- 1979
Abstract: The structural setting the general stratigraphy of the Antalya nappes complex are described Particular attention is given on the topic of the Triassic evolution. The epibaikalian paleozoic-eotriassic bassement isinitiated in middle Triassic time is general during the rest of the Triassic epoch. This block faulting processus iswell documented by several field evidence. This geodynamic event is in close relation with the early stage of riftingcorresponding in this part of the alpine system with the birth of a new oceanic realm: the alpine Neotethys.Finally a palinspastic reconstruction is proposed.
Abstract: Formations age of Paleozoic Mesozoic in the south northwest, ophiolitic melange age ofMesozoic in the North Northeast, as basement formations, sediments overlaying them age of Eocene Miocene crop out in the investigation area which is named as Mut-Silifke-Ermenek basin.Paleozoic Mesozoic aged formations have intervals having the characteristics of source rocks, reservoir rocks cap rocks. Oil shows occur in these formations, to the east west of the basin. Structural traps are to be important in those parts of the basin.Miocene sedimentation started under continental conditions, but marine environment dominated toward the of the epoch. Sediments deposited during Miocene epoch are only slightly deformed they preserve their initialsubhorizental positions over large areas. Stratigraphic traps are expected to be important in these Tertiary areas,particularly where the reef limestones are covered by younger units.
Abstract: Rocks of different age variable facies crop out in the Lâdik - Destek region. The oldest of theserocks are the crystalline schists, as either Mesozoic / Precambrian. The appropriate age, however, should be at leastolder than Permian, since the limestones of Permian age overlie the schists whit an angular unconformity.Paleozoic in the region is represented by the Permian limestones typical eugeosynclinal rocks of Liassic lie overPermian rocks with another angular unconformity. Dogger does not exist, instead the liassic rocks are unconformablyoverlain by the limestones of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age.In the research area, flysch. Limestone, flysch with volcanic contributions constitute the dominant faciesof the lower levels of Upper Cretaceous (Cenomenian-Turonian), Senonian - Maastrichtian respectively. These unitsdisplay a conformable relationship. Interrelations of the rocks of this region indicate the occurrence of a gradualtransgression throughout the mesozoic Era.Tertiary comprises the formations of marine - originated volcanic Lutatian continental Neogene.
Abstract: The middle eastern Aegean depression is formed by vertical displacements along the NB- to N-trending structural planes inherited from pre-Neogene time. On the west - east the depression is bounded by Karaburun-Midilli Menderes structural highs, respectively. From west to east it is divided in Foça depression, Yamanlar high, Akhisar depression, which constitute individual assemblages of tectonic-stratigraphic segments. Thefill of the middle eastern Aegean depression is composed of successively reoccuring sediments volcanic products.The rock units are mostly separated by erosional planes exhibit overlap onlap relationships on boundingstructural highs. The thickest lower portion of the Neogene succession is restricted to the Foça depression; theuppermost portion occupies both the Foça, Akhisar depressions. During the Neogene, the NE- to N-trending structural-stratigraphic segments have been fragmented by NW- toWNW-trending faults. Both NE- to N-, NW- to WNW-trending structural lines were continuously acted ashinges. WNW- to W-trending structural features are lately formed characterized by southward tilted fault-blocks.Their E-W extensions are limted by NE- to N-trending structures.The absence of gradation between the NE- to N-trending (Miocene-Pliocene), NW- to WNW-trending (MiocenePliocene) WNW- to W-trending (?Pliocene-Quaternary) structural-stratigraphic systems suggest the different driving tectonic forces. The middle eastern Aegean depression seems to be a particular rift system with major linearityof NE-N direction. In the Quaternary surficial aqueous deposition, contemporary deformation, structural morphological evolution have been controlled affected by hinge lines inherited from Neogene. To geophysical criteriathe depression preserves its characteristics of rift structure.
Abstract: In the study area mainly three units crop out. These are metamorphic rocks "Tokat Massif", ophioliticmelange pelagic limestones. The last unit that is pelagic limestones which are alternated with turbidite sandstones, overly unconformably the other two units, which were previously mentioned, The first the second unitshave been termed as the basement rocks; the last unit has been termed as the cover rock.The cover rock, especially in the lower parts of it, contains monogenic heterogenic olistostromes whosecomponents deriving from the basement rocks. These olistostromes have been termed as Çördük Olistostromes. Çördük Olistostromes cover rock, which contains them are Campanian-Maestrichtian age.The presence of the ophiolitic melange olistostromes in the cover rock suggests a subduction of plate theemplacement of ophiolitic melange before Campanian-Maestrichtian; then the cover rock has started to depositon the consuming plate, the olistostromes have formed; finally, one side of the basin has raised continuously duringthe geologic evolution of the region.
Abstract: The topic of this study is the conglomerates consisting of large size components, 320 m thick having11 km lateral extent, observed in flysch type sediments in the NE of Nallıhan, The unit consists of only limestone metamorphic rock fragments, includes approximately 10% matrix; normal inverse gradation is frequentlyobserved. The size of constituents gets smaller from west to east from base to top. Grain orientation is verynoticeable parallel to outcrop continuity. It was assumed that this resedimented conglomerate had been formedby debris flow.
Abstract: The most important part of the Upper Cretaceous limestone sequence cropping out on the Seben town,has turbiditic character. The shallow sea carbonate clastics, which mixed with pelagic muds transported with turbidcurrents, resedimented on the abissal plain.Determined samples shows the existence of four different llmestones occurence in the region. 1) Nongraded Iimestone (inclucling lime ball), 2) Graded limestones, 3) Laminated lfmestones, 4) Pelagic limestones with volcanicpartlcules.Carbonate noncarbonate turbidites alternate in the one part of the laminated beds. Small scale sedimentarystructures are seen very widely in these beds. They are load casts, brush mark, volcaneous sands cross laminations.
Abstract: Rocks representative of three distinct metamorphic events P/T environments are recognised in theBilecik - Söğüt area. In the earliest phase the rocks of ophiolitic assemblage have undergone a progressivemetamorphism forming a gradual transformation from non-metamorphic to amphibolite. The district has been dividedin four distinct metamorphic zones proceeding from SB to NW. In a later phase a relatively high-pressure, low temperature metamorphism retrograded the earlier effects. This new phase was restricted to the occurrence of alkaliamphibole in the area mapped, but eastward formed typical blueschist facies mineral assemblages. In the last phase,tectonic juxtaposition of two groups of rocks of contrasting environments caused dynamic metamorphism, producedvarious degrees of cataclasis along a narrow belt.In this paper, the mineralogical data phase changes have been focused on, an attemp has been made todeduce orogenic implications from different lines of evidence including petrographic, structural field observations.
Abstract: Paleozoic formations of the Bozüyük - Söğüt (Bilecik) area are called Bozüyük metamorphites. Of the rock unitswhich comprise this formation, orthogneiss, greenschist, glaueophane schists are of ortho mica-schists are of para origin.These are formed by regional metamorphism of clay, sand, granitic intrusion products within the region.
Abstract: In this study, characteristics conditions of metamorphism in the metamorphic series around Ödemiş-Bayındır-Turgutlu region (northern part of Menderes Massive, Western Turkey) has been investigated usingtypical index minerals.The area consists mainly of sericite-chloride quartzites, schists biotite-garnet schists, calc schists, kyanite -staurolite schists, amphibolites, gneisses, marbles belonging to greenschists, amphibolite facies a third transitional facies between the two.Metamorphic conditions estimated to vary between 3.5-6.5 kbar 4(KL700°C. Geological petrographical workshows the presence of migmatites partial anatexitic rocks outcropping at different parts of the study area.Four different occurences of silUmanite has been found in four different, localities. Rather rare andalusite-staurolite-chloritold andalusite-staurolite paragenesis occur in the northwest part of the massif.
Abstract: Samples of sulfide minerals from Karakoca (Simav-Kütahya) lead.zinc deposit give S34S values rangingfrom +5,85 to +7,91 per mil. The narrow spread of the values their closeness to zero per mil indicates amagmatic hydrothermal origin for sulfur.
Abstract: The formations of Campanian-Lutetian age are exposed in the region of Haymana, SW of Ankara. These formationsof about 5000 m thickness are represented lithologically by conglomerates, sandstones, shales, marls a veriety of limestones.The formations named by Yüksel (1970) as Haymana, Kavak, Çaldağ, Kadıköy, Gedik, Karahoca, Çayraz were sampled, 107 Nannoplankton species have been distinguished in the samples collected. By means of these Nannoplankton forms that thefollowing biozones have been defined in the area studied: Tetralithus gothicus, Tetralithus trifidus, Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis,Lithraphidites quadratus, Cruciplaculithus tenuis, Chiasmolithus danicus, Ellipsolithus macellus, Fasciculithus tympaniformis,Heliolithus kleinpelli, Discoaster gemmeus, Discoaster multiradiatus, Marthasterites contortus, Discoaster binodosus, Marthasteritestribrachiatus, Discoaster lodoensis, Discoaster sublodoensis. These zones of the research area were correlated with the other regions, their compatiblity with the planktonic Foraminifera zones described there were proved. Moreover, an environmental interpretation based on the Nannoplankton species is also provided here.
Abstract: 33 simples obtained from the drill holes in the Kütahya-Tunçbilek basin, were studied palinologically, 21 genera 48 types were determined. The spores pollens in the coal beds are of Tertiary types Upper Miocene age is assigned by the presence of young pollens. The drill holes were correlated to each other bythe aid of dominant types as a result 4 biozones were distinguished.1-Monocolpopollenites trachycarpoides biozone: DH: 12 between 211.20-212.10 meters, Polyvestibulopoilenitesverus Manoeolpopollenites trachycarpoides constitute the 75% of the pollen assemblage.2 -Triatriopoilenites coryphaeus biozone: DH: 5, DH: 7. The first occurrence of the coal has been recordedat this zone, Triatriopoilenites coryphaeus present in considerable abundance.3-Polyvestibulopollenites veins biozone: This zone is seen in all drill holes characterized by Polyvestibulopollenites verus also Laevigatosporites haardti Pityosporites microalatus as well.4-Matriopollenites coryphaeus biozone: This biozone is observed in DH: 5, DH: 7 characterized bythe presence of the youngest coal occurrence.The climate during the formation of the coal was characteristic of the Mediterranean climate was determined bythe plants spore-pollen which au related with them.
Abstract: Suoid fossils, the subject matter of our study, have been found in the Neogene deposits of Turkey.These fossils have been investigated under the two separate headings of "Vindobonien" "Vallesian-Turolian" faunas.As well of the Suidae -Tayassuiade of Miocene, Pliocene age, a new species (Taucanamo inonuensis nov)has been described.
Abstract: The vertebrate fauna of Çalta contains 3 species of Amphibia, 10 species of Reptilia, 1 species of Aves 27 species of Mammalia, The age this rich fauna is Upper Pliocene. The main subject of this paper focalizeson Amphibia, Reptilia. The first class is represented by Pelobates sp., Bufo cf. viridis Kana sp., the second oneby Testudo sp., Scincidae, Lacertidae, Ophisaurus sp., Varanus marathonensis, Amphisbaenidae, Eryx sp., Colubridae Palaeonaja sp. Çalta is the first deposit containing remains of Cenozoic Batracians Reptiles in the, area ofEastern Mediterranean. Specific elements of Maghreb Squamate fauna entered to Africa from via Eastern Mediterranean. Anatolia was located on the path of these traveling species on their way to Africa. The Çalta deposit, therefore,represents an important landmark in the history of Peri-Mediterranean Squamates of Çalta, like those of MoroccanNeogene, suggest that the penetration of Eurasian elements in Africa oecured gradually during the pliocene.