- 1987
Abstract: In this study, Fluvio-lacustrine- sediments of Çamardı (Niğde) area are examined fordiscrimination of the faciès to assist for stratigraphie correlations in regional scale. The investigatedarea is situated in northern part of the Ecemiş Fault Zone of intermontane basın character which wasformed after retreating of the Lutetian sea from the region, Miocene sea transgression never reached tothe Çamardı area»Therefore, around Çamardı, Oligocène aged continental elastics, known as Çukurbağ formation andMiocene aged deposits which belong to the lacustrine-swamp environment of Burç formation were deter*,mined. Braided river and low sinuosity meandering river sub faciès were discriminated in Çukurbağformation, which overlies the Paleocene aged Karadağ spilite with a nonconformity, The lacustrinefaciès were developed towards the upper part of the Çukurbağ formation due to subsidence of the basincoinciding with the regional tectonics, Miocene aged Burç formation is mainly formed of lacustrine,swamp, delta and low sinuosity meandering liver deposits, from bottom te top. Its total thickness amounts to 270 meters.Since the Miocene, sea transgression did not reach to the Çamardı region, only Çamardı and Burçformations of fluvio-lacustrine and associated sub facias were deposited in northern part of the Ecemis Fault Zone.
Abstract: Lias is represented by the extensive tectonic regime and associated bimodal (basaltic/daeltic) volcanism in the Eastern Pontides, The arc, which has a broad magmatic zone, had been broken upby multiriftlng from the south to the north İn approximataly E*W direction, Pull apart basinsformed by conjugate strike sMp faults in NE-SW and NW-SE directions, have ensmiatic basement to thenorth (inter-arc basins)*During Dogger-Malm interval, tectonic and magmatic activity were very quiet and so carbonate platforms was developed in the back-arc and inter-arc regions,In the Lower Cretaceous, simetric subsidence basins, south and north to the Gümüşhane, were characterized by the turbiditic and olistostromal faciès. This phase corresponds to ending of extensive tec»tonic regime and related passive mantle uprising, and as a result of this rapid subsidence due to cooling ofthe basement*Lower Cretaceous ophiolitic oHstostromal melange, situated southern part of Pontide, is considered toform in a such tectonic regime.Pétrographie and petrochemical studies have been carried out of Liassic volcanic rocks collectedsystematically acros the arc in the N=S direction. In addition to major element analyses, concentrationsof the incompatible element such as K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y imply that there is variation from transitional tholeitic calc-aikali volcanics in the north (Sürmene) through high K câlc-alkaH rocks of Hamsiköy andTorul area to the high K calc-alkali/alkali basalts in the south (Gümüşhane). We accepted magma mMng hypothesis for the origin Mgh Al and alkali arc lavas in the Gümüşhane/Hamsiköy area,, and defined two distinct magma types, toe trend is characterized by FeO/M^)-enwchment with a slight increase in SiO2 content
Abstract: Upper Cretaceous-Eocene aged sedimentary sequence of South-Eastern AnatoMa unconformably starts with Antak (Terbüzek) Formation of red beds of various types on the deep-marinemudstones of Kastei Formation around Adıyaman, It continues by a thin beach elastics and later bycarbonates of Besni Formation of Maestrichtian age, The upper part of the sequence is composed ofopen and deep-marine calciturbidite and calcareous mudstone alternation (Germav Formation) of Paleocene-Eocene period. This unit is the most widely exposed lithologie association observed in the investigated area and continued to be deposited in a more and more deepening basinal conditions, untilthe end of Lutetian. Within this period, deposition by various density currents is dominant along thesubmarine channels in the deepmarine environments»The sequence is overiained by the Miocene aged Fırat Formation which is generally composed of B*mestones.Biostraügraphically; in Kastei Formation, Globotruncana gtuartiformig and Glöbûtnıneana gansserl; in Besni Formation Omphalocyclus macroporiis - Orbitoides médius and m Germav Formation« GIoborotalia pseudobuiloides, Globorol alia trïnidadensis?, Gïoborotalia uncinata?, Globorotalİa angulata,Globorotalia pseudomenardü, Globorotalİa ırelaseoensis, Miscellanea raigeeUa, Globorotalla subbotinae,Globorotalia formosa formosa? foraminiferal zones have been determined and by nannopianktons,Uniplanarkis trifidus zone in Kastei Formation and Crucİpİacolithus tennis, C^asmoUthus danîcus, Ellipsolithus maeeUus, Fasclcullthus tynapanlformis» Discoaster multiradiatus, TiibracMatus contortuszones in Gtfmav Formation have also been determined.
Abstract: The Neogene clastic sediments occurring to south of Salihli are divided in two unitswhich are seperated by an unconformity. The sequence, m ascending order, covers lower and upperclastic units. The total thickness of the Neogene clastic sediments is about 1500 meters. The Menderes metamorphlc rokcs are spreading in the north and south of Gediz depression as the basement rockin the region.The clastic sediments are made of alternating coarsening-upward cyolotems. The eyclotems varyfrom 5 to 75 m in thickness showing a relatively uniform grain composition and fabric features. Laterally, the thickness of eyclotems change over short distances, from south to north.The sedimentary and stratigraphie features of the lower and upper clastic units reflect a fast development of pervasive sedimentation in the alluvial fan environment, Field measurements of internal sedimentary structures of all units indicate that the dominant transport direction is from south to north.The different sedimentary fadeses at the southern and northern parts of Gediz depression suggestproggression of an asimetric basin at first stage, The asimetric characteristics of tectonlsm and subsidence during the Neogene sedimentation have resulted in the shifting of subsidence axis to the activesouthern margin. In addition to seasonal conditions, migration of basinal axis to the southern basementis the mam factor that causes formation of the coarsening-upward sequence. The clastic sedimentdeposition and facias distribution of Gediz depression are controlled by listric type growth faults, inthe south of depression field, which dominantly east-west trending. Probably, very subsidence phaseresults in the coarsening-upward cyclotem and is controlled by the growth faults,
Abstract: In the Armutlu Peninsula, the aim of the investigation made in the ragion between Karamürsel and Lake İznik, is to detemmne the relation between the Cretaceous and Pateoeene units interms of rock specifications and fossil groups, and to bring classification to the subject by comparingthe results with regional data. Merdigöz formation and Dereköy formation which overlies It comformably are the metamorphie units making up the basement of the Pre-Permian of the region.Kokarca formation, which is unconformable on this basement, and is made of rocks as iitMc arenite, biomicrite and clayey biomicrite is the sedimentary product of a sea which is getting deepertowards end of Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). This unit is graded transitional with Lower-UpperPaleocene (Bam&n-Thanetian) aged Yağhane limestone which overlies it conformably and consist .ofrocks as calcisiltite, biomicrite, clayey biomicrite, sandy biosparite and biosparite. Yağhane limestone is a product of a sea which gets shallower gradually. Kokarca formation and Yağhane limestone is covered nonconformably by Kizderbent andésite lying in east-west direction.
Abstract: Mathematical modelling of hot-water type geothermal reservoirs has been described and amodel is proposed in this paper,. The proposed mathematical model simulates the changes in pressure,temperature and subsidence in a producing geothermal reservoir. In this model the mechanism of fluidflow and heat transfer and the equilibrium of stresses are combined through a plastic stress-strain relationship and expressed by differential equations.
Abstract: Northwestern Anatolian orogen belt represent the accretionary belt of pre-late Triassicage, are deeply eroded so that the island arc, the subduction complex and the ophiolite sheets arenow only preserved beneath the post Late Triassic cover as metamorphic basement rocks,The Handeresi (Edremit) and Karasu (Bilecik) consist mainly of granodiorite and gren schist-greenstone complex which were generated as a consequence of closure of Paleo Tethyan by the northwarddipping subduction beneath the Pontian block. Granodiorite and green schist-green stone complex represents arc-trench systems of pre Late Triassic age, This deeply eroded arc complex (granodiorite) andsubduction complex, oceanic crust slices (green schist-green stone complex) overthrasted to the eachothers as dublex thrust system. Post erogenic elastic deposits of Late Triassic age overlay on the thrustbelts of granodiorite and green schist-green stone complex.This interpretation leads us to consider that western termination of the Paleo Tethyan suture locatedin the north west Anatolian accretionary belt.
Abstract: The absorption spectra of natural amethyst and colorless quartz were analyzed and compared relative to the presence of chemical impurities such as iron, manganese and antimony located withinthe structure of quartz. It was observed that these elements and natural radioactivity play on important role in the generation of the 5500 A0 absorption band and the violet coloration of natural amethystine quartz.
Abstract: The Tavşanlı-Domaniç volcanism started in the Middle-Late Miocene as the dacite-rhyolitetype. In the Pliocene these rocks are alternated with lavas of the- andésite and basaltic andésite typeAll the rocks are of sub-alkaline character; The volcanism developed in a subsided basin lake environment.Graben related young volcanism of Western Anatolia esentially belong to two groups, mantle originated and crustal originated. Volcanism here studied belong to the group of crustal origine.It is considered likely thut convection currents beneath the grabens have an effect on the formationof liquid from the continental crust. Convection currents lead to liquid formation by increasing iscnterms present in the continental crust.
Discussion: Makaleye konu olan, bölge Zamantı kurşun«çinko kuşağının batı bölümünde yer almaktadır. Bu bölgedeki tüm yatak ve zuhurlar Ayhan (1983) çalışması ile ele alınmış ve yatakların bölgesel konumu, yantaş ilişkileri, birincil ve ikindi cevherleşme evreleri ile kökeni açıklanmış, yatakların ikincil cevherleşmesinde etkin olan karstlaşma evrelerinin olasılı yaşlar irdelenmiştir, Aladağlar Bölgesinin sadece Tekneli, Göktepe ve Delikkaya yataklarını kapsayan bölümünü inceleyen Çevrim ve diğerleri (1986) `nm çalışması ise nisbeten dar bir alanda, bizzat yataklarda ve bunların çok yakın çevrelerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sınırlı bir bölgede yürütülmesi ve bölgesel ölçekteki kokensel irdelenmelerin dikkate alınmaması nedeniyle, kekem konusunda önemli yanılgılara düşülmüştür.
Reply: Tartışma konusu yayınımıza (Çevrim ve diğerlri, 1986), Ayhan`ın (1987) yorum ve eleştirilerine yanıtımızda, verilen ölçüleri aşmamak ve tartışılan makalemizin içeriğine bağlı kalabilmek için, eleştiri konusu hususlar kısmen değişik sırada ele alınıp, yayınımızın ana konusuyla doğrudan ilgisi olmayan yorumlar göz önûnde bulundurulmamıştır,
Tartışma: Antalya Neojen havzasının stratigrafisi konulu makalede (Akay ve dig. 1985) Nannoplanktonlarla ilgili kısım kanımca hatalı yapılmıştır. Nannoplankton zonları Martini (1971), Bukry(1981), Ellis (1982), Toker (1984) tarafından tanımlananlara göre çok farklı şekilde kullanılmıştır.
Yanıt: Antalya Neojen havzasının stratigrafisi» yayılım stratlgrafik kesitlerinde, spesiyeslere kadar uzanan kesik kesik dikey ince çizgiler, spesiyeslerin hangi örneklerde bulunduğunun kolayca anlaşılabilmesi için kullanılmıştır. Yoksa, stratigrafik kesitierdeki spesiyeslerin, kesik kesik ince çizgiler boyunca var olması gerektiği anlamında kullanılmamıştır. Ayrıca örnek numaralarının karşı hizasındaki kaim kısa çizgi, yalnızca bu noktada spesiyesîn varlığını belirtmektedir. Stratigrafik kesitlerde, örneklerdeki spesiyeslerin varlığı bu kurallar içerisinde değerlendirildiğinde metindeki birçok eleştirel cümlenin tartışılmasına gerek kalmamaktadır.