Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

1998 AĞUSTOS Cilt 41 Sayı 2
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Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of The Kan Yayla (Maçka Trabzon) Aubearing Zn-Pb Deposit
Bülent Yalçinalp
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Abstract: Kan Yayla area contains rocks ranging in age from Jurassic to Tertiary. Upper Cretaceous aged ore-bearing dacite is the host tovarious mineral occurences, overlies Pontid Lower Basic Complex composed of spilitic basalt, andesite lavas and their pyroclasticvarieties of Jurassic. The ore-bearing dacite is overlain by the barren Dikkaya Dacite of Upper Cretaceous. All the lithologies areintruded by the Zigana Granitoid of Tertiary. The fracture systems caused by the Valles Type caldera formation in the area, is the main control for the mineralization. The Kan Yayla Zn-Pb deposit contains subparallelveins and has significant concentrations of gold.Fluid inclusion studies indicate low-temperature hyrothermal conditions for mineral deposition. Syngenetic paragenesis are given as:Sphalarite, galena, py rite, chalcopyrite,fahlore,fraybergite, native gold and electrum. Geochemical studies show that gold correlateswith antimony and arsenic, silver with lead, and cadmium with zinc.

  • Zn-Pb-Au occurrences

  • Mineralogy

  • Geochemistry

  • Alpan, T., 1971, Of-Trabzon arasının jeolojik etüdü. MTA Rap. No: 1177, Ankara (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Al-Bassam, K.S., Hak, J. ve Watkinson, D. H., 1982, Contribution to the origin of the Serguza lead-zinc-pyrite deposits, Northern Irak. Mineralium Deposita, 17, 133- 149.

  • Anglo-Tur, 1992, Report on work carried out on the Gümüşki Tepe option, South of Trabzon (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Aslaner, M., 1977, Türkiye bakır-kurşun-çinko yataklarının jeolojik ve bölgesel sınırlamasıyla plaka tektoniği yönünden incelenmesi. KTÜ Yer Bil. Fak. Yay. 12,70 s. Trabzon.

  • Calap, K., 1987, Gümüşki (Maçka-Trabzon) yöresi madenlerinin incelenmesi. KTÜ Fan Bil. Ens. Yük. Lis. Tezi, 52 s. Trabzon (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Gedikoğlu, A., 1978, Harşit granit karmaşığı ve çevre kay açları (Doğankent-Giresun). Doçentlik Tezi, 176 s.

  • Giles, D.L. ve Nelson, C.E., 1983, Principal features of epithermal lode gold deposits of the circum- pasicif rim: Circum Pasific Energy Mineral Resource Conference, 3 rd, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 22-28, Trans., p. 273- 278.

  • Gülibrahimoğlu, İ., 1986, Trabzon ili Arsin-Araklı-Sürmene ve Çaykara ilçelerinin güney yörelerinde jeolojik incelemeler, MTA Rap. 980 Ankara (Yayınlanmamış).

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  • Lambert, I.B., 1976, The Me Arthur zinc-lead-silver deposits, features, metallogenesis and comparisons with some other stratiform ores; Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits (Ed.: K.H. Wolf), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 6,535-585.

  • Mercer, W., 1976, Minor elements in metal deposits in sedimantary rocks, A rewiev of the recent literature; Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits (Ed.: K.H. Wolf), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 4, 396-425.

  • Özsayar,T., Pelin, S. ve Gedikoğlu, A., 1981, Doğu Pontidler`de Kretase. KTÜ Yer Bil. Derg. 1/2,65-115, Trabzon

  • Riverin, G., ve Hodgson, C.J., 1980, Wail-rock alteration at the Milenbach Cu-Zn mine. Noranda, Quebec, Econ. Geol., 75,424-444.

  • Romberger, S. B., 1988, Geochemistry of gold in hydrothermal deposits. U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1857-A, 9-25.

  • Schlitze-Westrum, H. H., 1961, Giresun civanndaki Aksu De resinin jeolojik profili; Kuzeydoğu Anadolu`da Doğu Pontus cevher ve mineral bölgesinin jeolojisi ve maden yatakları ile ilgili mütalaalar. MTA Derg. 57 63-71 Ankara.

  • Shenberger, D.M. ve Barnes, H. L., 1989, Solubilit of gold in aqueous sulfide solutions from 150 to 350 C. Geochimica et cosmochimica Açta, 53, 269-278.

  • Silberman,M. L., 1982, Hot-spring type, large tonnage low grade gold deposits. U.S. Geol. Survey, Open-file report 82-795, 131-143.

  • Temur, S., 1992, Bolkardağı yöresi (Ulukışla-Niğde) çinkokurşun yataklarının jeokimyasal incelemesi. Türkiye Jeol.Bült. 35/2, 101-114.

  • Van, A., 1990, Pontid kuşağında Artvin bölgesinin jeokimyası, petrojenezi ve masif sülfit mineralizasyonları. Doktora Tezi, KTÜ, 175 s. Trabzon (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Yalçınalp, B., 1983 Sürmene-Aksu (Trabzon) yöresinin jeolojisi ve metallojenezi. KTÜ Yük. Lisans Tezi, 55s. Trabzon (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Yalçınalp, B., 1992, Güzelyayla (Maçka-Trabzon) porfiri CuMo cevherleşmesinin jeolojik yerleşimi vejeokirnyası. Doktora Tezi, KTÜ, 170 s., Trabzon (Yayınlanmamış)

  • Yalçınalp, B., 1997, Valles tip kaldera cevherleşmesi örneği: Gümüşki (Maçka-Trabzon) Zn-Pb yataklarının jeolojisi ve mineralojisi. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 40/1, 57-64.

  • Geological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Tumanpınarı Fe-Mn Deposit, Dursunbey, Balıkesir
    Ali Haydar Gültekin Yüksel Örgün Tutay Fuat Derya Yavuz
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    Abstract: The Tumanpınarı mineralization is a volcanic rock-hosted, veinlike hydrothermal Fe-Mn deposit located in 35 km west of Dursunbey, Balıkesir. The geology of the study area consists mainly of andesite that form apart of the west Anatolian calc-alkalinevolcanism of Miocene age. Early hydrothermal activity was responsible for four types ofhypogen alteration in decreasing intensity:silisification, hematization, argilic alteration, and carbonitization. The ore stage clearly postdates hydrothermal alteration, as indicated by the occurrence of ore minerals in vuggy cavities and fractures in silica bodies. Major ore minerals are pyrolusite, psilomelane, hematite, and magnetite. Manganite, poliannite, braunite, bixbyite, limonite, and geothite in different amounts accompanyto these minerals. Mineralogical, it was recognized three ore types as dominant pyrolusite ore, pyrolusite+psilomelane ore, andpsilomelane+hematite+barite+limonite ore with pyrolusite. The average contents of the deposit are 27.98 wt % Fe2O3 and 22.40wt % MnO. High As, Ba, Pb, Zn contents of the ore seem to be an important geochemical characteristic of the Tumanpınarı deposit

  • Epithermal systems

  • Hydrothermal alteration

  • Manganese

  • vein-filling

  • Volcanogenic deposit

  • Abdel Rahman, A.M., 1994. Nature of biotites from alkaline, calc-alkaline, and peraluminous magmas, Jour, of Pet. 35,525-541.

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  • Delian, F., Dasgupta, S., Bolton, B.R., Hariya, H., Momoi, H., Miura, H., Jiaju, L., ve Roy, S., 1992, Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Proterozoic Wafangzi ferromanganese deposit, China, Econ. Geol., Vol. 87, 1430- 1440.

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  • Ersoy, H., 1989, Balıkesir-Bigadiç-Mezitler-Tumanpınarı demirli manganez cevherleşmesi jeolojisi raporu, MTA Rapor No: 8716, Ankara.

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  • Gedikoğlu, A., Van, A., Eyüboğlu, L., ve Yalçınalp, B., 1985, Doğukaradeniz cevherleşmelerine bir örnek: Ocaklı (Maçka-Trabzon) manganez zuhuru, Jeoloji Müh. Dergisi, sayı 25, 23-37.

  • Gültekin, A.H., 1997, Manganez yataklarının köken tespitinde mineralojik ve kimyasal veriler. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, sayı 20, 39-46.

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  • Ruggeri, G., Lattanzi, P., Luxono, S., Dessi, R., Benvenuti, M., ve Tanelli, G., 1997, Geology, Mineralogy and Fluid Inclusion data of the Furtei High-Sulfidation Gold Deposit, Sardinia, Italy. Econ. Geol., 92,1-19.

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  • Tamer, Y., İşbaşaran, O., Ersoy, H., ve Yurt, Z., 1986, Balıkesir-Dursunbey-Gökçedağ-Kepsut-Havran yöresi manganez zuhurları prospeksiyonu ve jeoloji raporu. MTA rapor No: 8014, Ankara.

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  • Clay Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene Sediments in the Orhaniye Region (Northern Ankara): Some Implications to Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Conditions
    Faruk Ocakoğlu
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    Abstract: Clay minerals of Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary sediments were determined and the factors governing their vertical and lateral distributions were discussed in the Orhaniye region, 25 km NW of Ankara. Examinations uncovered the close relationship between the clay stratigraphy and the depositional environments in the basin. Upper Cretaceous flysch sequence, which also constitutes the lowermost part of the studied section, consists of detrital Mite, smectite,chlorite, as well as corrensite occurred perhaps due to aggradation of smectites by means of Mg+2 rich solutions during dia genesis.Upper Cretaceous fan delta deposits and Paleocene proximal alluvial fan fades, appeared upwards, typically include a clay mineral association consisting of kaolinite and Mite. Chlorite of detrital origin may well be joint in the association due to distinct localsources. More upward, in the lacustrine fines and their lateral fluvial correlatives, dominant smectite, Mite as abundant as 50 % andsome zeolite minerals of trace amountwere detected. The uppermost part of the studied sediments, Eocene-aged shallow marine limestone-marl alternation includes mostly smectite and small amounts (5 %) of detrital Mite.

  • Clay stratigraphy

  • Paleoclimatic conditions

  • Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary sediments

  • Bayhan, E. ve Ataman G., 1982, Ankara virgasyonun Üst Kretase-Alt Tersiyer flişinin sedimântolojik özellikleri ve kil mineralojisi. Yerbilimleri, 9,57-72.

  • Bayhan, E., 1987, Geochemical investigation of clay fraction of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary flysch deposits in the vicinity of Ankara. Yerbilimleri, 14,191 -198.

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  • Robert, C, 1987, Clay mineral associations and structural evolution of the South Atlantic: Jurassic to Eocene. Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology, 58, 87- 108.

  • Sağular, E.K., 1986, Orhaniye (KB Ankara) yöresinin nannoplanktonlarla Kretase biyostratigrafisi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 70 s.

  • Singer, A., 1984, The paleoclimatic interpretation of clay minerals in sediments-a riview. Earth-Science Reviews, 21,251-293.

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  • Zimmermann, H.B., 1977, Clay mineral stratigraphy and distribution in the South Atlantic Ocean. In: P.R. Supko, K. PerchNielsen et al., Initial Reports DSDP, 39. U.S. Gov. Print. Off. Washington, DC, 395-405.

  • Neotectonic Activity of Eskişehir Fault Zone Between Inönü and Sultandere
    Erhan Altunel A. Aykut Barka
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    Abstract: The WNW-ESE-trending Eskişehir fault zone which separates the Aegean-western Anatolian block from the central Anatolian block is a right lateral strike-slip fault zone with a normal component. The fault zone is characterized by fault segments which trend between E-W and NW-SE around Eskişehir. Syndepositional and post depositional faults cutting Pleistocene and Holocene units indicate that the Eskişehir fault zone has been active since at least Pleistocene. At least 14 earthquakes (M 4)occurred on the Eskişehir fault zone in the 20th century and the 20th February 1956 Eskişehir earthquake (M=6.4) was the largest event in this century. The isoseismal map of the 1956 earthquake shows that this earthquake occurred on about 10-kmlong WNW-ESE-trending Oklubal-Turgutlar segment. There is no major earthquake record in the historical earthquake catalogues before the 20th century. However, both existence of mud dykes in Pleistocene units and deformation of Holocene deposits in front of fault scarps indicate that fault segments are active in this area and several M 6 earthquakes occurred in the last 10 000 years. Fault plane solution of the 1956 earthquake and field observations indicate that the Eskişehir fault zone which played an important role in the development of Eskişehir and İnönü plains is a transtensional fault zone.

  • Active fault segment

  • Earthquake

  • Eskişehir fault zone

  • Transtensional fault zone

  • Altunel, E. ve Hancock, P.L., 1993. Active fissuring faulting in Quaternary travertines at Pamukkale, western Turkey. In: Neotectonics and Active Faulting (edited by Stewart, I.S., Vita-Finzi, C. & Owen, LA.) Zeitschrift Geomorphologie Supplementary Volume, 94,285-302.

  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R., Şaroğlu, F. ve Şengör, A.M.C., 1995. The İsparta angle: its importance in the neotectonics of the eastern Mediterranean region. IESCA-1995 Proceedings.

  • Dewey, J.F. ve Şengör, A.M.C., 1979. Aegean and surrounding regions: Complex multiplate and continium tectonics in a convergent zone. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 90, 84-92.

  • Ergin, K., Güçlü, U. ve Uz, Z., 1967. A catalog of Earthquake for Turkey and Surroding Area (11 A.D. to 1964 A.D.). ITU Faculty of Mining Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Gözler, M.Z., Cevher, F. ve Küçükyaman, A., 1984. Eskişehir civarının jeolojisi ve sıcak su kaynakları. MTA Dergisi, 103,40-54.

  • Hibsch, C, Alvarado, A., Yeper, H., Perez, J.H. ve Sebrier, M., 1997. Holocene liquefaction and soft-sediment deformation in Quito (Ecuador): a paleoseismic history recorded in lacustrine sediments. Journal ofGeodynamics, 24,259-280.

  • Jackson, J., 1994. Active tectonics of the Aegean region. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 22, 239-271.

  • Jackson, J.A. ve McKenzie, D., 1988. The relationship between plate motions and seismic moment tensors, and the rates of active deformation in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Geophys. J., 93,45-73.

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  • McKenzie, D., 1978. Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan belt: the Aegean Sea and surrounding regions. Geophys. J. Astr. Soc, 55, 217-254

  • Michetti, A.M. ve Hancock, P.L., 1997. Paleoseismology: understanding past earthquakes using Quaternary geology. Journ. of Geodynm., 24, 3-10.

  • Munson, P.J., Munson, C.A. ve Pond, E.C., 1995. Paleoliquefaction evidence for a strong Holocene earthquake in south-central Indiana, Geology, 23, 325-328.

  • Öcal, N., 1959. 20 Şubat 1956 Eskişehir zelzelesi`nin makrove mikrosismik etüdü. İTÜ Sismoloji Enstitüsü Yayım, 49 s.

  • Reilinger, R., Oral, B., King, R., McClusky, S., Toksöz, N., Barka, A., Şahin, M., Özaydm, D., Kınık, İ., Şanlı, t., Prilepin, M., Balassanian, S., Kotzev, V., Georgiev, I., Tealeb, A., Melzer, Y. ve Mencin, D., 1996,1996 GPS measurements in the Eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus. Fall Meeting 1996. G31A-08.

  • Sanderson, J.D. and Marchini, W.R.D., 1984. Transpression. Journal ofStruc. Geol., 6,449-458.

  • Sibson, R.H., Moore, J. McM. and Rankin, A.H., 1975. Seismic pumping-a hydrothermal fluid transport mechanism. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 131, 653-659

  • Soysal, H., Sipahioğlu, S., Kolçak, D. ve Altınok, Y., 1981. Türkiye ve Çevresinin Tarihsel Deprem Katalogu (M.Ö. 2100-M.S. 1900). TÜBİTAK yayınları.

  • Stewart, I.S. ve Hancock, P.L., 1994. Neotectonics. in: Continental Deformation (Ed. by P.L. Hancock), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 370-409.

  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. ve Boray, A. 1992. 1: 1 000 000 Türkiye diri fay haritası. MTA, Ankara.

  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1982. Ege`nin neotektonik evrimini yöneten etkenler, in: Batı Anadolu`nun Genç Tektoniği ve Volkanizması Paneli (Ed: by Erol, O. ve Oygür, V.), 59- 71. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı-1982.

  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. ve Şaroğlu, F., 1985. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation and Sedimentation (edited by Biddle, K.T. & Christie-Blick, N.). Soc. ofEco. Paleo. and Min. Spec. Publ., 37, 227-264.

  • Genesis of the Göynük Pb-Zn Mineralization (Yahyalı-Kayseri)
    Osman Koptagel Ahmet Efe Fuat Ceyhan
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    Abstract: Göynük Pb-Zn mineralization is situated in the contact of Lower-Middle Triassic rocks and Upper Permian limestones of Siyah Aladağ Nappe around Aladağ region (Zamantı Pb-Zn province). Paragenesis of mostly carbonated mineralization consist of smithsonite, cerussite, anglesite, galena, pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, geothite-lepidocrocite, covellite, calcite and quartzSome of very important data, which ore-host rock contacts does not show any differences of mineralogical composition, ore bodyrepresent syngenetic characteristics, magmatic events (or trace`s), an apt indicating origin of mineralization, are not seen close toarea, host rock of ore, limestone, have higher value ofPb, Zn, Cu, Ni and Co than the average composition of limestone, get from field and also laboratory study.From these data Göynük Pb-Zn mineralization appear as "Alpine type carbonate hosted Pb-Zn mineralization ". It is probablyformed by chemical precipitation (and later on carbonatized) from seawater saturated in metal ions between Upper Permian-Lower Middle Triassic.

  • Göynük

  • Pb-Zn mineralization

  • Yahyalı-Kayseri

  • Ayhan, A., 1983, Aladağ (Yahyalı-Çamardı) Yöresi Karbonatlı Çinko-Kurşun Yatakları. TJK Bülteni, 26/2,107-116

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  • Ayhan, A., Lengeranlı, Y., Çeltek, N. ve Aksoy, E., 1984, Aladağlar (Batı Zamantı) Yöresi (Yahyalı-Çamardı) Jeolojisi ve Kurşun-Çinko Etüdleri. MTA Raporu, No: 7501,139 s, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Ayhan, A. ve Erbay, M., 1985, Batı Zamantı (Aladağlar-Yahyalı) Karbonatlı Kurşun-Çinko Yataklarının Jeokimyasal Prospeksiyonu. MTA Dergisi, 105/106,75-84.

  • Ayhan, A. ve Lengeranlı, Y., 1986, Yahyah-Demirkazık (Aladağlar Yöresi) Arasının Tektonostratigrafik Özellikleri. Jeoloji Müh. Dergisi, 27, 31-45.

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  • Lengeranlı, Y., 1986b, Yahyalı (Kayseri) Doğusunda ÇinkoKurşun Bulunduran Mesozoyik Karbonatlarının Jeolojisi. A.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Yük. Lisans Tezi, 51 s, (yayınlanmamış).

  • Mason, B., 1966, Principles of Geochemistry. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, Third Ed., 329 p.

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  • Özgül, N., 1976 Toroslar`ın Bazı Temel Jeoloji Özellikleri. TJK Bülteni, 19/1,65-78.

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  • Rose, A.W., Hawkes, H.E. and Webb, J.S., 1979. Geochemsistry in Mineral Exploration. Acad. Press Inc., London, 635 p

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  • Sawkins, F.J., 1984, Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 325 p.

  • Şengör, A.M.C. and Yılmaz, Y., 1983, Türkiye`de Tetisin Evrimi. Levha Tektoniği Açısından Bir Yaklaşım. TJK Yerb. Özel Dizisi No: 1,75 s.

  • Tekeli, O., 1980, Toroslarda, Aladağların Yapısal Evrimi. TJK Bülteni, 23/1,11-14.

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  • Türkünal, S., 1965, Yahyalı Kazasının Güney ve Kuzeydoğu Dolaylarının Jeolojisi ve İlgili Sahanın İçinde ve Dışında Bulunan Galen ve Simitsonit Mineralizasyonu Hakkında Rapor. MTA Raporu, No: 3650, 39 s., Ankara, (yayınlanmamış).

  • Tüzün, D., 1985, Zamantı Yöresi Pb-Zn Aramaları Projesi. MTA Raporu, No: 7766, 28 s, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Paleocene-Eocene Benthic Foraminifera Assemblages in the Western Pontids
    Nazire Özgen Erdem
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    Abstract: This study covers the systematic descriptions of two groups which have been found in the benthic foraminifera assemblage of the Paleocenel Eocene aged outcrops in the Western Pontids. The first group constitutes some stratigraphically significant species (Cuvillierina sireli İnan, Kathina selveri Smout, Alveolina (Glomalveolina) lepidula Schwager, Alveolina corbarica Hottinger, Alveolina minervensis Hottinger, Alveolina ilerdensis Hottinger, Assilina placentula (Deshayes), Nummulites burdigalensis de la Harpe, Assilina exponens (Sowerby), Discocyclina scalaris (Schlumberger) an the second group contains species (Alveolina cuspidata Drobne, Opertorbitolites transitorius Hottinger, Opertorbitolites latimarginalis Lehmann, Miscellanea minuta Rahaghi, Discocyclina fortisi fortisi (d` Archiac), Discocyclina archiaci (Schlumberger) bartholomei (Schlumberger), Orbitoclypeus ramaraoi (Samanta), Orbitoclypeus ramaraoi ramaraoi (Samanta), Orbitoclypeus ramaraoi (Samanta) crimensis Less, Nemkovella strophiolata strophiolata (Gümbel), Asterocyclina stella (Gümbel) taramellii (Munier & Chalmas) whose existence in Turkey has firstly been established.

  • Benthic foraminifera

  • Western Pontids

  • Paleocene

  • Eocene

  • Systematic description

  • Archiac, A.D., 1850. Description des fossiles du groupe Nummulitique recueilis par M.S.P. Pratt et M.J. delbos aux environs de Bayonne et de Dax.-Mem.Soc.geol.France (2),3,397-456,pl.VIII-XII.

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  • Douville, H., 1922. Orbitoides de la Jamaique. Pseudorbitoides trechmanni, nov. gen., nov. sp. Soc. geol. France, Comptes Rendus, Somm., no. 17, p. 203-204, textfig.l.

  • Drobne, K., 1977. Alveolines Paleogenes de la Slovenie et de l`Istrie: Schweizerische Palâontologische Abhandlungen: Memoires suisses de Paleontologie, vol: 99 s. 1- 175, Basel.

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  • Eichenseer, H., Luterbacher, H., 1992. The marine Paleogene of the Tremp Region (N Spain) Depositional Sequences, facies History, Biostratigraphy and controlling factors: Facies, 27, p. 119-152, Erlangen.

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  • Harpe, de la, P.H., 1926. Materieaux pour servir â une monographie des Nummulites et Assilines: A.M. Kir. Földt. int. evk., 27/1,1-89, Budapest.

  • Hottinger, L., 1960. Resherches sur les Alveolines du Paleocene et de L`Eocene. Mem. Soc. pal. Suisse, 75/76, 1- 117, Basel.

  • Hottinger, L., Krusat, G., 1972. Un foraminifere Nouveau Intermediaire Entre Opertorbitolites et Somalina de Ilerdien Pyreneen: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, N. XXX, Aniversaria E.N. Adaro pp. 249-271.

  • Hottinger, L. and Drobne, K., 1988. Tertiary Alveolinids: Problems Linked to the conception of species: Revue de Paleobiologie, vol.spec.no. 2, p.665-681, Geneve.

  • İnan, N., 1988. Sur la presence de la nouvelle espece Cuvillierina sireli dans le Thanetian de la Montagne de Tecer (Anatolie Centrale-Turquie): Rev. de Paleobiologie, v.7, no.l, pp. 121-127, Geneve.

  • Lehmann, R., 1962. Plusieurs types morphologiques distincts d`Orbitolites de l`llerdien pyreneen: Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. 7e Serie, Tome IV, No: 3, p. 329-476.

  • Less, G., 1987. Paleontologhy and stratigraphy of the European Orthophragminae: Fasciculi Instıtutı Geologici Hungariae ad ıllustrandam Natıonem Geologicam et Palaeontologicam. Series Palaeontologica fasciculus 51,Budapestini.

  • Leoblich, A.R. and Tappan, H., 1988. Foraminiferal genera and their classification: 2 vol., 970 pp., New York (Van Nostrand Reinhold)

  • Munier-Chalmas, E., 1891. Etude du Tithonique du Cretace et du Tertiaire du Vicentin. These, Paris.

  • Neumann, M., 1958. Revision des Orbitoidides du Cretace et de L Eocene en Aquitaine Orientale: Mem. Soc. Geol. France No. 83. vol. 83, p. 1-174.

  • Örçen, S., 1986. Medik-Ebreme (KB Malatya) dolayının biyostratigrafisi ve Paleontolojisi, MTA Derg. 105-106, 39-73.

  • Örçen, S., 1992. Gemlik (Bursa) Güney-Güney doğusunun Nummulitesleri: Tanımlamaları, Stratigrafik yay ılımları ve evrimi: T.J.K. Bült., s. 7, 33-49.

  • Özgen, N., 1992. Elazığ çevresinde yüzey ley en Üst Maastrihtiyen-Paleosen yaşlı birimlerin paleontolojik incelemesi: C.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 100 s, (yayınlanmamış), Sivas.

  • Özgen, N., 1997. Batı Pontidlerde Paleocene/Eocene Yüzlekleri ve Bentik Foraminiferleri: C.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Jeo. Müh. Anabilim Dalı, Doktora tezi, s.253, (yayımlanmamış), Sivas.

  • Rahaghi, A., 1978. Paleogene Biostratigraphy of some parts of İran: National Iranian oil Company Geological Laboratories: Publication No: 7, Tahran.

  • Rahaghi, A., 1983. Stratigraphy and faunal assemblage of Paleocene-Lower Eocene in İran: National Iranian Ministry of Oil, Companies, Geological Laboratories: N.10.1-73,1-49, Tahran.

  • Samanta, B.K., 1967. A Revised classification of the family discocyclinidae Galloway, Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research 18: 164-167.

  • Samso, J.M., Tosquella, J., Serra-Kiel, J., 1990. Los generos Alveolinay Nummulites (Macroforaminiferos) del Ilerdiense Medio-Cuisiense Medio de la Cuenca de Graus, Huesca. I. Sistemâtica de Alveolina: Buletin Geolögico y Minaro. vol. 101-2.

  • Samuel, O., Borza, K., Köhler, E., 1972. Microfauna and Lithostratigraphy of the Paleogene; and adjacent Cretaceous of the Middle Van Valley (West Carpathian): Geologicky üstav Dionyza Stüra, Bratislava.

  • Schaub, H., 1951. Stratigraphie und Palaentologie des Schlierenflysches mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der paleocaenen und untereocaenen Nummuliten und Assilinen: Schweizer, palaont. Abb. (Mem. Suises pal.) 68, 1-122, Switzerland, Basel.

  • Schlumberger, C.H., 1903. Troisieme note sur les Orbitoides. Bull. Soc. Geol. France Ser. 4, Vol. 3, p. 273-289.

  • Schwager, C, 1883. Die foraminiferen aus den Eocaenablagerungen der libyschen wuste und Aegyptens: Palaentog raphica. Kassel, 30, 3 F. VI., 79-153

  • Sirel, E., 1976. Polatlı (GB Ankara) güneyinde bulunan Alveolina, Nummulites, Ranikothalia ve Assüina cinslerinin bazı türlerinin sistematik incelemeleri: T.J.K. Bült.,c. 19,89-102.

  • Smout, A.H., 1954, Tertiary foraminifera of Qatar Peninsula: London Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum.

  • Sowerby, C.J., 1840. In Syked, W.H., A notice respecting some fossils collected in Cutch, by Capt. Walter Smee, of Bombay Army: Geol Soc. Trans., London, 2, 5, 715-719.

  • The Description of Sarialan Formation (Ilgaz-Çankırı)
    Mehmet Akyazi Mahmut Tunç
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    Abstract: İn this study, the formations which crop out around Ilgaz-Çankırı and previously defined as Dumlupınar and Susuz formations,have been renamed as Sarialan formation based on the lithologic paleontologicalproperties and stratigraphicalpositions.Sarialan formation overlies in uncorformity with the Permo-Triassic aged Karakaya Unit that is base rocks. Sarialan formationhas been dividedand difined in  three members as Kimmerician-Lower Tithonian aged Dumlupınar, Upper Tithonian-Lower Valanginian aged Dodaş and Upper Valanginian-Hotrivian aged Beylerbeyi.The formation consits of sandy limestone, alternation of sandy limestone-limestone with marl interbeded, micritic limestone, lesssandy-clayey limestone and alternation of sandstone-silt stone-marl with pelagic limestone and volcanics materials.Sarialan formation formed in Tithonicfades and contains abundant Calpionellids and it comforms with overlying BarremianCampanian aged Çırdak formations.

  • Beylerbeyi

  • Calpionellid

  • Dodaş

  • Dumlupınar

  • Sarialan

  • Akyazı, M., 1996, İlgaz Yöresindeki Üst Jura-Alt Kretase Yaşlı Kireçtaşlarının Stratigrafisi ve Paleontolojisi. Doktora Tezi, C.Ü. Fen Bil. Ens. 260 s., (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Akyürek, B., Bilgier, E., Çatal, E., Dağer, Z., Soysal, Y., Sunu, O., 1980, Eldivan-Şabanözü (Çankırı ve HasayazÇandır (Kalecik-Ankara) dolayının Jeolojisi. MTA Ens. Derleme raporu: 6741. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Akyürek, B., Bilginer, E., Akbaş, B., Hepsen, N., Pehlivan, Ş., Sunu, O., Soysal, Y., Dağer, Z., Çatal, E., Sözeri, B., Yıldırım, H., ve Hakyemez, Y., 1982, Ankara-Elmadağ-Kalecik dolayının Jeolojisi; MTA Enst. Rap. 7298 (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Bilgütay,Ü., 1960. Hasanoğlan-Ankara civarının jeolojisi. MTA Ens. Derg. c. 54, s. 46-63.

  • Bingöl, E., Akyürek, B., Korkmazer, B., 1973: Biga Yarımadasının jeolojisi ve Karakaya Formasyonu`nun bazı özellikleri: Cumhuriyetin 50. yılı yerbilimleri Kongresi-Tebliğler, MTA Enst. yayını, Ankara,70-77.

  • Burşuk, A., 1981. Aşkale-Bayburt Yöresinde (KB Erzurum) Calpionellid Biyozonları. K.T.Ü. Yer Bil. derg. Jeoloji, cilt. 1, sayı. 1, s. 21-28.

  • Burşuk, A., 1992. Bayburt ve Kop Dağları (KB Erzurum) Yöresindeki Calpionellid Biyozonları (Üst Jurassic-Alt Kretase) T.J.K. Bült., 35/2, s. 127-141.

  • Görür, N., Şengör, A.M.C., Akkök, R., Yılmaz, Y., 1983. Pontid`lerde Neo-Tetis`in kuzey kolunun açılmasına ilişkin sedimantolojik veriler, T.J.K. Bült., 26/1, s.11-20.

  • Granit, Y. ve Titant, H., 1960. Observation preliminaires sur le Jurassic de la region de Bilecik (Turquie). C.R. Acad. Science, Paris, V. 251 p. 1801-1803.

  • Hakyemez, Y., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E., Pehlivan, Ş., Can, B., Dağer, Z., Sözeri, B., 1986. Yapraklı-Ilgaz-Çankırı-Çandır Dolayının Jeolojisi. MTA Raporu, Derleme no: 7966. Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Ketin, I., ve Gümüş, A., 1963, Sinop-Ayancık arasında III. Bölgeye dahil sahaların jeolojisi. TPAO Arşivi, rapor no 288.

  • Koçyiğit, A., 1987, Hasanoğlan (Ankara) yöresinin tektonostratigrafisi: Karakaya Orojenik Kuşağının evrimi. Yerbilimleri, c. 14, s. 269-293.

  • Pehlivan, Ş., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E.,Can, B., Dağer, Z., Örçen, S., 1987. İlgaz Kuzeydoğusu-Boyalı-Kurşunlu dolayının Jeolojisi, MTA Raporu, Derleme no: 8171, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Saner, S., 1980, Batı Pontidlerin ve komşu havzaların oluşumlarının levha tektoniği kuramıyla açıklanması, KB Türkiye, MTA Derg., c 93/94, s. 1-20.

  • Tansel, İ., 1980. Nallıhan ve dolayının biyostratigrafisi incelemesi. H.Ü. Yer Bil. Ens. Yayın organı c. 5-6, s. 31-47

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  • Tunç, M., 1980, Davudoğlan (Beypazan)-Seben (Bolu) Arasında kalan ve Aladağçay boyunca olan bölgenin stratigrafisi: A.Ü. Fen Fak. Doktora Tezi, 75 s. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Tüysüz, O., 1993, Tectonic evolution of a part of the Tethyside Orogenic Collage: The Kargı Massif, Northern Turkey, Tectonics, v. 9, s. 141-160.

  • Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E. ve Serdar H. S., 1990a: Orta Pontidlerin erken Mesozoyik evrimine bir yaklaşım: PaleoTetis/Karakaya kenar deniz problemi: Türkiye 8. Petrol Kongresi, Bildiriler, TMMOB Petrol Mühendisleri Odası, 351-362.

  • Tüysüz, O., Yılmaz, Y., Yiğitbaş, E. ve Serdar H. S., 1990b: Orta Pontidlerde Üst Jura-Alt Kretase stratigrafisi ve anlamı: Türkiye 8. Petrol Kongresi, Bildiriler, TMMOB Petrol Mühendisleri Odası, 340-350.

  • Yılmaz, O., 1980, Daday-Devrekani masifi kuzeydoğu kesimi litostratigrafi birimleri ve tektoniği. H.Ü. Yerbilimleri Derg. 5-6, s. 101-135.

  • Yüksel, S., 1985, Azdavay (Kastamonu) batı yöresi Jura-Alt Kretase Karbonat dizisinin sekansiyel analizi, K.T.Ü. Derg., 4/4, s. 43-47.

  • Origin and Diagenetic Evolution of Carbonate and Smectite Minerals in the Dodurga (Çorum) Coal Basin
    Hüseyin Yalçin Şenol Karsli
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    Abstract: The main lithologies of Dodurga formation consist of clay stone, bituminous shale, dolomite and coals. Limestone and marls arerarely observed as intercalations. The dominant minerals are clays and uncommonly calcite and dolomite. Opal-CT is bounded upwith volcanogenic clay stones. The contents of quartz and feldspar are usually lower, altough they are determined in almost all levels.Pyrite and gypsum are commonly found in organic material-rich sediments. Analcime in one layer, jarosite in the uppermost coal zone and marcasite in the lower çoal zone are only encountered in the Kargı area. Huntite, siderite, barite and goetite appear in the Alpagut area. Magnesite are present in the Ayvaköy area. Dioctahedral smectite is a common clay mineral of all sub-basins. The amounts of illite, chlorite and kaolinite associated with this mineral partly increase at bottom of lower coal zone. Smectites have montmorillonite and beidellite compositions which are partly iron-rich and they could be distinguished from each other`s by means of hightemperature behaviours. Ideal calcite and Ca-dolomites are found as ideal rhombohedral crystals in the limestone and marls intercalated with clayey rocks, however high Mg calcites have non-ideal rhombohedral crystals in the coal zone. It seems that the variation in the species and habits of these minerals are controlled by the chemistry of micropores.

  • Lacustrine

  • Geochemistry

  • Carbonate

  • Mineralogy

  • Miocene

  • Smectite

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  • Karslı, Ş., 1996. Dodurga (Çorum) yöresi kömürlü Miyosen çökellerinin kil mineralojisi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sivas, Yüksek Mühendislik Tezi, 81 s (yayınlanmamış).

  • Land, L.S., 1967. Diagenesis of skeletal carbonates. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 37,914-930.

  • Land, L.S., Mackenzie, FT. ve Gould, S.J., 1967. Pleistocene history of Bermuda. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 78, 993-1006.

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  • Milliman, J.D., 1974. Marine Carbonates. Part I Recent Sedimentary Carbonates. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 375 p.

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  • Reynolds, R.C., 1980. Interstratified clay minerals: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-Ray Identification G.W. Brindley and G. Brown (eds.), Mineralogical Society, London, 249-303.

  • Schultz, L.G., 1969. Lithium and potassium absorption, dehydroxylation temperature and structural water content of aluminous smectites: Clays and Clay Minerals, 19,137-150.

  • Stanger, G. ve Neal, C, 1994. The occurrence and chemistry of huntite from Oman. Chemical Geology, 112, 247- 254.

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  • Toprak, S., 1996, Alpagut-Dodurga (Osmancık-Çorum) Bölgesi Çevresindeki Kömürlerin Oluşum Ortamları ve Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bey tepe-Ankara, Doktora Tezi, 164s (yayınlanmamış).

  • Trauth, N., 1977. Argiles evaporitiques dans la sedimentation carbonatee continental et epicontinentale tertiaire. Sciences Geologiques, 49,195p.

  • Tsipursky, S.I. ve Drits, V.A., 1984. The distribution of octahedral cations in the 2:1 layers of dioctahedral smectites studied by oblique-texture electron diffraction. Clay Minerals, 19,177-193.

  • Ünalan, G., 1975. Çankın-Çorum havzası Tüney-Tilkiköy-Sulakyurt yöresinin jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. MTA rapor No. 55,54s.

  • Vali, H., Martin, R.F., Amarantidis, G. ve Morteani, G., 1993. Smectite-group minerals in deep-sea sediments: Monomineralic solid-solution or multiphase mixtures? American Mineralogist, 78,1217-1229.

  • Velde, B., 1985. Clay Minerals: a physico-chemical explanation of their occurrence. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Developments in Sedimentology 40,428p.

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  • Walter, L.M. ve Hanor, J.S., 1979. Orthophosphate: effect on the relative stability of aragonite and magnesium calcite during early diagenesis. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 49,937-944.

  • Weaver, C.E. ve Pollard, L.D., 1973. The Chemistry of Clay Minerals. Elsevier, Amstredam, Developments in Sedimentology 15,213 p.

  • Weaver, C.E., 1975. Construction of limpid dolomite. Geology, 3,425-428.

  • Yalçın, H. ve Bozkaya, Ö., 1995a. Sepiolite-palygorskite from the Hekimhan region (Turkey). Clays and Clay Minerals, 43,705-717.

  • Yalçın, H. ve Bozkaya, Ö., 1995b. İzmit Körfezi (Hersek Burnu-Kaba Burun) Kuvaterner istifinin mineralojisi ve biyojeokimyası. İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi, E. Meriç (ed.), Deniz Harp Okulu Komutanlığı Basımevi, 45-60, 354 s.

  • Yalçın, H., Gündoğdu, M-N. ve Liewig, N., 1989. Kırka gölsel Neojen baseninin kil mineralojisi: simektit ve karbonat mineralleri arasındaki ilişkiler. IV. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas, 20-23 Eylül, Bildiriler Kitabı, D. Boztuğ ve H. Yalçın (edt), 41-60.

  • Determination of Earthquake Hazards by Using Geographic Information System (22 July 1967 Mudurnu Valley Earthquake, Türkiye)
    Murat Nurlu Sezai Görmüş
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    Abstract: It`s very difficult to estimate earhquake hazards. However, we estimate earthquake hazards by using computer technology especially Geographic Information System (GIS) and we evaluate hazard studies which has been carried out by researchers on 22 July 1967 at Mudurnu valley earthquake. In this study, we use database about geological information. We assumed some parameters according to geological database and we put Risk value to database. After that, we determined potential risk area that has occurred hazards by using overlay analysis. Finally the result of this study correlate with the result of earlier hazard investigation.From this correlation, we obtained % 65 precise result by using GIS. To obtain more precise result, we should have considered increasing database quality.

  • Geographic Information System

  • Earthquake

  • Hazard

  • Risk

  • Abdüsselamoğlu, Ş., 1959, Almacık dağı ile Mudurnu ve Göynük civarının Jeolojisi, İ.Ü. Fen Fak. Monogr., 14,94 s.

  • Amferaseys, N.N., Zapotek, A., Taşdemiroğlu, M. ve Aytun, A., 1968, The Mudurnu valley (West Anatolia) earthquake, Unesco Report, 622,1-74 p.

  • Ambraseys, N.N. and Zapotek, A., 1969, The Mudurnu valley (West Anatolia, Turkey) earthquake of 22 July 1967, Bull, of the seis. soc, 59,2,521-589 p.

  • Barka, A.A. and Kadinski-Cade, 1988, Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity, Tectonics, 7,663-684 p.

  • Jackson, J. and Mckenzie, D., 1984, Active tectonics of the Alpin-Himalayan belt between Turkey and Pakistan, Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc, 77,185-264 p.

  • Kıyak, Ü., 1986, Kuzey Anadolu fay zonunun batı uzantılarının incelenmesi, Doktora tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Jeofizik Müh. Bölümü, 152 s, (yayınlanmamış).

  • Matsuoka, M. and Miderikowa, S., 1994, GIS-based seismic hazard mapping using the digital national land information, The ninth Japan earthquake engineering symposium, 3, 331-336 p.

  • Rosset, Ph., Berge, C, Sartori, M. and Wagner, J., 1997, Seismic zonation in the Wallis: an application of a kinema tic fault rupture, first result. Extended abstract in Actes du colloques

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  • Tchalenko, J.S. and Ambraseys, N.N., 1970, Structural analysis of the dasth-e Bayaz (İran) earthquake fractures, Geology Soc. Am. Bull., 81,41-60 p.

  • Yamazaki, F., Katayama, T., Yoshikawa, Y. and Otani, Y., 1994, Development of city gas network alert system based on monitored earthquake ground motion, The ninth Japan earthquake engin, symp., 3,2113-2118 p.

  • Yılmaz, Y., 1982, Abant (Bolu) ve Dokurcun (Sakarya) arasında Kuzey Anadolu fay zonunun kuzey ve güneyinde kalan tektonik birliklerin jeolojik evrimi, İ.Ü. yerbilimleri, 239-261 s.

  • Application of Earth Sciences in the Land Use Capability Analyses: A Case Study in the Lower Filyos Valley (Zonguldak, Western Black Sea)
    Tamer Yiğit Duman Ömer Emre Ali Ekber Akçay Şükrü Uysal Merih Özmutaf Erdoğan Bozbay Orhan Tongal Muzaffer Sönmez
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    Abstract: Optimized land-use plays an important role in the performance of planing which are urban planing, industrial district, and likelarge engineering projects. Reliability of land-use planning is a function of an elaborated site selection study, which depends on thatof geological to geotechnical model studies. In this connection, identification of geomorphology, geology, physiography & climate,hydrogeology, engineering geology, seismicity and geotechnical characteristics of a delineated area forms an essential work. Decision-maker can only assesses the project in terms of timing, cost and environmental issues when convent data are available in land.Harbor, airport, organized industrial district and free zone projects are being conducted in Lower portion of the Filyos Valley. Coordination of such large-scale engineering projects taking the aforementioned criteria in account has significant role to optimizethe land-use.

  • Land-use

  • Lower portion Filyos Valley

  • Earth sciences

  • Site selection

  • Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 1996, Türkiye Deprem Bölgeleri Haritası. Ankara

  • Brown, RD., & Kockelemen, W.J., 1983, Geologic Principles for prudent land use. Geological survey professional paper 946. U.S. Government printing office. Washington.

  • Çan, T., Duman, T.Y., Yılmazer, İ. ve Emre Ö., 1997, Flişten oluşan bir bölgede kurulacak Organize Sanayi Sistemi`nin (OSS) Jeoteknik açıdan öndeğerlendirilmesi: Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi`nden bir örnek. Ç.Ü. Müh. Mim. Fak. 20. Yıl Sempozyumu. Adana.

  • DSİ, 1993, Batıkaradeniz havzası Filyos Çayı Taşkın Koruma projesi planlama raporu. DSİ XXIII. Bölge Müd. Ankara.

  • Emre, Ö., Duman, T.Y., Akçay, A.E., Uysal, Ş., Özmutaf, M., Bozbay, E., Tongal, O. ve Sönmez, M., Aşağı Filyos Vadisinin Arazi kullanım potansiyeli. MTA Rapor (basım aşamasında).

  • Eser Teknik Sondaj., 1994, Zonguldak-Çaycuma Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Hidrojeolojik ve Jeolojik Etüt raporu, cilt no: 1. Ankara.

  • Hay, B. J., 1994, Sediment and Water Discharge Rates of Turkish Black Sea Rivers before and After Hydropower Dam Constructure. Environmental Geology, 23, 276- 283.

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  • Japan Intenational Coorporation Agengy (JICA), 1991, For the study on the development project of Filyos port in the ` republic of Turkey. Final Report. Vol. 1. No 33.

  • Larid, R.T., Perkins, J.B., Bainbridge, A.D., Baker, J.B., Boyd, R.T., Hustman, D., Staub, P.E. ve Zucker, M.B., 1979, Qualitative Land capability analysis. Geological Survey Professional Paper 946. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington.

  • Su iş, 1987, Filyos Akarsu Havzası Master Plan Raporu. Hidroloji Eki. Proje No: 329. Ankara.

  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. ve Boray, A., 1987, Türkiye`nin aktif fayları ve depremsellikleri: MTA Rapor No: 8174, 394s.

  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. ve Kuşçu, İ., 1992, Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası, MTA yayını.

  • Yergök, A.F., Akman, Ü., İplikçi, E., Karabalık, N.N., Keskin, 1., Mengi, H., Umut, M., Armağan, F., Erdoğan, K., Kaymakçı, H. ve Çetinkaya, A., 1987. Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi`nin Jeolojisi. MTA. Rapor No: 298 Ankara.

  • Schizogony in Orbitoides Apiculatus Schlumberger from the Maastrichtian of Şereflikoçhisar (Central Anatolia-Turkey)
    İbrahim Engin Meriç Nurdan İnan Turan Muhittin Görmüş
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    Abstract: In this study, a microspheric individual of Orbitoides apiculatus Schlumberger having a large number of megalospheric embryos near the both peripheries of the test fossilised in the period of schizogony from the Asmaboğazı Formation outcropping around the north of the Asmayaylası Village (Southeast of Şereflikoçhisar-Central Anatolia) is described. The individual including 22 megalospheric embryos in different positions also brings out existence of schizogonic type reproduction in rich orbitoidal foraminifera community indicating shallow water paleoenvironments as seen in the examples o/Orbitoidcs species in various regions of Turkey.

  • Foraminifera

  • Orbitoides apiculatus

  • Schizogony

  • Maastrichtian

  • Şereflikoçhisar

  • Turkey

  • Cassan, G. ve Sigal, J., 1961, Un cas de schizogonic intratha- lamc ehez un Orbitoidac. Bulletin de la Societc d’His- toirc Naturelie de Toulouse, 96, 153-156.

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  • Lutzc, G.F. vc Wefcr, G., 1980, Habitat and asexual reproduction of Cyclorbiculina compressa (Orbingy), Soritidae. Journal of Foram. Research, 10 (4), 251-260.

  • Meriç, E., 1966, A propos d’un cas de schizogonic dans un individu &Orbitoides media (d’Archiac). Bull. Min. Res. Explor. Inst. Turkey, 67, 93-96.

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  • Neumann, M., 1972, Sur les Orbitoidides du Cretacc Supcricur et du Tcrtiairc. II. Structure et classification. Revue de Micropaleontologie, 15(3), 163-189.

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  • Özer, S., 1983, Les formations â rudistes du Senomanien supcricur d’Anatolic Ccntralc (Turquic). Trav. Lab. Stra. Paldoecologie, Univ. Provence, Nouvellc Serie, 1, 32p., Marseille.

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  • Röttger, R., 1974. Larger foraminifera. Marine Biology, 26,5- 12.

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  • Wetmore, K. L., 1907, Reproduction and growth in Archaias angulatus, and implications for the preservation. The Geological Society of America, 1997 Annual Meeting, Abstract, A-95, Salt Lake City, Utah, 20-23 Ekim, 1997.

  • Winter, F.W., 1907, Zur kenntniss der Thalamophoren 1. Untersuchung über Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal). Archiv Protistcnkunde, 10(1), 113 p., pls. 1-2, text-figs. 1-10.

  • Geology and Geochemistry of Manganese Occurrence in the Pumice Tuffs in the Zilan (Erciş-Van) Area, Eastern Turkey
    Mehmet Arslan Miğraç Akçay
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    Abstract: This study introduces a new type of manganese occurrence in Turkey. The occurrence is located near Zilan (Erciş, Van), associated with pumice tuffs cropping out in the region, and fills the spaces between thegalssy clasts in pumice tuff. It has a mono-mineralic composition containing 65-73 % MnO, 3-5.5 % K2O, 2.5-4 % BaO, 0.5-1 % SrO, 0.5-1 % CaO and 0.3-0.7 % Na2O. Accordingto such a chemical composition the mineral has been calculated to have a formulae of(Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, Mn+^)2 MngOjgxH2O.Such a composition is similar to but contains more Mn than romanecite. Zilan Mn occurence has a hydrogenetic-detrital origin based on the Al-Si diagram. Mg-Na plot indicates afresh water environment for its origin. These in turn suggets that manganese was dissolved by surficial waters from the basic to intermediate volcanicsin the region, transported as Mri*`"" or in the from of organo-metallic complexes, deposited within the pumice tuffs which provided alkaline-oxidising conditions.

  • Manganese

  • Eastern Anatolia

  • Pumice tuff

  • Arslan, M., 1994, Mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology and petrogenesis of the Meydan-Zilan (Erciş-Van, Turkey) area volcanic rocks: Doktora Tezi, Glasgow Üniversitesi, 559s. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Arslan, M., 1997, Meydan (Erciş-Van) yöresi pomza tefra çökellerinin petrografik, jeokimyasal özellikleri ve oluşumu: I. İsparta Pomza Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 163-172.

  • Choi, J.H., ve Hariya, Y., 1992, Geochemistry and depositional environments of Mn oxide deposits in the Tokorro belt, Northeastern Hokkaido, Japan: Economic Geology, 87,1265-1274.

  • Crerar, D.A., Cormick, R.K., ve Barnes, H.L., 1972, Organic controls on the sedimentary geochemistry of manganese: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica (Szeged), 20, 217-226.

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  • Ercan, T., Fujitani, T., Matsuda, J., Notsu, K., Tokel, S. ve U., T., 1990, Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Neojen-Kuvaterner volkanitlerine ilişkin yeni jeokimyasal, radyometrik ve izotopik verilerin yorumu: MTA Bült., 110, 143-164.

  • Frakes, L. ve Bolton, B., 1992, Effects of ocean chemistry, sea level, and climate on the formation of primary sedimentary manganese ore deposits: Economic Geology, 87,1208-1217.

  • Gedikoğlu, A., Van, A., Eyüboğlu, I., ve Yalçınalp, B., 1985, Doğu Karadeniz cevherleşmelerine bir örnek: Ocaklı (Maçka-Trabzon) manganez zuhuru: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 25, 23-38.

  • Hem, J.D., 1972, Chemical factors that influence the availibility of iron and manganese in aqueous systems: Geol. Soc. America Bull., 83,443-450.

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  • Nicholson, K., 1992, Contrasting mineralogical-geochemical signatures of manganese oxides: guides to metallogenesis: Economic Geology, 87,1253-1264.

  • Ostwald, J., 1992, Genesis and paragenesis of the tetravalent manganese oxides of the Australian continent: Economic Geology, 87,1237-1252.

  • Öztürk, H., 1993, Türkiye manganez yatakları: Oluşumları ve tipleri: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 43,24-33.

  • Öztürk, H., Öztunalı, Ö. ve Frakes, L., 1995, Siyah şeyller içindeki manganez cevherleşmeleri ve anoksik-oksik olayların gelişimi; Ulukent ve Gökçeovacık manganez yatakları, GB Türkiye: Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni; 10,114-122.

  • Pearce, J.A., Bender, J.F., De Long, S.E., Kidd, W.S.F., Low, PJ., Güner Y., Şaroğlu, F., Yılmaz, y., Moorbath, S. ve Mitchell, J.G., 1990, Genesis of collision volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey: J. Volcanol, Geotherm. Res., 44,189-229.

  • Rose, A., Hawkes, H.E. ve Webb, J.S., 1979, Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration, Second ed.: Academic Press, London, 657 s.

  • Roy, S., 1981, Manganese Deposits: Academic Press, Londra, 458 s.

  • Roy, S., 1988, Manganese metallogenesis: A review: Ore Geology Reviews, 4, 155-170.

  • Roy, S., 1992, Environments and processes of manganese deposition: Economic Geology, 87,1218-1236.

  • Sadıklar, MJ3., Geor U., ve Van, A., 1995, Mineralo ische und geochemische Eigneschaften der terrestrich-hydrogenetischen Fe-Mn-Knollen von der Trabzon Region, NE-Türkei: Chemie der Erde, 55,177-188.

  • Urban, H., Stribrny, B., ve Lippolt, H.J., 1992, Iron and manganese deposits of the Urucum district, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil: Economic Geology, 87,1375-1392.

  • A Seismic Review of the Plio-Quaternary Sediments at the İzmit Bay
    Rebii Güven Özhan Dursun Bayrak
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    Abstract: İzmit Bay, which is the eastern continuation of The Sea of Marmara, ending in three successively smaller bays, is about 50 kmlong and 1.5 to 10 km wide. It is a part of an east-west trending graben, which has been shaped by the NAF-Zone system. The Bayfloor is a shallow-shelf area.This study is based on the re-evaluation of the results from 13 seismic profiles. The recent sediments at The Bay floor display apre-Pliocene/Pliocene, Middle & Late Pleistocene andHolocene succession from bottom to top, and since, it can be defined as a PlioQuaternary Unit. Thickness ranges from 10 to 50+ msecs. Sediments are mainly composed of terrigenous elastics, varying from clayto pebble-gravel in grain size, and at a lesser amount, carbonates. Young cover is thicker at the south and east than other parts, because of deltaic pro gradation.The alluvial fan in the south, that has been forming Dil Burnu area, was deposited as Yalakdere Deltaic Sequence. Young sediments deepen eastward, due to a NNW-SSE trending vertical movement at the east of Dil Burnu. This structural line has been producing a submarine fan, off Dil İskelesi to the north. As a result of this lineation, it can be concluded that, there is a local tilting in thefan area.Since the faults at depths of The Bay bifurcates toward the surface, the development of flower structures must be emphasized.The Bay, itself, is probably a locked-up basin. As being examplified by the area between The Bay and Lake Sapanca, the easternmost (innermost) basin will may be a lake grodually passing (in)to a marshy area, through the filling-up by sediments.

  • DiamoM (rhomboidal)-blocking

  • Flower structure

  • Dil Burnu

  • NAF-zone

  • Telescoping-fan

  • Locked-up basin

  • Ambraseys, N.N., 1970; Some Characteristic Features of The North Anatolian Fault Zone: Tectonophysics: 9, 2, 143-65

  • Barka, A. ve Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988; Strike-Slip Fault Geometry in Turkey and its influence on Earthquake Activity; Tectonics: 7, 3,663-84.

  • Barka, A., 1988; Neotectonics of the Marmara region; Manuscript (In Press).

  • Bayrak, D., 1997; The Sea of Marmara, the Gulf of Saros, the İzmit Bay, the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus: Preliminary Report-Bathymetry MTA, Ankara, 10 ps. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Çağlayan, M.A., 1996; Istranca Masifi`nin Mesozoik-Alt Tersiyer`deki Evrimi ve Trakya Havzası`nın gelişimindeki yeri. TPJD Bülteni 8,1, 82-93.

  • Ediger, V. ve Ergin, M., 1995, İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner istifinin Sedimantolojisi. (İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi, Meriç, E. içinde), 246-7.

  • Emre, Ö., Erkal, T., Kazancı, N., Kuşçu, İ. ve Keçer, M., 1997; Morphotectonics of the Southern Marmara Region during the Neogene and Quaternary; Proceedings of Colloqium on the Geology of Northern Aegean, The Sea of Marmara and surrounding regions, 12-7.

  • Erendil, M., Kuşçu, İ. ve Kato, H., 1988; Report of Int Res and Development Coop; ITIT Project: 8513, 64.

  • Görür, N., Çağatay, N., Sakınç, M., Sümengen, M., Şentürk, K., Yaltırak, C. ve Tchepalyga, A., 1997, Tertiary-Quaternary fluctuations in the sea-level of the Mediterranean, Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea; Proceedings of Colloqium on the Geology of Northern Aegean, the sea of Marmara and surrounding regions: 23-6.

  • Kato, H., 1988; Some remarks on Geologic and Tectonic features of the Western part of the NAF, NW Turkey; Report of Int Res and Development Coop ve ITIT Project No: 8513,1-16.

  • Koral, H., Eryilmaz.M., 1995, İzmit Körfezi`nin Tektoniği (İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi; Meriç, E., içinde) 277-83.

  • Meriç, E., 1995; İzmit Körfezi -Hersek Burnu-Kababurun Arası- Kuaterner Dip Tortul istifinin Stratigrafisi ve Ortamsal özellikleri, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni, 10: 47.

  • Neugebauer, J., 1995; Structures and Kinematics of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Adapazarı-Bolu region, NW Turkey: Tectonophysics: 243: 119-34.

  • Okay, A.İ., 1997; Tectonic framework of the Marmara Sea and surrounding regions; Proceedings of Colloqium on the Geology of Northern Aegean, the Sea of Marmara and surrounding regions: 1-6.

  • Özhan, G., 1986; Le prolongement et L`influence Tectonique de la zone de Faille Nord Anatolienne dans la Baie d`İzmit: Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit.: 30: 2.

  • Seyir, Hidrografi, Oşinografi Daire Başkanlığı, 1966; İzmit Körfezi Batimetri Haritası, No: 291 ve 2915.

  • Seymen, İ., 1995, İzmit Körfezi ve Çevresinin Jeolojisi (İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi; Meriç, E., içinde) 1-22.

  • Tsukuda, E., Herece, E. ve Kuşçu, İ., 1988; Some geological Evidences on activity of the Western North Anatolian Fault-Geyve, İznik, Gemlik area; Report of Int Res and Development Coop; ITIT Project No: 8513: 69-84.

  • Wong, H.K., Lüdmann, T., Uludağ, A. ve Görür, N., 1995; The Sea of Marmara: A Plate Boundary Sea in an Escape Tectonic Regime: Tectonophysics: 244: 231-50.

  • The Correlation of KIT Transition with Benthic Foraminifera in the Adriatic Platform and Taurid platform
    Mehmet Akyazi Nazire Özgen Erdem Nurdan İnan Turan
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    Abstract: Maastrichtian is presented with rudistic limestone which contains benthic foraminifera of Rhapydionina liburnica (Stache), Fleuryana adriatica De Castro, Cuneolina cylindrica Henson and Cuneolina ketini İnan, and shows limited lagoon environment in theAdriatic Platform of Alpına Belt. On the other side, Maastrichtian excluding pelagic environment, is presented with rudistic limestone that contains benthic foraminifera of Orbitoides medius d`Archiac, Orbitoides apiculatus Schlumberger, Omphalocyclus macroporus Lamarck, Pseudomphalocyclus blumenthali Meriç, Lepidorbitoides minor (Schlumberger), Hellenocyclina beotica Reichel, Cideina soezerii (Sirel), Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Loftusia anatolica Meriç, Loftusia minor Cox, Loftusia harrisoni Cox andindicates a reefal environment. The outcrops of Taurid Platform which are similar to Maastrichtian aged benthic fauna of Adriatic Platform are present in Akdağ (Antalya), Hadim, Seydişehir (Konya), Saimbeyli, Kozan and Pozantı (Adana) regions.KIT transition in the Adriatic Platform is generally indicated with a breccia level which is present in the some part of the Taurids.  However, transition in Taurid Platform is generally represented by dolomitle limestone levels. In both cases, it indicates a short-period term for emerge. After, KIT transition, it is noteworthy that the benthic fauna got poorer in quantity and type in both platform.Danian is represented by limestone that contain miliolid and Protelphidium sp., Pseudonummoluculina sp., Hellenalveolina sp.in Adriatic Platform. In Taurid Platform however, these forms are replaced by Anomalina sp., Mississippina sp., Eponides sp. and primitive rotaloidal forms. Danian is represented by small benthic in which miliolid dominates in both platform. This fauna points tobays and lagoons in litoral lagoonal environments in which low energy conditions dominated.

  • Adriatic Platform

  • Benthic foraminifera

  • KIT transition

  • Taurid Platform

  • Ayhan, A. 1988. Kozan-J21 Paftası: 1/100.000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Serisi. MTA, Ankara.

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  • Colin, H J., 1962. Fethiye-Antalya-KaşFinike (GB Anadolu) bölgesinde: yapılanjeoloj iketüdler: MTA Raporu no. 59,19-60.

  • De Castro, P., Drobne, K. ve Gusic, I. 199S, Heuryatm adriatica n.gen.n.sp. (foraminifera) ı from the Uppermost Maastrichtian of the Brae Island (Croatia) and some other localities on the Adriatic carbonate platform: Razprave4razr. SAZU 35,Ljubljana, 129-149,4pls.

  • Dolenec, T., Cucchi, F., Giacomich,R.,Marton,E. ve Ogorelec, B., 1995. Abiotic characteristics of carbonate rocks fromthe K/Tboundary • on the Karst area (isotopes, geochemistry, geochronology and paleomagnetism). Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth a Scientific; Network of theEuropean Sci . Foundation 4Th. International Workshop, Montanari A. ve Coccioni R. (Eds.), Abstracts and Field Trips, 68-69, Anco - na-Italy.

  • Drobne, K., Ogorelec, B., Dolenec, T., Marton,E., ve Palinkas, L., 1996. Biota and abiotaatthe K/Tboundary in the Dolenja Vas; sections, Slovenia:

  • Gürer, Ö.F., 1994. Hekimhan-Hasançelebi yöresinin Üst Kretase stratigrafisi vehavza evrimi: Türkiye Jeoloji Bült. 37/2,135-149, Ankara.

  • Hansen, H.J., Drobne,K. ve Gwozdz, R., 1995. The K/T boundary in Slovenia: dating by magnetic susceptibilty, stratigraphy and iridium-anomaly in a debris flow-Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth a Scientific Network oftheEuropeanSci .Foundation 4 Th. International Workshop, Montanari A. & Coccioni R. (Eds.), Abstracts and Field Trips, Ancona-Italy, 84-85.

  • Henson, I.R.S., 1950. Cretaceousand Tertiary reef formations and associated sediments in the Middle East Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol GeoL, 34,215-238.

  • İnan,N., 1988. Cuneolina ketini (Foraminifere) n.sp.du Maastrichtian d`Anatolie Centrale (Turquie): Rev. de Paleobiologie, v.7, no.2, Geneve, 327-333.

  • İnan, N. ve Meriç, E. 1997. K/T geçişinde anormal büyümüş Orbitoides apiculatus Schlumberger bireyleri: Yerbilimleri (Geosound) Çukurova Üniv. Adana (Baskıda).

  • Meriç, E ve Özçelik, O., 1984. Yıldızdağ (Seydişehir-Konya) yöresinin jeolojisi: AkdenizÜniv. Müh. Fak. 3. Mühendislik Haftası, 213-219.

  • Metin, S., Ayhan, A. ve Papak, İ. 1990. Elbistan-İ22 Paftası: 1/100.000. ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Serisi. MTA, Ankara

  • Özgen, N., İnan, N. ve Akyazı, M., 1993. Harabekayış Formasyonunun (Elazığ) Tanımlaması: T. Jeoloji Kurultay Bülteni 8, Ankara, 135-147.

  • Pugliese, N., Drobne, K., Barattolo, F., Caffau, M., Galvani, R., Kedves, M., Montenegro, M.E., Pirini-Radrizzani, C, Plenicar, M. ve Tümsek, D., 1995. Micro and Macrofossils from K/T boundary Through Paleocene in the Northern Adriatic Platform: I. Croatian Geological Congress, 18-21.10.1995, 2, Zagrep, 505-513.

  • Sirel, E. 1979. Rhapydionina liburnica (Stache), Rhapydion na malatyaensis n.sp. türlerinin tanımları ve Rhapyd onina Stache cinsi hakkında yeni görüşler: MTA Derç 86,99-104.

  • Toker, V., Sonel, N., Akyıldız, T. ve Albayrak, M., 1993. AV seki kuzeyi-Üzümdere (Antalya) civarının stratigrafis Türkiye Jeoloji Bült. 36/2, Ankara, 57-73.

  • Tutkun, Z., 1984. Saimbeyli (Adana) yöresinin stratigrafis C.Ü. Müh.Fak.Derg. 1/1, 31-43.

  • Determination of the Deep Structure of the Gabbroic Rocks within Sulakyurt Granitoid by the Boreholes
    Yusuf Kağan Kadioğlu Hasan Aydin Özsan
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    Abstract: Sulakyurt granitoid is exposed at the north, western edge of the Central Anatolia. Gabbroic bodies ranging upto 1-2 km2 are outcropped within the Sulakyurt granitoid. This study is aimed toput out the deep structure of the gabbroic rocks within the granitoid atthe depth by 22 boreholes within the area. The granitoids have sinosoidal contact with the gabbroic rocks. The gabbroic rocks aredioritic in composition at the contact with the granitoid. The boreholes data reveal that the gabbroic rocks are extended towards thedepth within the Sulakyurt granitoids. As a conclusion these gabbroic rocks are nonophiolitic which they intruded in the granitoidmagma chamber as a mafic products and they crystallized as a syn-plutonic body.

  • Enclave

  • Gabbro

  • Granitoid

  • Central Anatolia

  • Boreholes data

  • Sulakyurt

  • Akıman, O., Erler, A., Göncüoğlu, M.C., Güleç, N., Geven, A., Türeli, T.K. ve Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1993, Geochemical characteristics of granitoids along the western margin of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex and their tectonic implications: Geol. J., 28, 371-382.

  • Barbarin, B. ve Didier, J., 1991, Conclusions: Enclaves and Granite Petrology, In: Didier, J. ve Barbarin, B. (Eds), Enclaves and Granite Petrology, Elsevier Sci. PubL, New Yor, 545-549.

  • Bateman, R., 1995, The interplay between crystallization, replenishment and hybridization in large felsic magma chambers. Earth Sci. Rev., 39,91-106.

  • Bayhan, H., 1986, İç Anadolu granitoyid kuşağındaki Çelebi sokulumunun jeokimyası ve kökensel yorumu: Jeoloji Müh., 29,27-36.

  • Bayhan, H., 1987, Cefalıkdağ ve Baranadağ plütonlarımn (Kaman) petrografik ve kimyasal-mineralojik özellikleri: Jeoloji Müh., 30-31,11-16.

  • Bayhan, H., 1988, Bayındır, Akpmar (Kaman) yöresindeki alkali kay açların jeokimyası ve kökensel yorumu: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 31, 59-70.

  • Bayhan, H., 1989, Keskin sokulumunun (Ankara) petrografik ve kimyasal-mineralojik özellikleri: Yerbilimleri, 15, 29-30.

  • Bayhan, H, 1993, Ortaköy granitoyidinin (Tuzgölü doğusu) petrografik ve kimyasal-mineralojik özellikleri: Doğa Türk Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2,147-160.

  • Bingöl, E., 1989, Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası, 1/2.000.000. Maden Tek. Arama Enst. (MTA), Ankara.

  • Castro, A., Moreno-Ventas,I . veDeLaRosa,J.D., 1991,Htype (hybrid) granitoids: a proposed revision of the granite type classification and. nomenclature. Earth Sci. Rev., 31,237-253.

  • Didier, J. ve Barbarin, B., 1991,Enclaves and Granite Petrology, Elsevier Sci. PubL, New York, 624 s.

  • DSİ, 1995, Kızılırmak Sulakyurt Projesi Sulakyurt Barajı ve Sulama Kanalları Mühendislik Jeolojisi Ön İnceleme Raporu. DSİ 5. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Ankara (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Erler, A. ve Bayhan, H., 1995, Orta Anadolu Granitoidlerin c genel değerlendirilmesi ve sorunları. Yerbilimleri, 17, 49-67.

  • Erler, A.,Akıman, O.,Unan, C, Dalkılıç, F., Dalkılıç, B.,Geven,A., ve Önen, P., 1991, Kaman (Kırşehir) ve Yozgat yörelerinde Kırşehir Masifi magmatikkay açlarının petrolojisi ve jeokimyası: Doğa-Tr. J. of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 15,76-100.

  • Geven, A., 1995, Cefalıkdağ Granitoidlerinin Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası (Orta Anadolu Kristalen Kütlesi Batısı). Yerbilimleri, 17,1-16.

  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Toprak, V., Kuşçu, İ., Erler, A. ve Olgun, E., 1991, Orta Anadolu Masifinin batı bölümünün jeolojisi, Bölüm 1: Güney Kesim: TPAO Report No. 2909, 134s.

  • Göncüoğlu, M.C. ve Türeli, T.K., 1993, Petrology and geodynamic interpretation of plagiogranites from Central Anatolian Ophiolites (Aksaray-Turkey). Doğa-Türk Yer Bilimleri Dergisi, 2,195-203.

  • Güleç, N., 1994, Rb-Srisotope data from the Ağaçören granitoid (East of Tuz Gölü): geochronological and genetical implications: Tr. J. ofEarth Sciences, 3, 39-43.

  • Güleç, N. ve Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1998, Relative Involment of Mantle and Crustal Components in the Ağaçören Granitoid (Central Anatolia-Turkey): Estimates from Trace Element and Sr-Isotope Data. Chemie der Erde, 58, 23-37.

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1991, Geology, Petrography and Geochemistry of Ağaçören (Aksaray) Magmatic Rocks. O.D.T.Ü., Y. Lisans Tezi, 141 s. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., ve Güleç, N., 1993, Granitoidler içindeki anklavların kökeni ve Türkiye`den örnekler. Türkiye Jeol. Bült, 8,113-118.

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., Güleç, N., 1995, Mafic microgranular enclaves and interaction between felsic and mafic magmas in Ağaçören pluton: Evidence from petrographic features and mineral chemistry. Second International Turkish Geology Workshop, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sivas. Abstracts, s. 56.

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., Güleç, N., ve Ateş, A., 1995, Structural position of gabbroic rocks in Ağaçören granitoid: Field observation and aeromagnetic data. Second International Turkish Geology Workshop, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sivas. Abstracts, s. 55.

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1996, Genesis of Ağaçören Instrusive Suite and its Enclaves (Central Anatolia): Constraints from Geological, Petrography, Geophysical and Geochemical Data. ODTÜ Doktora Tezi, 242 s Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K. ve Güleç, N. 1996, Ağaçören Granitoidinde yeralan gabro kütlelerinin yapısal konumu: Jeolojik ve Jeofizik (Özdirenç) verilerinin yorumu. Doğa Türk yer bilimleri dergisi 5,153-159.

  • Kadıoğlu, Y.K., Ateş, A. ve Güleç, N., 1998, Structural interpretation of gabbroic rocks in Ağaçören Granitoid, Central Turkey: field observations and aeromagnetic data. GeoLMag. 135 (2), 245-254

  • Sha, L.-K., 1995, Genesis of zoned hydrous ultramafic/maficsilicic intrusive complexes: an MHFC hypothesis. Earth Sci. Rev., 39,59-90.

  • Streckeisen, A.L., 1976, To each plutonic rock its proper name, Earth Sci. Rev., 12,1-33.

  • Türeli, T.K., 1991, Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry of Ekecikdağ Plutonic Rocks (Aksaray Region-Central Anatolia). ODTÜ, Doktora tezi, 194s. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Türeli, T.K., Göncüoğlu, M.C. and Akıman, O., 1993, Ekecikdağ-granitoyidinin petrolojisi ve kökeni (Orta Anadolu Kristalen Kütlesi batısı). MTA Dergisi, 115,15-28.

  • Tartışma:Çay(Afyon) Güneybatısında Sultandağlar Masif`nin Mesoskopik Tektonik Özellikleri ve Jeoloji Evrimi
    İlyas Erdal Kerey
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    Abstract: Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni Ağustos 1997 tarih ve sayı2`de M. Tahir Nalbantçılar tarafından hazırlanan "Çay(Afyon) güneybatısında Sultandağlar Masifi`nin mesoskopik tektonik özellikleri ve jeoloji evrimi" başlıklı makaleyi okudum. Araştırıcının çalıştığı konu farklı olmakla birlikte aynı bölgede ben de genel jeoloji amaçlıbir çalışma yapmıştım (1987). Araştırıcının çalışması ileilgili olarak bu makalede gördüğüm bazı biçimsel ve bilimsel eksiklikleri aşağıya not ettim.

  • Sultandaglar Massif

  • autochthonous

  • Afyon

  • Blumenthal, M., 1947, Seydişehir-Beyşehir hinterlandındaki Toros dağlarınınjeolojisi: MTA Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2, 242s.

  • Çetin, M. ve Bulur, K., 1979, Yalvaç-Şarkikaraağaç (İsparta) bölgesi demirli boksit yataklarının jeoloji raporu: MTA Rapor No. 1624/1, Ankara.

  • Demirkol, C. ve diğerleri, 1977, Sultandağlarının stratigrafisi vejeoloji evrimi :MTAEnstitüsü Rapor No. 6305. Ankara.

  • Kerey, İ.E., 1983, Sultandağları bölgesinin bazı stratigrafik ve tektonik özellikleri: Toros Jeolojisi Uluslararası Simpozyumu, Özler, 38-39.

  • Kerey, İ.E., 1987, Sultandağları bölgesinde Koçbeyl itektonik penceresi. A.Ü. İsparta Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 3,61-68,İsparta.

  • Answer: Response to the Discussion of Mr. İ.Erdal Kerey
    Mahmut Tahir Nalbantçilar
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    Abstract: Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni`nin 1997 yılı 40/2 sayısında yayınlanan "Çay (Afyon) güney batısında Sultandağları Masifi`nin mesoskopik tektonik özellikleri ve jeoloji evrimi" isimli makaleme ilişkili Sayın î. Erdal Kerey`e ait tartışmaya, yanıtım aşağıda verilmiştir.

  • ophiolite

  • limestone

  • autochthonous

  • allochthone

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  • Eren, Y., 1990 b, Engilli (Akşehir)- Bağkonak (Yalvaç) köyleri arasında Sultandağlan Masifinin tektonik özellikleri: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 33,39-50.

  • Haude, H., 1972, Stratigraphic und tektonik des südlichen Sultandağ (SW-Anatolien): Zeit. Deutsch. Geol.Ges, Hannover, 123,411-421.

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  • Nalbantçılar, M.T., 1996, Akkonak (Afyon)- Sağır (İsparta) arasında Sultandağlan Masifinin Tektonostratigrafisi: KTÜ Jeoloji Müh. Böl. 30. Yıl Sempozyumu bildirileri, Trabzon, 708-717.

  • Nalbantçılar, M.T., 1997, Çay (Afyon) güneybatısında Sultandağlan Masifinin mesoskopik tektonik özellikleri: Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 40/2,17-28.

  • Özgül, N., Bölükbaşı, S., Alkan, H., Öztaş, Y. ve Korucu, M., 1991, Göller bölgesinin tektonostratigrafık birlikleri: O. Sungurlu Sempozyumu bildirileri, Ankara, 213- 237.

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