Kaan Beker
Cemal Tunoğlu
İbrahim Kadri Ertekin
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Abstract: The study area is located in the southern part of the Central Anatolia Neogene Basin (north of Karapınar Town andAcı Göl, Konya). The İnsuyu Limestone Unit, which has a total thickness of 100-400 m, is composed of claystone,sandstone, conglomerate and chert. There are also andezite and pyroclastic interclations within İnsuyu limestone.The claystone layers of this unit are white to pink in color and contain abundant Ostracoda and a few fresh waterGastropoda. In this study, 160 samples from 8 stratigraphic sections were collected but only samples havinglimestone lithology contained ostracods. A total of 16 ostracods taxa (11 previously known and five belonging toopen nomenclature) are systematically described asCyprideis pannonica, C. torosa, Ilyocypris gibba, I. bradyi,Candona neglecta, C. candida, C. altoides, C. decimai, Pseudocandona compressa, Heterocypris salina,Zonocypris membranea, Ilyocypris sp.1 sp.2, sp. and sp.Based on this Ostracoda fauna, the age of this unit is assigned as Pliocene-Early Pleistocene. This fauna indicates afew brackish but dominantly fresh water conditions in a lacustrine environment.
Fresh water Ostracoda
İnsuyu Limestone Unit
Pliocene-Early Pleistocene
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Beker, K , Tunoğlu, C , Ertekin, İ . (2008). Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene Ostracoda Fauna from İnsuyu Limestone (Karapınar-Konya/Central Turkey) and its Paleoenvironmental Implications / Pliyosen-Pleyistosen Yaşlı İnsuyu Kireçtaşı`nın Ostrakod Faunası (Karapınar-Konya/İç Anadolu, Türkiye) ve Eski Ortamsal Yorumu . Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni , 51 (1) , 1-32 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28396/301677
Muhsin Eren
Meryem Y. Kaplan
Selahattin Kadir
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the industrial raw material potential of the Lower Liassic dolomites (DibekliMember of Cehennemdere Formation) in the Aydıncık (Mersin) area. The properties of Lower Liassic dolomitesare based on the Pirencik Tepe, Erenler Tepe and Soğuksu location measured stratigraphic sections.Mineralogical and chemical compositions of the dolomite samples were determined by petrographic, X-raydiffraction (XRD) and ICP-ES analyses. Petrographic examinations revealed the presence of three types ofdolomites. These are: (1) very fine to fine crystalline dolomite (T1) with a size of predominantly 13-26 m, (2) coarsecrystalline dolomite (T2) with a size of predominantly 65-130 m and (3) dolomite cement (T3). Among these, T1 and T2-type dolomites are widespread, and have importance as an industrial raw material. XRD analysesdemonstrated that most samples contain predominantly dolomite, secondary calcite and accessory quartzminerals. ICP-ES analyses indicated that first type-dolomites (T1) have on average 20.76 % MgO, 31.10 % CaO,1.59 % SiO +Al O and second type-dolomites (T2) have on average 21.44 % MgO, 31.42 % CaO and 0.63 %SiO + Al O . These data indicate that the Lower Liassic dolomites can be utilized as raw materials in industry.
Lower Liassic
Industrial Raw Material
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Yeşilot, M., 2005. Aydıncık (Mersin) yöresi Alt Liyas yaşlı dolomitlerin kökeni. Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mersin, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 44 s. (yayınlanmamış).
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Eren, M , Kaplan, M , Kadir, S . (2008). Aydıncık (Mersin) Yöresi Alt Liyas Dolomitlerinin Endüstriyel Hammadde Potansiyeli / The Industrial Raw Material Potential of Lower Liassic Dolomites in the Aydıncık (Mersin) Area . Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni , 51 (1) , 33-42 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tjb/issue/28396/302536
Bülent Akil
Kemal Akpinar
Candan Üçkardeşler
Ali Hakan Araz
Murat Sağlam
Buket Yararbaş Ecemiş
Şeyma Belma Uran
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Abstract: The settlement area of Gölbaşı (Adıyaman) is located on the active East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ). Due to itshigh population and high earthquake risk, in assessing its suitability for settlement, the soil properties of this townhave to be evaluated in detail. In this study, the geological-geotechnical properties of an area which is unsuitablefor the settlement are investigated. The evaluation of alluvium and swamp soil forming the settlement area ofGölbaşı town were done in order to assess its suitability for settlement, based on the data obtained from boreholes,geophysics and laboratory studies. As a result of these data, the Gölbaşı settlement area was divided in twodifferent measured areas in terms of its suitability for settlement. These are classified as ÖA1 where alluvium soiloccurs and as ÖA2 where swamp soil occurs.
East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ)
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