Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

1988 AĞUSTOS Cilt 31 Sayı 2
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Geological Evolution of the Kahramanmaraş Tertiary Peripheral Basin
Mehmet Önalan
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Abstract: In this study, we have investigated the geological evolution of Tertiary sedimentary rocks between Bertiz-Süleymanlıand Kılavuzlu region in the north of Kahramanmaraş.The data wich are obtained from studies in north and south of the investigated area, indicate that a divergent regime exist betweenArabian and Taurus plates and which starts at Jurassic and continues in  the Lower Cretaceous time and point out a subduction regime thatbegins with the Valanginian age. It is clear that the continuity of this subduction of the Arabian plate moves toward the north untill theMaastrihtian. There are different opinions related with the geological evolution beginning with the Maastrichtian to the Miocene period.However, since the Miocene epoch a peripheral basin has been developed in the region. The sediments which have accumulated in thisperipheral basin that developed between Arabian plate and Taurus platform show different sequential arrangements in the northern andthe southern of the basin. The change of stratigraphic position and depositional environments in space and time point out at least sevencompression / thurust movements since the Upper Cretaceous epoch in the region.

  • Arabian plate

  • Taurus platform

  • depositional environment

  • Kahramanmaraş

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  • A New Formation with Leucite Bearing Shoshonitic Volcanism in the Kop Area (Everek Hanları Formation) and Its Relationship with the Evolution of the Eastern Pontian Arc (NE TURKEY)
    Osman Bektaş İsmet Gedik
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    Abstract: The Eastern Pontian arc developed on the sialic basement represents magmatic provences variable in time and spaceduring the Mesozoic and Cenozoic epochs.In the Eastern Black Sea coast tholeiitic volcanism which began in the Lias, turns in tholeiitic/calc-alkaline volcanism in the UpperCretaceous; calc-alkaline volcanism in the Eocene, and alkaline volcanism in the Neogene to make complete successive island arc magmaseries in time.On the other hand, in the contemporaneous volcanic rocks, increasing of K content toward south, cause spatial changes in the arcmagmatism. The Malm-Lower Cretaceous rapid subsidence events in the inter arc/back-arc rift basins which are formed in the Lias, are characterizedby passing from the platform carbonate facies to the olistostromal turbiditic deep marine facies.In the back-arc basins to the south, Bayburt, Kelkit, Amasya regions, this epoch mentioned above, corresponds to the time of theformation of the ophiolitic olistostromal melange.Basaltic rocks, which constitute ophiolitic melange have within plate and mid ocean ridge/island arc affinities (poligenetic ophioliteconcept).This melange is in turn overlain by the high K calc-alkaline andesite with pyroclast and the Upper Cretaceous rudist-bearing limestonesin the Bayburt, Maden area.In the Everek Hanları district these Upper Cretaceous limestones are accompained with a formation with couldn`t be exactly definedgeologically by now and were mapped as ophiolitic series with tectonic contact, and so this caused contradictory interpretations. Duringour field study we observed that the formation mentioned above is rested unconformably on the erosional surface of the Upper Cretaceouslimestones and comprise the low TİO2 leucite-bearing alkaline basalts intercalated with the continental red colour cross bedding detritusand is overlain by the Paleogene turbidites with the basement conglomerates.This formation defined geologically was called Everek Hanları Formation.The calc-alkaline and low TiO2 alkaline volcanism (shoshonitic) which cover the ophiolitic melange with sedimentary origin are strongevidence to imply that this melange formed in the back-arc geotectonic environment. We have similar geologic observation in Amasya.Manifestation of this leucite-bearing volcanism which of approximately 60 m.y. of age, in the northern part of the Eastern Pontian arcalong the Black Sea coast in the Neogene, imply that the high K volcanism regressed together with the arc magmatism toward thetrench during the Cenozoic time just as known in the Nortwestern America.On the other hand, contemporaneous magmatism and subsidence events are suggestive that mantle uprising had the main role inthese concept in the Eastern Pontian arc/back-arc geotectonic environments.

  • shoshonitic

  • inter arc

  • back-arc

  • Eastern Black Sea

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  • Presence of the Metavolcanics (Leptites) in the Region of Kiraz-Birgi (Ödemiş Menderes Massive)
    Nejat Kun Osman Candan Osman Özcan Dora
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    Abstract: This investigation held in Ödemiş submassive has pointed out once more that the leptites have to be included in the general sequence of the Menderes Massive. These originally volcanic rocks which have the thickness ranging from 20-25 meters to a few kilometers are formed a guide horizon between schist and gneiss. Hard, unoriented and violet colored leptites contain pyroxene-rich old basic vein rocks.The studies of chemical analyses show that the original rocks of leptite are in the composition rhyolite-dasite, dominant calcalkaline generation, sialic in origine and metamörphic equivalent of island arc volcanites. 

  • Menderes Massive

  • gneiss

  • rhyolite-dasite

  • pyroxene

  • Başarır, E., 1975, Çine güneyindeki metamorfitlerin pe¬trografisi ve bireysel indeks minerallerin doku içerisindeki gelişimleri: Doçentlik tezi, E. Ü. F. F. İzmir, 85 s, (Yayınlanmamış).

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  • Peccerillo ve Taylor, S, R., 1976, Geochemistry of Eocene calkalcaline volcanic rocks from the Kasta¬monu area, Northern Turkey: Cont. Mineral. Pet¬rology, 58, 63-81.

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  • Şengör, M.C., Satır, M. ve Akkök, R., 1984, Timing of tectonic events in the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey. Implications for tectonic evolution and evidence for Pan-African basement in Turkey: Tec¬tonics, vol. 3, no.7, 693-707.

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  • Mineralogic Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation of the Çiftehan (Niğde) Volcanoes
    Fikret İşler
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    Abstract: Pyroclastics exposed in the northern and northeastern parts of Çiftehan, present a complex structure together with alteratedbasaltic and andesitic volcanics. Pyroclastics were generally formed as tuff, agglomerate and volcanic breccia and intersected by trachyteand basaltic dikes extending in the east-west direction.According to their mineralogical composition, the volcanics wich are generally spilitized are of calkalkaline character. Their regionalsetting and major and some trace element constituahts show that the volcanics could be produced from a maturated island arc volcanism.

  • tuff

  • agglomerate

  • volcanic breccia

  • agglomerate

  • Ateş, M.Z., 1985, Esendemir tepe (Koçak-UlukışlaÇiftehan) Demir skarn yatağı metalojenik incelemesi, Ç.Ü.Fen Bilimleri Enst.Jeoloji Müh. (Master Tezi) Adana, (yayınlanmış).

  • Baş, H., Ayhan, A. ve Atabey, E., 1986, UlukışlaÇamafdı (Niğde) Volkanitlerinin Bazı petrolojik ve jeokimyasal özelliklen. Jeo.Müh.Derg. 26, 27-34.

  • Billor, M.Z., 1986, Kayserilinin Dere (Çiftehan) Dolayının cevherleşmesi ve volkanitlerin jeokimyasal incelenmesi, Ç.Ü. Fen Bilim.Ens. Jeoloji Müh.Böl. Adana, (Master tezi), (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Çalapkulu, F., 1980, Horoz Granodiyoritinin jeolojik incelenmesi, Türkiye Jeol.Bült. 23,59-68.

  • Demirtaşlı, E., Bilgin, A.Z., Erenler, F., Işıklar, S., Sanlı, D., Selim, M., Turhan, N., 1973, Bolkar dağlarının jeolojisi, Cumhuriyetin 50. yılı Yerbilimleri Kong. M.T.A. yayını.

  • Garcia, M., 1978, Criteria of the ancient volcanic arcs. Earth Sci. Rev., 14, 147-165.

  • Irvine, T.N. and Baragar, W.R.A., 1971, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Canad.J.Earth Sc, 8,523-548.

  • Miyashiro, A., 1975, Classification, characteristics and origin of ophiolites. Journal of Gvol., 83, 249-281.

  • Oktay, F.Y., 1982, Ulukışla ve Çevresinin Stratigrafisi ve jeolojik Evrimi. Türkiye Jeol.Bült. 25, 15- 24.

  • Şişman, A.N. ve Şenocak, M.H., 1981, Bolkardağ yöresinin jeolojisi ve Maden Yatakları, M.T.A. Rap.No 1790. 58 s. (yayınlanmamış).

  • Tatar, M., 1987, Koçak köyü Cipcip dere (NiğdeUlukışla) Demir-Bakır cevherleşmesinin metalojenisi, Ç.Ü.Fen Bilim.Enst. Jeoloji Müh.Böl. Master Tezi, Adana, (Yayınlanmamış).

  • Petrochemical Investigation of the Çavdar-Demirtepe (Söke-Aydın) Iron Ore Body
    İlyas Özkan Nuhoğlu
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    Abstract: Çavdar-Demirtepe iron ore body is situated 26 km. Southheast of Söke-Aydın. It is the most important iron ore body in theMenderes massif.Lithological formations of the basement are para origin in the investigated area. Original sedimentary rocks were sandstones, mudstone,and argillaceous sandstones. Schists and gneisses were formed by metamorphoses of these rock units.In all rock formations mineralizations (disseminated, highly disseminated and massive kinds) were formed under similar conditions.

  • Menderes massif

  • iron

  • mudstone

  • Aydın

  • Schist

  • gneisses

  • Akkök, R., 1982; Menderes masifinin Alaşehir yöresindeki gnays ve şistlerinin jeokimyası, TÜBİTAK yaym no 522.

  • Başarır, E., 1970; Bafa gölü doğusunda kalan Menderes masifi güney kanadının jeolojisi ve petrografisi, E.Ü. İlmi raporlar serisi no 102.

  • Başarır, E.,1975, Çine güneyindeki metamorfitlerin petrografisi ve bireysel indeks minerallerinin doku içerisindeki gelişimleri, Doçentlik tezi yayınlanmamış, E.Ü. Fen.Fak.

  • Başarır, E.,1982, Bağarası (Söke) bölgesindeki metamorfik kayaçlarm tektonik konumu ve petrografisi, Doğa Bil. Der. Cilt 6.

  • Brinkmann,R.,1966, Geotektonische Gliderung von West Anatolien: MTA Dergisi 66,61-74.

  • Gracıansky, P. de, 1965 a ; Menderes masifinin güney kıyısı boyunca (Türkiye`nin güneybatısı) gnayslarının metamorfizması hakkında açıklamalar, M.T.A. Dergi no 64, s. 8-21

  • Gracıansky, P. de,1965 b ; Menderes masifi (Türkiye`nin güneybatısı) metamorfik kayaçlanndaki grenaların yapısı hakkında, M.T.A. Dergi no 65 s. 11-20

  • Gracıansky, P. de, 1966 ; Le symetrie des feldpaths potasique dans les gneiss du massif de Menderes (Asie mineure), Bull. Soc. Française de Mineralogie et de Cristalographie, Tome LXXXDC, s. 362-366

  • LA Roche, H. de., 1972, Revue sommare de quelques diyagrammes chimico-mineralogiques pour I1 etude des associations igneessou sedimantaries et de leurs derives metamorphiques, Sciences de la Terre. Totne XVTT. No 1-2. s. 34-45

  • Holdhus , S., 1971, Para amphibolite from Gurskey and Sadsoy Sunmore West Norvey, Nosk. Geo., vol. 68 s. 1169-1172

  • lzdar,K. E. 1969 ; Menderes kristalin masifi kuzey kısmının jeolojik yapısı, petrografisi ve metamorfizması hakkında, Doçentlik tezi E.Ü. Fen Fak.

  • öztunalı , O. 1965 ; Demirtepe-çavdar-Osmankuyu-Kisir (Çine) masifi zuhurlarının petrografileri ve oluşumları, M.T.A. Der.No 65, s.109-112

  • Schuılıng , R.D. 1958 ; Menderes Masifine ait bir gözlü gnays üzerinde zirkon etüdü, M.T.A. Der.No 51, s.38-41

  • Schuılıng , R.D.1962 ; On petrology, age and structure of the Menderes migmatite complex, M.T.A. Bull. No 58, s. 71-84

  • Scotford , D. M. 1968 Ödemiş-Beydağ güneyinde yapılan jeolojik bir inceleme, M.T.A yayınlanmamış.

  • Stanton , R.L. 1976 ; Regional metamorphism of banded iron formations and their immediate associates, Ins. Min.Metall, Trans.Sect. B 85, May. 118-131

  • Stavrov O. D. 1971 ; Ore content in granite and the geochemistry of Rubidium Geochemistry (USSR) English Transl. 8 s. 739-754

  • Tolluoğlu, A.Ü. 1981 ; Mutki (Bitlis) yöresi metamorfitlerinin petrografisi/petroloji, Yük.Müh. Tezi H.Ü. yayınlanmamış.

  • The North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea, in the Light of Marine Seismic Reflection Data
    Rebii Güven Özhan
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    Abstract: The seismic data elucidated especially the Upper Miocene and Plio-Quatemary units in detail. However, the deep seismicinformation is not so clear because of acoustic masking of the evaporitic high velocity layers.In the both Antalya and Mersin Basins the evaporitic units, which are seen locally in the shape of diapiric features, are marked by theboundary of the non-evaporitic units where laterally change occurs.The seismic data suggest that the Antalya and Mersin Basins are controled technically by the vertical movements. Especially, thesubsidence has played a main role and, novadays, that is still active.Several opinions have been proposed by the authors, concerning the evolution of those basins. In general, the region doesn`t fit in withan ideal plate tectonic`s model, so the opinions remain controversial. 

  • evaporit

  • Antalya

  • Mersin Basins

  • Upper Miocene

  • Allan, T.D., Morelli, C, 1971, A geophysical study of the Mediterranean Sea: Boll. Geofis, Teor Appl, 13, 50, 99-142.

  • Biju-Duval, B., Dercourt, J., Lepichon, X., 1976, La genese de la Mediterranee: La Recherche, 7, 811- 822.

  • Biju-Duval, B., Letouzey, J., Montadert, L., 1978, Structure and evolution of the Mediterranean Basins: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 42-A, 951-984.

  • Boztaş, M., 1978 a, İçel-Gülnar-Akkuyu, far distance seismic studies: Rep, MTA, 18 s.

  • Boztaş, M., 1978 b, İçel-Gülnar-Akkuyu, Offshore fault investigation with high resolution reflection technique: Supp-Rep, MTA, 3 s,

  • Lort, J. M., Limond W.Q., Gray, F., 1974, Preliminary seismic studies in the Eastern Mediterranean: Eart planetsc Let, 21, 355-366

  • Jackson J., Me Kenzie, D., 1983, Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan Belt between western Turkey and Pakistan: Bullard Lab. Madingley Rise; Camb. CB 3 OEZ.

  • özhan, G., 1980, Les gites petrofiferes en Mediterranee et en Mer Noire, et methods de prospection adaptees: These de Docteur Ingenieur, Fac dessci et Tech. Un. de Nice, 17-25

  • Özhan, G., 1983, Geological outline of the Gulf of Antalya in the Light of the offshore geophysical data: Rapp Comm int Mer Medit, 28, 4, 183.

  • Sancho, J., Letouzey J., Biju-Duval, B., Courrier, P., Montadert, L., Winnock, E., 1973, New data on the Eastern Mediterranean Basin from seismic reflection: Earth Planet Sc Let, 18, 189- 204

  • Shackleton Cruises, 1972-1974, Geophysical Data Report of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Bullard Lab Cambridge University, 225 s.

  • Vogt, P. R., Higgs, R. H., 1969, An aeoromağnetic survey of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and its interpretation: Earth Planet sc Let, 5, 939- 948.

  • Woodside, J. M., 1976, Regional vertical tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geophys. J. R., Astr Soc, 47, 493-514

  • Woodside, J. M. 1977, Tectonic element and crust of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Mar. Geophy Resh, 3, 317-354.

  • Analysis of the Tectonic Problems of Western Anatolian with the Gravity Data
    Zafer Akçiğ
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    Abstract: Up to now the various evolution models have been put forward for the Western Anatolia from the interpretations of geological, sesismological and remote sensing data. Here, a new probable model was proposed from the results of the data analysis and theoretical model studies over the Bouguer gravity data where the older models were examined too.The faulting mechanisms for the Western Anatolia were obtained to be belong to the faults of having vertical and strike-slip componentes of a region of typical tensional tectonics as being determined from teh earthguake focal mechanism solutions. After the dataanalysis processe, the gravity data show a general increase in values from east to west where this is indicative of upper matle uplift towards the Aegean Sea and the crust is being 30 km thick on average unden the Aegean Sea while it reahes about 35-40 km determinedfrom the power spectrum evaluations have been thought to have connections with the magmatic intrusions and this proposal has beensupported with the magnetic data. The region which hs manya geophysical signatures belongs to the typical tensional continental areas,shows resemblances with the Basin and Range region of North America of having similar characteristics.When all the available data being interpreted together, a probable evolution model of the Western Anatolia would be assumed tobe progressed according to the N-S tensional tectonics. According to the above evolution model, the grabens of Gediz and B Mendereswere thought to be formed ak E-W trending continental rift systems

  • Western Anatolia

  • remote sensing

  • normal fault

  • Gediz

  • Allan, T.D. ve Morelli, C, 1971, A geophysical study of the Mediterranean Sea : Bui. Geofis. Teor. Appl. , 13, 99-141.

  • Alkan, G. , 1979, Batı-Güneybatı Türkiye`nin depremselliği : Ege Üniv. Yerbil. Fak. Jeofizik Böl. , Bitirme çalışması, 30 s.

  • Alptekin, ö. , 1973, Focal mechanisms of earthquakes in Western Turkey and their implications : Ph. D. thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro, New Mexico, 95 s.

  • Arpat, E. ve Bingöl, E. , 1969, Ege bölgesi graben sistemi üzerine düşünceler : MTA Enst. Der. , 73, 1-9

  • Bingöl, E. , 1976 Batı Anadolu`nun jeotektonik evrimi : MTA Enst. Der. , 86, 14-34.

  • Cermak, V. , 1977, Heat flow map of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region : Geothermal Energy and Volcanism of the Mediterranean Area, Athens, Oct. 1976, Vol. 1, Geothermal Energy, 149- 168.

  • Condie, K.C. , 1976, Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution : Pergamon Press, Inc. , New York, 310 s.

  • Darracott, B.W. , Fairhead, J.D. ve Girdler, R. W. , 1972, Gravity and magnetic surveys in Northern Tanzania and Southern Kenya : Tectonophys. , 15, 131- 141.

  • Dewey, J.F. ve Şengör, A.M.C. , 1979, Aegean and surrounding regiins: Complex multiplate and continuum tectonics in a convergent zone : Geol. Soc. of America Bull. , Part I, 90, 84-92.

  • Dülger, A. , 1980; Ege Bölgesi havadan manyetik haritasının analitik uzanım ve türev yöntemleriyle kalitatif yönden analizi : Ege Üniv. Yerbil. Fak. Jeofizik Böl. , Bitirme çalışması, 97 s.

  • Eaton, G.P. diğ. , 1978, Regional gravity and tectonic patterns : Their relation to late Cenozoic epirogeny and lateral Spreading in the Western Cordillera : Geol. Sock. America Memoir, 152, 51-91.

  • Ergin, K. , 1966, Türkiye depremleri episantr haritası : İTÜ Yayınları.

  • Ergün, M. , 1977, Magnetic studies in Cyprus and the Biga peninsula : Ph. D. Thesis, University Leicester, England, 222 s.

  • Kaya, O. , 1981, Batı Anadolu alt bindirmesi : Ultramafik birimin ve Menderes Masifi`nin jeolojik konumu : Doğa Bilim Dergisi, Atatürk özel Sayısı, 15-36.

  • Kocaefe, S.S. , 1981, Batı Anadolu aktüel tektoniği ve Ege-Anadolu plakaları arası yapısal ilişkinin saptanması : Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbil. Fak. , Doktora tezi, 160 s.

  • Makris, J.t 1973, Some geophysical aspects of the evolution of the Hellenides : Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 10 (1), 206-213.

  • Makris, J. , 1978, A geophysical study of Greece based on deep seismic sounding, gravity and magnetics : Closs, H. , Roeder, D. ve Schmidt, K. , ed. , Alps, Apennines, Hellenides de, 392-401, E. Schweizerbart`sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgard.

  • Me Kenzie, D.P., 1972, Active tectonics of the AlpinHimalayan Belt : The Aegean sea and surrounding regions : Geophys. Jour. Roy. Astr. Sock. , 5, 217-254.

  • Papazachos, B.C. , 1975, Seismotectonics of the Northern Aeeean area : Tectonoohvsics. 33. 199-209.

  • Pınar, R. , Kaya, O. , Alkan, G. , 1982, Batı Anadolu`nun sismotektonik yorumu : TJK sunusu.

  • Sanver, M. , 1974, Ege Bölgesi havadan manyetik haritasının iki boyutlu filtreler ve istatistik yöntemlerle analizi : İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, Doçentlik tezi, 156 s.

  • Smith, R. B. , Braile, L., Keller, G.R. , 1975, Crustal Low welocity layers : Possible implications of high temperatures at the Basin Range-Colorado Plateau trasition : Earth Planet. Sc. Lett. , 28, 197-204.

  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1982, Ege`nin neotektonik evrimini yöneten etkenler : TJK Batı Anadolu`nun genç tektoniği ve volkanizması paneli, özel Sayısı, 59- 71.

  • Caprinids (Rudist) from the Cenomanien Limestones of the Western Taurus (Turkey)
    Sacit Özer
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    Abstract: In this paper, Caprinids from the Cenomanian limestones of the Westren Taurus, have been determined for the first timein Turkey. 12 left valve sections of Caprina schiosensis species, have simple, oval-shaped canals in the palial canal area. These canalsare narrow in posterior part, but large in anterior part. The dorsal part and cardinal area of 4 right valve sections of Neocaprina sp., havenot been preserved. The anterior accessory canals are large, rectangular ; the posterior accessory canals are small, oval or rectangular. Theanterior shell wall is without canals. Ventral caren is present. 2 valve sections of Ichthyosarcolites sp. are triangular in shape, carenshave not been developed. 

  • Westren Taurus

  • Neocaprina sp.

  • Caprinid

  • Ichthyosarcolites sp.

  • Boehm, G.t 1892, Beitrage zur Kentniss der Kreide in den Sud Alpen. Palaeontographica, XLI, 95-147.

  • Carbone, F., Praturlon, A. ve Sıma, G., 1971, The Cenomanian shelf-edge facies of Rocca di Cave (Prestini Mts. Latium). Geol. Romana, X, 141-142.

  • özgül.N., 1976, Toroslar`m bazı temel jeoloji özelliklen. TJ.K. Bült., 19, 65-78.

  • Parona. C.F., 1908, Per uno studio sulle Caprinidi dei calcari di Scogliera. Reale Accad. dei Lincei, VII, 9-16.

  • Plenicar, M., 1960, Stratigrafski razvoj krednih plasti na juznem Primorskem in Notranjskem. Geologija Razprave, 6, 44-45.

  • Plcnicvar, M., 1963, Caprinidae and the genus Radiolitella from the Cretaceous strata of Southwestern Slovenia. Razprave, VII, 583.

  • Poisson, A., 1977, Recherches geologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie). These, 795 s.

  • Polsak, fA., Macrofaune cretacee de l`lstrie meridionale (Yugoslavie). Paleont. Jugosl. , 8, 39-49.

  • Praturlon, A. ve Sirna , G., 1976, Ulteriori dati sul mar gine Cenomaniano della plattaforma Laziali Abruzzesi. Geol. Romana, XV, 97-99.

  • Sirna, G., 1982, Quelques Rudistes cenomanies du Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicile). Geol. Romana, 11, 81.

  • The Remain of Fossil Hippopotamus Mandibula Found at Reşadiye Region (Muğla Turkey)
    Vahdet Tuna
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    Abstract: In this research, the. remain of right mandibular fragment with M2, M3 in, situ of Hippopotamus which was found atReşadiye are investigated. As a result .of this research» it is. justified, that this teeth belonge to Hippopotamus, amphibius. LINNAEUS ofPliyo-Pleistocene age.

  • Hippopotamus

  • Pleistocene

  • Reşadiye

  • Hippopotamus, amphibius

  • Arambourg, C, 1947,, Contribution, a İ`etııde geologique du bassın dü Lac Rudolphe et de la Basse Vallee de I`Omo (Miss.ion Scientifique de l`Omo» Tl.,, fasc.3): Editions du museum, Paris, 314- 335.

  • Arambourg, C, ve .Arnold» M., 1949, Note sur les fouilles paleontologiques executees en 1947-48 et 1949 dans le gişeme/U Villafranchien de la Garaet Ichkeul : Bull.SocSc.nat. Tu.ni.sie, 11,3-4, p.149.

  • Arambourg, C, 1.962. Les faunes mammalogiq`ues du Pleistocene circummediterranean : Quaternaria, VI, 97-109.

  • Arambourg,C, 1970,, Les Vertebres du Pleistoncene -de. 1`Afirique du Nord :ExtraitfJ,8-14-l 8-20-22.

  • Cooke, H.B.S., 1949, Trie fossil Suina of South Africa : Trans. Roy. SocS.Afir., vol. XXXII» Pan I . pp.3-6.

  • Cooke,H.B.S., 1955, Some fossil mammals in the South African Museum collections : The Annals of the South. African Museum.-XLn, 3, 164-166.,

  • Kökten.K., 1964» Die Stellung von Karain innerhalb der Turki.sch.en vorgeschicte : Türk Tarih Kurumu. Dergisi, 6,66.

  • Melentis, J.K., 1969, Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechenlands. 1 6. Die pleistozSne saugetierefauna d&s Beckens von Ha.liaknn.on (Griec`henlend): Ann.Gedl.Pays.Hellen., 247 ,,259-261.

  • Ozansoy,F., 1957.» Türkiye Tersiyer Memeli Faunaları ve Slratigrafik revizyonları : MTA Enstitüsü Dergisi, 49; 19.

  • Ozansoy, F.., 1965,,, Etude des gisements condnentaux et des mammiferes du Cenozoique de Turqui : Mem.Soc.Geol.de, vol.85, New York.

  • Sondaar, P.Y. ve Boekschoten,G.J., 1967. Quaternary mammals .in the South Aegean. Island. Arc; with noted on other fossil mammals from the coastal legions of the J4editeiranean.II: Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings. Series B,70,No.S,565-566.

  • Zbyszewski» G.t 1950, Les restes dUippopotame et de Cerfs d`Algoz : Separata do tomo XXXI» 4-6.» 11-12.

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