and epidote+chlorite+silica minerals are repeated several times towards depths. This alternation is probably due to the compositional changes and represents hidrothermal alteration of mafic mineral rich dacitic and andesitic volcanics and mafic mineral-poor pyroclastics.

  • Pb-Zn Deposits

  • sulphate mineral

  • alteration

  • Giresun

  • Akyol, H., 1991, Şebinkarahisar-Dereköy Pb-Zn cevherleşmesi ön rapor: Etibank (Çinkur), (yayınlanmamış), Kayseri.

  • Ayan, Z., 1991, Şebinkarahisar`ın (Giresun) kuzeybatısındaki Pb-Zn-Cu cevherleşmelerinin mineralojik ve jeokimyasal incelenmesi ve kökensel yorumu: DEÜ Fen Bilimleri Ens. Doktora Tezi, 175 s. (yayınlanmamış), îzmir

  • Barnes, H.L., 1979, Geochemistry of hidrotermal ore deposits: John Wiley-Sons Inc., 798 p.

  • Bektaş, O., 1986, Doğu Pontid ark-gerisi bölgelerinde paleo stres dağılımı ve çok safhah riftleşme: MTA Dergisi 103/104, 16-39, Ankara.

  • Evans, A.M., 1988, Introduction to ore geology, Blackwell Sc. Publication, Oxford, 231

  • Ineson, P.R., 1989, Introduction t o practical ore microscopy: Longman Earth Science Series, p. 181, London.

  • Karaoğlu, N., 1985, İnler Yaylası (Şebinkarahisar) Pb-Zn-U yataklarının jeolojisi: DEÜ. Fen Bilimleri Enst.Yüksek Lisans Tezi 93 s. 2ek. (yayınlanmamış),

  • Ramdohr, P., 1980, The ore minerals and their intergrowths, 120 2 P- Pergamons Press, Toronto.

  • Şaşmaz, A., 1993, Tutak Dağı Güneybaüsındaki Pb-Zn Ya ^ ^ Rü > Fe n mimle û En s Doktor a Tezi , 9 8 s . 2 ek, (yayınlanmamış) Elazığ.

  • Petrography and Metamorphism of the Metagabbros at the Northern Part of Alaşehir; Demirci- Gördes Submassif of the Menderes Massif
    Osman Candan
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    Abstract: The metamorphic rock succession between Kula-Ala§ehir region, Demirci-Gördes submassif, can be given, in ascending order,as follows; micaschists compraising gneiss levels and leuococratic metagranile bodies; gneiss, migmatites associated with granitesand acidic metavolcanites of the core series and garnet micaschists of the cover series. Also, metagabbro stock, approximentally Ikm in wide, and a number of metagabbro sills occur in the acidic metavolcanites.It was determined that the metagabbro stock represent some textural and mineralogical changes toward the core which were resulted from the highgrade metamorphism affected both the country rocks and metagabbros. These metaigneous rocks can be petrographically subdivided in three rock types from the margin to the core; garnet amphibolite, amphibolitic metagabbro and metagabbro. The metagabbros were completely converted to the garnet amphibolites at the marginal zone in which they were stronglyaffected by the metamorphism. In these zones were the rocks were strongly foliated parallel to those of the country rocks, the garnetamphibolites have a purely metamorphic mineralogy and texture. In the amphibolitic metagabbro zone, the primary igneous textureand mineralogy were partly preserved. In the inner parts of the stock, the metagbbros are remarkably free of metamorphic effectsand consist of "Plagioclase + Ortho I Clinopyroxene + Hornblende + Clinozoisite ± Garnet ± Biotite ± Sphene ± Opaquoxide". Anumber of metagabbro sills, up to 100 m in lenght, which were partly completely converted to garnet amphibolite occur in thecountry rocks around the metagabbro stock.At the nortlwr part of Alaşehir, these basic igneous rocks gabbroic in composition occuring in the core series of the MenderesMassif were contemporaneously subjected to highgrade metamorphism with the country rocks. It is obviously understood that, interms of the geological setting, structural features, mineralogical composition and textural evidence, the metagabbros, probablyPrecambrianJCambrian in age, which are exposed in Ala§ehir-Kula region have great similarities with the gabbros all over theMenderes Massif which are previously regarded to be Middle Mioce in age and post-metamorphic in character (According to thesenew evidences, it can be postulated that the gabbros which are exposed all over the Menderes Massif are of PrecambrianiCambrianin age and were subjected to high - grade metamorphism effected the Menderes Massif during the Middle Eocene time.

  • metagabbro

  • metavolcanit

  • gneiss

  • Alaşehir

  • Buddington, A.F.; 1939 Adirondack igneous rocks and their metamorphism: Geol. Society of. Amer. Memoir., 7, 55-306.

  • Candan, O., 1992, Menderes Masifi/Demirci-Gördes Asmasifi`nde Kula-Yeşilyurt kasabaları arasında kalan bölgenin jeolojisi, petrografisi ve metamorfizma evrimi: D.E.Ü. Rektörlüğü 0.908.90.05.02 nolu proje;11295.

  • Candan. O., 1993, Kiraz-Birgi çevresindeki (MenderesMasifı/Ödemiş-Kiraz Asmasifi) metagabrolann petrografisi ve metamorfizm ası: H.Ü. Yerbilimlerinin 25. yılı sempozyumu (ilk gönderim).

  • Cortesogno, L., Ernst, W.G., Galli, M., Messıga, B., Pedemonte, G.M. and Piccarndo, G. B., 1977, Chemical petrology of eclogitic lenses in serpentinite, gruppo di Voltri, Ligurian Alps: Journal of Geol., 95, 255-277.

  • Dora, O. Ö., Savaşçın, Y., Kun, N. ve Candan, O., 1987, Menderes Masifi`ndeki post-metamorfik plutonlar: H.Ü. Yerbilimleri, 14, 79-89.

  • Dora , O. Ö., Kun, N. ve Candan O., 1990, Metamorphic history and geotectonic evolution of the Menderes Massif: Int. Earth Sci. Cong, on Eagean Region, 102-115.

  • Dora, O. Ö., Kun, N. ve Candan, O., 1992, Menderes Masifi`nin metamorfik tarihçesi ve jeotektonik konumu: Türkiye Jeoloji Bült., 35, 1-14

  • Ernst, W. G., 1976, Mineral Chemistry of eclogites and related rocks from the Voltri group. Western Liguria, Italy: Schweiz. mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 56, 243-343.

  • Ernst, W. G., 1981, Petrogenesis of eclogites and peridotites from the western and Ligurian Alps: Amer. Mineralojisi, 66,443-472.

  • Gasparik, T., 1980, Geology of the Precambrian rocks between Elizabethtown and Mineville, eastern Adirondack, New York: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 91, 78-88.

  • Kun, N., 1983, Çine dolayının petrografisi ve Menderes Masifi`nin güney kesimine ait petrolojik bulgular: D.E.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Doktora Tezi (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Kun, N. ve Candan, O., 1988 Ödemiş-Kiraz Asmasifîndeki leptitlerin dağılımı, kökenleri ve oluşum koşullar: TBAG-688 nolu proje., 133 s.

  • Kun, N. ve Candan, O., 1991, Menderes Masifi`nin güneydoğusunda kalan Karmcalı Dağ çevresinin jeolojisi, petrografisi ve metavolkanitlerin (leptit) kökeni: S.U. Müh. Mim. Fak. Derg., 1, 30-44.

  • Kun, N., Dora, O. Ö., Tuzcu, N. ve Candan, O., 1988, Menderes Masifi`ndeki post-metamorfık gabro stoklarının petrolojisi: Akdeniz Üniv. İsparta müh. Fak. Derg., 4, 304-325.

  • Magetti, M. and Galetti, G., 1988, Evolution of the Siluretta eclogites. metamorphic and magmatic events: Schweiz. mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 68,467-484.

  • Mclelland, J., Lochbead, A and Vyhnal, C, 1988, Evidence for multiple metamorphic events in the Adirondack mountains, N. Y: Journal of. Geol, 96, 279-298.

  • Onay, T. S., 1949, Über die Smirgel gesteine SudwestAnatoliens: Schweiz. mineral Petrogr. Milt., 24, 359- 491.

  • Schuiling, R. D., 1962, Türkiye`nin güneybatısındaki Menderes migmatit kompleksinin petrolojisi, yaşı ve yapısı hakkında: M.T.A., Derg., 58, 71-84.

  • Wniurel. Hb Db ve Mclelland, J. M., 1973, Origin of Coronas in metagabbros of the Adirondack Mts. N.Y., Contr: Mineral. Petrol, 39, 81-98.

  • Zeck, H. P., Otlesen, C. ve Tüft, J., 1988, Volume effect of a gabbro-amphibolite transition: Chem. Geol., 67. 141- 153.

  • A Carlin Type Gold Occurence in the Pontide Island Arc: the Kaletaş Gold Occurence (Gümüşhane, NE-Turkey)
    Necati Tüysüz Kemal Özdoğan Murat Er Zeki Yilmaz Ahmet Ağan
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    Abstract: The Kaletaş disseminated gold occurrence, hosted by thin-bedded, silty to sandy limestones, consists of siliceous lenses developed along permeable zones such as fault, fiacture and bedding planes. These were initially major inflow zones for hydr other mal fluids. Silicification occurs as replacement bodies and tiny veinlets. Gold is enriched in silicified limestones, especcially along zones ofextensive carbonate removal. Carbonate dissolution and silicification are two separate processes, both of which are resulted fromdifferent hydrothermal solutions. Carbonate removal is intensified along highly permeable zones. Argillic alteration characterizedby dominance ofillite is formed subsequent to mineralization. Oxidation of ore minerals and altered rocks are resulted in the formation of alunite, natrojarosite, kaolinite, limonite and native sulfur which eventually fill the pores of dissolved limestones. Realgarand orpiment postdate gold mineralization and are related to late-stage quartz veining. The gold deposition in the area of interest ismainly a factor of adsorption of gold on organic matter in silicified zones. Temperature decrease or mixing of gold-bearing hydrothermal fluid with meteoric fluid may also be an effective mechanism in gold precipitation. The Kaletaş gold occurrence is similar toCarlin-type deposits in carbonate hostrocks, alteration, geochemical signature and ore mineralogy, but is different in tectonic setting, being located in an island arc environment rather than a continental setting in which the Carlin gold deposits occur. 

  • gold occurence

  • alteration

  • limestone

  • Gümüşhane

  • Archart, G.B., Chryssoulis, L.S. ve Keşler E.S.,1993, Gold and arsenic in iron sulfides from sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits: implications for depositional processes. Econ. Gcol., 88. 171-185.

  • Bakken, B.M. ve Einaudi, M.T.,1986, Spatial and temporal relations between wall-rock alteration and gold mineralization, main pit, Carlin gold mine, Nevada, in Macdonakl, A.J., ed.. Gold` 86: Willowdale, Ontario, Konsult Internal., 388-403.

  • Çoğulu, E., 1975. Gümüşhane ve Rize bölgelerinde petıolojik ve jeokronolojik araştırmalar: l.T.Ü yayını. 1034, 112 s.

  • Hayashi, K.I. ve Ohmoto. H., 1991. Suluhiliiy uf gold in NaCl - and H2S-bearing aqueous soiuiions al 250-350: Geochim. el Cosnıochinı. Açla. 55, 21 11-2126

  • Korkmaz, S. ve Baki, Z., 1984, Demirözü (Bayburt) güneyinin stratigrafisi: T.Jeol.Kur. Bült..5,107-l 15.

  • Korkmaz, S., Er, M., Van, A., Musaoğlu, A., Keskin, 1. ve Tüysüz, N., 1992, Stratigraphy of the Eastern Pontides, NE-Turkey: Intern, Symp. on the Geology of the Black Sea Region, abstracts, 17.

  • Kuehn, C.A. ve Rose A.W., 1992, Geology and geochemistry of wall-rock alteration at the Carlin gold deposit: Nevada.Econ.Geol.,87, 1697-1721.

  • Radtke, A.S., 1985, Geology of the Carlin gold deposit. Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 1267, 124 p.

  • Radtke, A.S., Heropoulus. C, Fabbi, B.P.. Scheiner, BJ. ve Essinglon. M.. 1972. Dala on major and minor elements in hosl rocks and ores. Carlin gold deposit, Nevada: Econ. Geol.. 67. 975-978.

  • Seward, T.M., 1973, Thio complexes of gold and the transport of gold in hydrothenrufl ore solutions: Geochim. el Cosmochim. Ada. 37, 379-399.

  • Wells, J.Ü., Sloisor, L.R. ve Elliot. .I.E., 1969. Geology and geochemistry of the Cone/, gold deposit, Nevada: Econ. Geol.. 64,526-537.

  • Geology of the Yayla Olistostrome in the Eastern Part of Ankara
    İlyas Yilmazer
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    Abstract: An olistostrome is an impotant tectonosedimentary unit common in melanges. Its (internal) geology and contact relationshipsprovide valuable information about the geological evolution and engineering geological evaluation of the area. In this respect, anarea of 105 sq km, including the Yayla olistostrome (a geological units in the Ankara melange), is mapped and its relationships withsurrounding units are investigated.The Yayla olistostrome is a member of the Ortaköy formation which has two other members, namely the Lower and Upper matadetritics. The oldest member, Lower metadetritic, deposited in a relatively shallow environment and it does not have any biogenic level in the study area. It has well preserved diabase dykes which cut schistosity as well as bedding. It is well observable in Eymir Lake basin. The Yayla olistostrome was placed somewhat later within the Upper metadetritic as a tectonosedimentary deposit whiledetritics were being deposited in a basin which was tectonically active and consequently high sedimentary energy environment.The blocks (olistoliths) of diabase, spilite, deformed pillow lavas, and different types of chert and limestone, metadetritics, andtheir binding materials; volcanic mudstone, calcilutite-calcirudite, and siliceous in places metallifereous materials are the mainconstituents of the Yayla olistostrome.Homoclinal, isoclinal, and in places overturned fods, small scale faults, and joints constitute the main structural elements in theOrtaköy formation which indicate that all three members have been suffered intensively from the Early Alpine orogenic events.

  • olistostrome

  • spilite

  • schistosity

  • Ankara

  • Abbate, E., Bortolotti, V. ve Passerini, P., 1970. Olisthostromes and Olistoliths : Sedimentary geology, 4, 521- 558.

  • Akyürek, B., 1981, Ankara Melanjının kuzey bölümünün temel jeoloji özellikleri: Içanadolu Jeolojisi Simpozyumu, TJ.K. 35. Bilimsel TeknikKurultayı, 41-45.

  • Bailey, E.B. ve McCallien, W.J., 1950. Ankara Melanji ve Anadolu şarıyajı: M.T.A. Dergisi, No. 40, 12-22.

  • Çalgın, R., Pehlivanoğlu, H. Ercan, T., ve Şengün, M., 1973. Ankara civan Jeolojisi M.T.A. Rap. no. 6487 (yayınlanmamış)

  • Erol, O., 1956. Ankara`nın güney doğusundaki Elmadağı ve çevresinin jeolojisi ve jeomorfoloji üzerine bir araştırma: M.T.A., Yayınları, Seri D No. 9.

  • Erol, O., 1981. Ankara Melanjı deyiminin tarihçesi: Proc. Geol. of Central Anatolia Symp. Ankara 1981, 32-34.

  • Flores, G., 1955. Evidence of slump phenomena (Olistostromes) in areas of hydrocarbons exploration in Sicily: Proc. of World Petrol. Cong., 259-275.

  • Gökçen, S. L., 1974. Erzincan Refahiye bölgesi sedimenter jeolojisi 1: Olistolit, turbidit ve olistostrom fasiyesleri: Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 1, 179-205.

  • Hoedemaeker, Ph. J., 1973. Olistostromes and other delapsional deposits and their occurence in the region of moratall (prov. of Muricia, Spain) : Scripta. Geol., 19, 1- 207.

  • Hsü, K.J., 1968. Principles of melange and their bearing on the Fransiscan-Knoxville paradox: Bulletin Geol. Soc, Amer., 79,1063-1074.

  • Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü, 1963. 1/500 000 ölçekli Türkiye jeoloji haritası, Ankara Paftası.

  • Marchetti, M.P., 1956. The occurence of slide and flowage materials (olistostromes) in the Tertiary series of Sicily: Proc. of Int. Geol. Congr., Mexico.

  • Norman, T., 1973, Flow features of Ankara Melange: Abstracts of the 9th Int. Cong, of Sedimentology, Nice, France, 1975.

  • Norman, T., 1975. On the structure of Ankara Melange: International geodynamics project, Ankara, Turkey, 1975.

  • Tankut, A., 1985. Basic and ultrabasic rocks from the Ankara Melange, Turkey : Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, Special Publication of the Geological Society No. 17, 449-454, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

  • Yilmazer, 1., 1981. Geology of the Lalahan-Kayaş region. M.S. thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.

  • Yilmazer, I., 1991. Gerede-Ankara ve Ankara çevre otoyoluna genel ve jeotektonik açıdan bakış. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 38,43-50.

  • Some Heavy Metal Contents of the Soils at Coastal Area between Akçaabat and Yomra (Trabzon/NE-Turkey)
    M. Burhan Sadiklar Aydin Ali Van S. Serpil Karamehmet
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    Abstract: Fe, Mn, Co, Pb, Zn, Cu and Hg contents of the soils along the coast between Akçaabat and Yomra are measuredand interpreted in this study. The elements exept Hg were determined by flame AAS. Mercury was analyzed by cold vaporization technique. All the elements but Hg show local anomalous areas. The detection limit ofHgfor the analyticalmethod employed is 0,005 ppm. Any anomalous areas ofHg are not a::, led in the soils of `study areas. The analysedelements snow following concentrations as Fe 8%; Mn 1%; Cu 100 ppm; Pb 250 ppm, Co 150 ppm, Zn 170 ppm andHg <0.005 ppm.

  • heavy metal

  • AAS method

  • Hg

  • Trabzon

  • Eggersglüss, D. ve Müller, G., 1991, Schwermetalle und Naehrstoffe in Gartenböden des Rhein-Neckar-Kreises und des Stadtgebietes von Heidelberg, Heidelberger Geowiss. Abh., Band 49, 157 s., Ruprecht-KarlsUniversitaet, Heidelberg.

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  • Fluid Inclusion Studies and Nicrotextural Characteristics of Sivas-Ulay Celestite Deposits (Tertiary)
    Erdoğan Tekin Ayşe Zeynep Ayan Baki Erdoğan Varol
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    Abstract: 9 celestite occurences which arefound in Tertiary sediments of Sivas-Ulaş basin, are examined in this study. These celestites are divided in 3 groups according to the relationship between bedding types and the host rock. These groups are: 1. Celestite foundin carbonaceous units (void Jilling-zebroide), 2. Celestite found in detritial units (nodular). 3. Celestite Johnd in evaporitic units(massive) These occurrences are also divided in 3 main petrographic types according to their crystallization and microtextoral characteristics. These types are; a elongated-prismatic, b.tabular and c. fibrous-radial crystals.All these celestite types take place in diffrent levels of the Tertiary evaporitic section. According to the fluid inclusion studiescarried on these occurrences, the homogenization temperatures of voidfilling-zebroide celestites (type I) in Middle-Upper Eocene, concentrate between 320-360 C. nodular celestites (type 2) in Oligocene, between 260-290 C and massive celestites (types 3) in Middle Miocene between 220-270 C. The salinities ofthese types do not differfrom one to another and are about 14-23 % NaCI equivalent. These high salinity and temperature values support the idea ofhydrothermal effects during the formation of Tertiary celestite mineralizations at Sivas basin.

  • celestite

  • Fluid inclusion

  • evaporitic

  • Sivas

  • Bain, R.J., 1990. Diagenetic, nonevaporitive origin for gypsum. Geology. 18. 447-450. May 1990.

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  • Nickless. E.F.P., Booth. S.J.. Mosley. P.N., 1976. The celestite resources of the area north-east of Bristol. Miner. Asses. Rep.. 25,. 1-83. London.

  • Olaussen, S., 1981. Formation of celestite in the Wenlock, Oslo region. Norway evidence for evaporitic depositional environment. Jour, of Sed. Pet. 51(1). 37-46.

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  • Schollc. P.A.. Stemmerik, L.. Harpoth, O.. 1990, Origin of major karst-asociated celestite mineralization in Karstrygen, Central East Greenland. Jour, of Sed. Pet.. 60(3). 397-470. May 1990.

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  • Tekin, E.. Varol. B., 1993. Sivas (İç Anadolu) havzasındaki sölestin yataklarının petrografik incelenmesi. A. Sual Erk Jeoloji Simpozyumu. Bildiriler Bült. 319-327, Ankara.

  • Turckian. K.K.. 1964, The marine geochemistry of strontium. Geoclıimica ct Cosmoshimica Acta. 28, 1479-1496.

  • Udsowski, E., 1973. Das geochemische Verhaltcn des strontiums bci der gense und diagenesc von Cacarbonat und Ca-sulfat. Minerallen Contr. Mineral and Petrol.. 38. 177-195.

  • Wells. L.D., Jones. D.K.. Schaub. W.J., 1983. Celestite from Salem-Indiana. Min. Rec.. 14, 7-12.

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  • The Geology and Chemical-Mineralogical Properties of Britholite Veins of Başören Village (Kuluncak-Malatya)
    İsmet Özgenç Yaşar Kibici
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    Abstract: The Başören area is located about 670 km. southeast of capital Ankara, within northwest margin of the eastern Tauride belt. Inthe studied area the principal rock units are; Karapınar Limestone (Upper Cretaceous), Kızılkaya ophiolites (Upper Cretaceous),Ardıçh syenitoids (Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene), Alibeyli carbonatites (Middle-Upper Paleocene), Başören formation(Middle-Upper Eocene), Kepez volcanites (Middle-Upper Miocene).Karapınar limestone is overthrusted by ophiolites during Upper Cretaceous. Hie limestones are also intruded by syenitoids. Thecontact between limestones and syenitoids are abrupt. No contact metamorphism has been observed. The syenitoids are intruded bycarbonatites. Two varieties of carbonatite have been distinguished.The aegirine-fluorite-apalile carbonatite (CI) and fluorite-apatitecarbonatite (C2). Fertilization in syenitoids are caused by carbonatite emplacement. Başören formation is represented by conglomerate, sandstone and limestone. Kepez volcanites are represented by andesitic lava and pyroclastics and olivine basaltic lava.Britholite (/?ZsZs,Ca,Na)5[(Si,P)04]3 (OH,F) veinlets are confined to carbonatites. The mineral is thorian member. Britholite occurs in the form of fine grain aggregates. It is dark brown, has greasy luster, and empirical d=4,5669 gr/cm3` The optical propertiesare £= 1.771, W= 1.774, uniaxial negative. Chemical analyses reveal that the britholite has % 57,13 REO and %2.68 ThO->. Microprobe analyses of britholites reveal an empirical formula of;(^0,869 Cg 1,392 ^r0,U8 ^0,324 ^m0,060 ^0,030 ^0,168 `^l0,084 ^a 1,826 ^a0,040 0,08^ (^2,804 ?0.154 l-J0,042^(^ 12^ (OH lM F0()3)Britholites are assocciated with late stage fluorite-apatite carbonatite (C2) dykes injected during last stage of carbonatite intrusion. 

  • conglomerate

  • pyroclastic

  • Britholite

  • Malatya

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