Seray Çinar Yildiz
Süha Özden
Salih Zeki Tutkun
Özkan Ateş
Seda Altuncu Poyraz
Sevinç Kapan Ürün
Öznur Karaca
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Abstract: The Ganos Fault, has a big earthquake (Ms:7.3 in 1912), as a right-lateral strike-slip fault, a segmentof the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault is elongated a N70°E trend in west of the MarmaraSea between Gaziköy (Tekirdağ) and Saros Gulf. This study reveals at late Cenozoic stress states by thefault kinematic analysis, inversion of the earthqukes focal mechanism and remote sensing studies alongthe Ganos Fault. Result of the kinematics analysis was carried out a main tectonic regime.. First mainlystrike-slip faulting developed under NW-SE trending compressional direction showing by a (σ1) 130°±16°and a (σ3) 53°±13° trends and Rm ration calculated as 0.49. Secondly and consistent with first faulting,a NE-SW trending concurrent extensional direvtion produce a local normal faulting presented by a (σ3)28°±18° trend in horizontal plane. Furthermore, between 2003 and 2010 years, bigger than M=3.3, 12earthquakes on Ganos Fault and its vicinity, determined the focal mechanisms and inversion analysisresults indicate that a strike-slip faulting is active along the fault. In the inversion of the earthquakes, astrike-slip faulting presented a (σ1) N 276°±7° and (σ3) N 6°±6° trends and Rm ration calculated as 0.44.This result is consistent with the results of fault kinematic analysis and offer as a transtensional characteralong the fault. According to rose diagram that was generated by remote sensing lineament analysis.Determined 223 lianements have mainly parallel to the Ganos Fault. The stress states from remote sensingstudies are consistent both fault kinematic analysis and inversion of the earthquakes faocal mechanismresults. Ganos Fault is an active strike-slip fault by the transtensional character since Late Pliocene.
1912 Mürefte earthquake
focal mechanism
Ganos fault
remote sensing
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Abstract: Travertine is sedimentary rock which formed under chemical and/or biochemical processes fromgeothermal waters and consists very long time periods and very special geological processes. Well-knowntravertine areas are now under protection but majority of travertine areas is remote from any control andoperating and used as quarry. Travertine and travertine areas has an great important in terms of theiractive tectonics data, geological characteristics, earth science education and scientific researches. Theimportance of travertine outcrops is not limited with earth science. Travertines have also archaeological,anthropological and touristical values. Importance of the travertines should be carefully evaluated before they are operated as an quarries in orderto determine the presence or absence of its original features. According to the results of this evaluation theoriginal features travertine areas should be protected and avoided from damages.
Active tectonics
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Berk Çakmakoğlu
Fikret Göktaş
Mahmut Demirhan
Cahit Helvaci
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Abstract: The presence of economical clay formations in the terrestrial Neogene deposits of the KaraburunPeninsula is well known. Clay formations occur in the Early Miocene Salman formation. The formationwhich indicates the beginning of the Neogene terrestrial sedimentation in the Karaburun Peninsula, deposited in a fan delta environment. It starts with disorganised boulderstone at base and grades in conglomerate through upward. The sublacustrine part of the fan-delta sequence represented by siltstoneand conglomerate alternation overlies the subaerial fan-delta sequence including coarse-graineddeposits. The sublacustrine fan-delta deposits are made up of channel-fill, debris-flow and overbanklithofacies. Lacustrine backshore sequence represented by massive siltstone levels with lignite levelsand calcareous interlayers deposited over the sublacustrine fan-delta deposits. The Salman formationis covered by the Early Miocene Yaylaköy volcanites comprising the product of calc-alkaline volcanism.The Yaylaköy volcanites contain andesite-basaltic andesite lava flows reflecting two different stages ofsettling and pyroclastic deposits including fine ash-lapille tuff alternation which seperate these flows. Thecommercially clay formations developed on overbank lithofacies of the fan-delta deposits. It is expectedthat the main factor of controlling the illite-kaolinite rich clay formations are related to geochemical andmineralogical characteristics of the source rocks.
early miocene
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